
The audience in the live broadcast room are chatting, and there are all kinds of nonsense.

Eva has nothing to do along the way, but the distance is a bit long, and it can't be reached in half a day.

As it got dark, she found a place to stop, started a fire, ate some fish, and prepared to rest.

"Eva spends the night alone, but don't have anything to do!"

In the ward, Ivanov was very nervous.

In fact, for the patient, it is best to maintain a stable mood.

The program team has always been arranged here by staff. Seeing Ivanov's situation, a staff member quickly appeased it.

"Don't worry, the helicopter of the program team has already set off."

"It will stop at a distance, and then in any situation, the helicopter can arrive within ten minutes."

Hearing the staff member's words, Ivanov was also relieved.

This is also the reason why the program team is afraid, for fear that some players will die again.

After all, before the game started, no one expected the death rate to be so high.

As night fell, the day's competition came to an end, and most of the players fell asleep.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi also returned home and lay down to rest after dinner.

We will continue to go to Bisheng Mountain tomorrow, and we need to keep our spirits up.

After this trip, Ye Han didn't rush to explore, and made the chocolate first.

Time comes to the one hundred and thirty-ninth day.

Early in the morning, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi got up and went to work. Ye Han prepared food and water for the animals at home, and Su Xiaoqi packed up and cooked.

It is worth mentioning that now every three days, the chickens and ducks at home will lay eggs.

Ye Han can harvest two eggs at a time, or even three eggs. If it is a duck egg, it is usually one.

The frequency of this duck laying eggs has never been as high as that of chickens.

But it's okay, the other players can only eat the eggs, if they can find them, they can't eat the eggs if they can't find them.

In addition, there are crocodile eggs, but even Ye Han has never eaten these things, only Leng Feng and Li Guang have eaten them.

On the other side, Eva spent the night outside and spent the entire night safely.

This made many people breathe a sigh of relief, and the helicopter of the program group had already returned.

Now Eva has a quick bite of fish soup and starts moving on.

She still had three fish left, so she could save some to eat until she returned to the beach.

"I have a hunch that when Eva finishes drinking these drinks, she will almost retire."

"Ah? I still want to buy a can. How can I buy it after she drinks it."

"Haha, I still want to buy Ye Han's tiger whip wine. Is the key to others selling it?"

"I'm not so demanding, I can buy tiger bone wine!"

"Tiger whip, tiger bone, these are all good things, but Zhang Haoran, a prodigal wolf dog, has wasted all a tiger, the tiger skin is gone, the tiger whip is gone, the tiger bone is gone, and there is nothing left!"

"There must be tigers on the island, and the next one to kill a tiger should be Brother Feng."


The audience discussion was in full swing.

On the other side, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong had already walked a considerable distance away from the wooden house where they lived before.

The tree that seals the throat with blood has also passed by.

Continue to move forward according to the area that the two of them have probed before. There may be some kind of danger in the area ahead, so you must be careful.

Chapter 943 Tang Hong Distressed

This area, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong have been here.

Among all the movers on the island, the two of them are the most prepared group, no one.

After all, Ye Han didn't count as a move, it could only be said to open up a new area.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong had enough food and didn't need to worry about food at all, so they explored a lot of areas before moving.

This includes the area in front of them now.

During their last exploration, they heard roars and saw footprints of big cats.

Originally, they did not intend to take this road, but after comprehensive consideration, they decided to take this road and find a new home.

Because other directions have also passed, it is not as good as this side.

"Qingqing, be careful."

Tang Hong took the lead, the whole person was very cautious, and said to Yang Qingqing.

Yang Qingqing also played up the spirit of twelve points, holding a bow and arrow in his hand, ready to shoot at any time.

What was shot out was a poisoned arrow.

See the poisoned arrow that seals the throat with blood.

This atmosphere made the audience in the live broadcast room also nervous.

Some people didn't even dare to take a breath.

"Last time, the gold medal team from China found a footprint in this area."

"Actually, I wanted to say that at the time, it might be a tiger's footprint."

In the official live broadcast room, Bei Ye was explaining the situation of the live broadcast room.

