People who don't like him will say he is pretending.

But those who knew him knew that he was such a character.

But after watching it for a while, the audience was a little confused.

Because Wang Heng does not seem to have a clear direction and goal, on the contrary, it is a bit like going wherever he thinks.

This made many people have doubts in their hearts, and they didn't understand what Wang Heng wanted to do.

On the other side, Ye Han was leading Su Xiaoqi back.

I also picked some artichokes on the way. I haven't gotten tired of this stuff yet, but the number has been decreasing.

"I don't know if there are artichokes growing on Bisheng Mountain."

"I feel like there will be."

Ye Han thought to himself.

Unconsciously, it was noon, and Ye Han had already seen the bamboo building in front of him.

came back!

As usual, Su Xiaoqi began to clean up, while Ye Han checked the situation of the animals at home.

The last time I came back, a rabbit died, which made Ye Han very distressed.

This time, it was nothing. The animals were all doing well. There was no accidental death, no sickness, and no beasts came to attack.

After all, this area has been thoroughly cleaned up by Ye Han, and there will be no unsightly things coming to make trouble.

"Everything is normal, take a rest today, and go to the beach tomorrow to eat oysters and lotus root slices."

Ye Han came to the stream, greeted Su Xiaoqi, and started to take a bath.

Of course, the live broadcast was turned off, and the audience could only see Su Xiaoqi busy in the kitchen.

In three days, there are enough cobwebs in the kitchen, and there are some dust and other things that need to be cleaned up.

"It's time to eat, boss!"

The smell of food wafted out of the kitchen, and there was Su Xiaoqi's call.

Ye Han changed into clean clothes and felt refreshed. He came to the kitchen and sat down to eat.

"After dinner, shave me."

"Then you also take a bath, and when you're done, get ice cream for you to eat."

Ye Han opened his mouth, making Su Xiaoqi smile happily.

I can eat ice cream again. The happiest day is when I eat ice cream!

"I just saw that the little lambs at home are getting fatter, and they are fatter than each other."

"When there is a big harvest in Bisheng Mountain one day, I will kill a lamb and make it into a roasted whole lamb to eat."

Ye Han said while eating.

Perhaps this is the legend of life and death.

With just one word from Ye Han, the fate of a lucky little lamb was decided.

"Okay, okay, I'll bake it for you!"

"At that time, you can also cook a pot of lamb offal soup, add lamb bone sticks, lamb blood or something."

Su Xiaoqi has already started to think about how to cook.

Again, a moment of silence for the poor lamb.

Viewers said that the corners of their mouths had already shed tears for the lamb.

"Roast whole lamb! I've always wanted to eat it, but I can't bear it."

"It's usually more suitable for a family to eat roast whole lamb. I'm out all the year round, and I don't have any friends, so I can't finish it if I buy it."

"Last time I went to my wife's house to meet my parents, and my father-in-law invited me to eat roast whole lamb. What kind of treatment do you think this is?"

"I suggest Ye Han to kill the sheep now. Isn't it a big gain to get a piece of rough jadeite? Don't we need to celebrate?"

"That may not be worth it. The rough jadeite is not worth a penny on the island."

"Someone has withdrawn!!!"

The big guy was chatting in Ye Han's live broadcast room, and someone said that some players have withdrawn from the competition!

This immediately attracted a lot of attention.

The picture came to Fabrizio and Gian.

The person who retired was Fabrizio, Zhu Chuan's brain-dead fan. He had pressed the distress button and waited for the program team to pick him up.

Next to him is Ji'an, Ji'an's face is very ugly now, and his heart is very tangled.

He wanted to stop Fabrizio from withdrawing, but he couldn't, and Fabrizio was very rebellious. The more he persuaded Fabrizio, the more Fabrizio wanted to retire!

In fact, the two of them hadn't had a full meal for several days. After drinking a pot of tasteless broth last night, they had no food until noon today.

Fabrizio couldn't bear it anymore and chose to retire!

For his decision, the audience in his country did not blame him. They had already read it and felt that their players did not need to stay and suffer.

