Yang Qingqing nodded and fell asleep not long after laying down.

The audience is also very much looking forward to the move of the two.

Jon and Emily, who were on their honeymoon in China, also hoped that the two of them could find the equipment they left behind, and they could still help a little bit.

The night was silent, the sun rose and the moon set, and the time came to the 138th day.

Early in the morning, the audience was guarding in each live broadcast room.

But who knows, when I turn on the live broadcast, I see it raining on the island!

Chapter 939 The first omission of the weather forecast

There are still some players outside, such as Zhang Haoran, Wang Heng and Zhou Yan.

There are also those who plan to go out, such as Ye Han, such as the gold medal team.

All disturbed by the rain.

God is not beautiful!

And this rain is not small, it is fierce, it can be called a downpour, and it is also accompanied by a lot of thunder, which makes people unprepared.

The gold medal team who wanted to go out immediately dismissed the idea and stayed at home honestly.

On Ye Han's side, after he got up, he saw the rain outside, and then he lay back silently.

But Su Xiaoqi was already awake.

"Um... Old eight, is it raining?"

After Su Xiaoqi said these words, Ye Han went straight up.

The last time you called me the eighth, this time you called me the eighth?

Do I, Ye Han, want to lose face?

"Xiao Qi, can you straighten your tongue when you talk to me?"

Ye Han narrowed his eyes and looked at Su Xiaoqi.

Su Xiaoqi nodded quickly, but she still looked sleepy.

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed silly.

"Hahaha, Ye Laoba, Ye Laoba, your identity has been exposed!"

"Hey, hey! Today I, Ye Laoba, will show you one!"

"It's over, my little boss Ye Han, how did he become the eighth, no, it's not true!"

"It's raining this time, what's the weather forecast for the show team?!"

"The show crew, get out and be beaten, bang bang bang!"

"Huh? Is this the sound of being beaten, am I not clean?"


Afterwards, the two of them lay in the bamboo building.

Ye Han was waiting for Su Xiaoqi to wake up, and then the two went to the kitchen together.

He estimated that the rain would not last for too long, because it came too quickly and fell too hard.

Such things generally don't last long.

At this time, the program team also issued a notice urgently.

"Sorry, the rain show team did not detect it, but this is a thunderstorm that will stop soon, please rest assured."

rest assured?

How can you be assured?

There are still players in the wild now!

For example, Zhang Haoran, with Sirius, was still walking along the coastline, but now one person and one wolf were completely soaked.

And the wind is still very strong by the sea, and the waves look very scary!

On weekdays, the sea is beautiful when the waves are calm, but when the waves are swept, you will know how scary the sea can be.

Almost every year, some tourists die in the sea because they have never seen the sea and do not know how dangerous and terrifying the sea is.

A spray came over, and someone wanted to take a photo with the spray.

Then the waves were gone, and the people were gone.

However, Zhang Haoran was still very vigilant. He took Sirius away from the shore to avoid danger.

Zhang Haoran and Sirius were not afraid, but the scene in front of him reminded him of the first time he met Sirius.

It was also in the rainstorm, he found the shivering Sirius and picked up Sirius.

The fate of one person and one wolf begins from now on.

"It's not going to rain long, Sirius, just hold on."

Zhang Haoran squatted in an open place, propped up the sleeping bag with both hands, and tried his best to protect himself and Sirius.

There are also Wang Heng and Zhou Yan in the same situation.

Someone on the Internet is already mocking Wang Heng.

"Wang Heng is nothing more than that, he used to pretend!"

"That's right, it's raining so much today, if Wang Heng is really strong, he should be able to figure it out, and he won't choose to go out at this time."

"I've said it long ago that Wang Heng is not as good as Detective Cat. It is said that Detective Cat also signed up at the time, but Wang Heng was selected by the program team. This is a mistake."

"Wang Heng is the most ineffective player in our country of China. To be honest, I don't think he is pleasing to the eye. Zhou Yan does everything, and he does nothing by himself."

"I think Wang Heng is just pretending to be mysterious to cover up. In fact, he just wants to be lazy."


Say anything.

The main reason is that Wang Heng usually does nothing, which makes many viewers dissatisfied with him.

But no one said anything.

Well now, someone has taken the lead, and those who are dissatisfied with him will start to speak.

At first glance, good guy, the whole thing is to hold a criticism meeting for Wang Heng.

But in fact, the real discerning person can see that this is not Wang Heng's negligence and disguise.

But he did it on purpose!

In the cat detective's home, he watched this scene with tension all over his body.

In the live broadcast, Wang Heng and Zhou Yan were walking through the bushes. Wang Heng was soaked all over, but his expression was very indifferent.

I look at the sky from time to time, wondering what I'm thinking.

Some people think he's making a fool of himself, but Detective Cat doesn't think so.

As for Wang Heng's strength, Detective Cat knew in his heart that he was definitely stronger than himself.

But he didn't know, because he didn't know where Wang Heng's limit was.

Detective Cat suspects that Wang Heng can predict the rain.

But what exactly does Wang Heng want to do?

The cat detective couldn't figure it out at all.

In the official live broadcast room, at this time, Lord Bei was explaining.

Bill's surgery went well, and Pei returned to his post in good spirits.

"According to the calculation of the program team, the rain will stop in about twenty minutes."

"Actually, it won't have much impact on the players who are going out today."

"Let's see what's going on with the Worms and the Bards next."

Bei said.

The director screen switch in the official live broadcast room first came to the earthworm team.

At this time, the earthworm team already has a wooden house of its own, which is still brand new.

Now the two of them are checking for leaks and filling the gaps. It just happens to be raining. They can block the leaking places first, and then take care of them when the rain stops.

After all, it's a new house, and I don't know where the water leaks.

"Fortunately, we quickly built the house, otherwise it will be raining now."

"This place is good, let's develop well and strive to win the championship!"

"Championship is very difficult. The food resources in this place are not enough to support us until the end of the game, but it's okay, there is really nothing to eat in the future, and we can eat earthworms."

"Stop talking about earthworms, please."

The two communicated in the wooden hut. The wooden hut also contained the food they had recently harvested. Although it was not particularly large, it was enough to eat for a while.

It seems that after their successful move, they started a new life in an orderly manner.

On the other side, is the bard team.

Unlike the earthworm team, the bard team did not need to build their own houses. They had ready-made houses and lived directly in Zhang Haoran's wooden house.

Zhang Haoran doesn't have a house to live in now, but the two of them are doing well. They live very comfortably in Zhang Haoran's house.

The house did not leak, and they took care of it. Now they are lying in the wooden house waiting for the rain to stop.

In this situation, Dominic couldn't help but want to sing a poem.

So, he cleared his throat and started his performance.

"Wind, whirring."

"Rain, woo woo woo."

"Ray, boom boom boom."


Hearing this, Lord Bei in the official live broadcast room showed an embarrassed but polite smile, and quickly switched the director screen.

My scalp is tingling, what did I do wrong to make me listen to Dominic's poetry?

Chapter 940 Cold wind kills the second black caiman

A large number of viewers fled the live broadcast room.

To put it nicely, Dominic is poetry, to put it badly, it is shit.

And Anthony, who was lying next to Dominic, was already numb.

You chant you, I should not have heard it.

Man, why bother with yourself?

At this moment, Anthony felt that he had become a philosopher.

Although the program team did not predict the rainy weather this time, the remedy was also timely.

The rain stop time calculated by the program team is very accurate.

About 20 minutes later, the rain really stopped, very quickly.

In the last second, it started to rain heavily.

In the next second, the rain stopped and the sun appeared, illuminating the island.

Everything stopped.

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