Hearing his words, the audience has a feeling that they don't know what to say.


real or fake?

Although the footprint looks like it belongs to a big cat, I can't say for sure that it belongs to a tiger, right?

However, with the qualifications for survival in the wilderness of Lord Bei, what he said should not be a lie.

"It's definitely a tiger's footprint."

"But why do the people who most want to find tigers can't find tigers, and other people who don't want to find tigers can always find tigers?"

"It can't be that the tiger is afraid of the cold wind, so he took the train and ran away!"

At the cat detective's house, he couldn't help laughing while sitting there.

Bei Ye didn't dare to say it to death, he could only say that it might be the footprints of a tiger.

But the position of the cat detective is different from his. The cat detective is sitting in his own house, while Bei Ye is explaining to the audience all over the world.

So he didn't dare to say too dead, what if he was wrong?

At this time, the audience also expressed the same emotion as the cat detective.

"It would be fun if there was actually a tiger here."

"Lengfeng sat on the ground crying after knowing it, why don't you love me, tiger?"

"How many tigers are there on the island now? Ye Han killed one, Zhang Haoran killed one."

"This is also normal. For such a large island, the number of tigers will definitely not be particularly small. I mean that since this species has already appeared."

"Only one bear has appeared. I think there will be more bears in the future."

"Wild boars, cows, sheep, chickens, and more, especially rabbits, there are cute bunnies everywhere."

"Shh! There seems to be movement!"

The audience was having a heated discussion.

In the live broadcast, Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong are continuing to move forward, and they are also carefully paying attention to any troubles.

Both of them were also very nervous, and their backs were soaked with sweat.

"Sister Hong, there seems to be something."

Yang Qingqing said in a low voice.

Her voice was a little hoarse, and she felt that she was not as nervous as she is now when she took part in the competition and won the gold medal.

After all, during the competition, her mentality was adjusted very well, just as it was normal training, naturally.

It's like a lot of people have a similar mentality when they take an exam.

Tell yourself in your heart, just treat it as if you were making a paper, don't be nervous.

Then it worked fine.

But there is no way to calm down now.

This is a completely different situation.

"With me, Qingqing, don't be afraid."

Tang Hong's figure is right in front of Yang Qingqing, giving her a full sense of security.

Yang Qingqing took a deep breath and adjusted her state.

At this time, Tang Hong was still leading the way, but in her heart, the sense of crisis became stronger and stronger.

She was sure it wasn't her own illusion, but the truth.

There is no doubt that there must be a dangerous creature around the two, staring at them!

It's just that the vegetation here is dense, and it will not be clear where this guy is for a while.

The audience also widened their eyes one by one, hoping to see any clues.

Some people were even more nervous than Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong, and the sweat on their palms seemed to be raining.

Some people's hands are more prone to sweating, as if it were a disease.

Every day I use a big pump of paper towels to wipe my hands.

The live broadcast at this time is very calm, but everyone knows that this is the calm before the storm.

There may be a change in the next second!

Time passed bit by bit, and some viewers dared not watch it any longer.

For fear that a fierce tiger or something will come out in front of them, this will put a great deal of psychological pressure on them.

Just like watching a horror movie, a ghost suddenly appears in front of the camera, is it scary?

Some people like to watch this kind of exciting picture, and some people can't watch it.

There are people who have heart disease, so they are even more afraid to watch.

"Ye Han is leaving here!"

"Come here, brothers, don't dare to look at the picture of the gold medal team, I'm afraid."

"Hey, I'm timid, but I let my husband watch. If there is anything, he will tell me first, so I won't be afraid!"

"Can this also spread dog food? Please don't spread it!"

"Ye Han is going to Bisheng Mountain today to start making chocolates. I'm really looking forward to it!"

"I bet there must be a big discovery at Bisheng Mountain, but it's just not there yet."


Many viewers chose to come to Ye Han's live broadcast room and discussed it.

Of course, most of the audience stayed with the gold medal team and continued to watch.

Time passed bit by bit, and Ye Han had already reached Asan's wooden house.

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