Spending more than 130 days on a deserted island has actually reached a limit for many people, especially if there is no food, that is, the body and mind have reached the limit.

So, after making the decision to retire and pressing the distress button, Fabrizio just felt refreshed, relaxed and smiling.

He has already started to think about what to eat when he goes back, and now he feels greedy for everything, even the meals made by his daughter-in-law, whom he has always disliked, are particularly attractive.

Of course, after going back, he will definitely go out to a restaurant to treat himself.

As for Ji'an, he is now in the middle of a war between heaven and man.

Chapter 937 Where Is My Idol?

To be honest, it is not the first time that the audience has seen this kind of scene, and they are already used to it.

In the team, one person wants to retire, and the other person wants to keep going.

During the game, this happened more than once.

So what kind of choice will Ji'an make now?

At present, there is only one Zhang Haoran left in the solo queue on the island, and Zhang Haoran also has a Sirius to accompany him.

Therefore, even if Ji An wants to stick to it alone, it is basically useless and can't stick to it for long.

Might as well just retire and go home now.

The audience knows this, but Ji An doesn't know, how could he know the situation of other players?

But now, he is also thinking about it.

He was thinking, if he continued playing alone, would he be able to persevere?

Intuition tells him that hope is extremely slim.

But if he really retire like this, how could he be reconciled?

For him, this game is a turning point in his life. He regards it as a life-saving straw. He wants to change his life and achieve a counterattack through this game!

If you give up now, can you still complete the counterattack?

Money, he can definitely get a sum, but he doesn't know the exact amount.

How to do?

In the end how to do?

"Jian, just listen to my advice and retire with me."

"I know you want to make more money, so let's do it. The reward money we received is not evenly divided. You are six and I are four."

Fabrizio patted Gian's shoulder and said.

The two have lived together for more than 130 days, and although there have been differences, on the whole they get along fairly well.

At least one person didn't kill the other!

That's not bad.

"no, I'm fine."

"According to the rules, it is divided equally, how can I ask for more?"

Ji An waved his hand to refuse.

In fact, the more money-deficient people are, the more they will care about things like fairness and dignity.

Of course, this trend is becoming rarer these days.

For example, the eighth, in order to become famous, what kind of face do you need?

In today's society, for the sake of money, face is no longer important.

"Oh, you are a dead brain."

"You forgot, someone came to the door long before the game started, wanting to invite us to endorse or something. You will definitely have a lot of opportunities to make money when you go back."

"I'm gone, you won't be able to last long if you stay on your own. You're so hungry that your legs are weak. How can you continue the game? You eat grass roots and tree bark?"

Fabrizio's remarks are not rude, and what he said is very reasonable.

Then he felt that it was not enough, and added another sentence.

"My idol Zhu Chuanqi, he has also received a lot of advertisements. It is not a shame to accept advertisements. How many celebrities have endorsed advertisements."

"I really can't. After I go back, I can lend you a sum of money. You can use it for business or investment. You don't have to worry about returning it to me."

Fabrizio wants to send Buddha to the west.

Hearing these words, Ji An was already moved.

"Okay, I'll think about it."

Ji An once again fell into contemplation.

At the same time, in Zou Ming's home, Zhu Chuan was very anxious.

It's over!

Fabrizio has already decided to retire, and he will know his weight by then.

"Legend, what are you struggling with?"

"Anyway, you will never see this person in your life, so don't care about his opinion."

Zou Ming comforted.

When Zhu Chuan heard it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

Even if this Fabrizio knows that his videos are fake, what can he do?

The sky is high and the emperor is far away, and the two are so far apart that Fabrizio will never find him in his life.

So what are you afraid of?

People live without paying too much attention to what other people think.

Zhu Chuan realized.

At this time on the island, the helicopter had arrived and arrived at the location where the two were.

"Jian, have you made up your mind?"

Fabrizio looked at Gian and asked.

Ji An doesn't leave, but he wants to go home in a helicopter.


"Forget it, let me go too!"

Ji An let out a long sigh, and the two boarded the helicopter together and left the island.

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