"There are also some male stars who have to cry twice when their hands are broken. Look at Tang Hong again. Isn't he ashamed of this kind of person, he is still a star!"

"The stars of today are not as good as they used to be. In the past, when people made movies, their whole body was injured, and they had to continue filming. Now, oh, there are stars and actors who don't use it for filming. Just leave the photo and post him."

"There is an old senior in the entertainment industry who said it very well. When did our profession become a profession that is praised even for memorizing lines?"

"I'm not chasing stars, I'm chasing our country's sports athletes and scientific research leaders. To be honest, they are more worthy of admiration and love."


Very good, the audience took out some typical examples and criticized it.

Of course, these words are very reasonable.

There's nothing wrong with that.

In the midst of everyone's discussion, Yang Qingqing had already helped Tang Hong deal with the wound, and Tang Hong also put on a coat.

The two drank some water and ate something, and both felt much better.

"This tiger is not easy to handle."

Tang Hong's eyes turned to the dead tiger.

The tiger was poisoned to death. If there was no poison to seal the throat with blood, it would be very difficult for the two of them to kill the tiger.

And it is definitely not just as simple as being caught, or it may die.

Now if you want to carry this tiger away, Tang Hong can't do it.

She's in better shape, but it's not comparable to normal.

And even when she's fine, it's impossible to take this tiger very far.

So the best way is to deal with it in place.

"Look where there's a stream around here and deal with it at the stream's location."

"The skin of the tiger can be kept, and some internal organs, bones, etc. can be thrown away. We can't take it so heavy."

Tang Hong said.

"Mmmm, Sister Hong, take a break first. I'll look for streams around here."

Yang Qingqing said that she had to find the stream by herself.

But he was stopped by Tang Hong.

"No, we have to act together."

"You first collect the arrows, re-apply the venom, safety first."

Tang Hong was afraid that there would be other beasts nearby.

But this probability is not high. This tiger must be a creature at the top of the food chain. There should be no more difficult creatures to deal with in this area.

And tigers are solitary animals. The so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, which is due to the solitary habit of tigers.

There is another saying that is very good, there are flocks of cattle and sheep, and only tigers walk alone.

Of course, Tang Hong was prepared and did a very good job.

Next, the two collected the shot arrows and re-poisoned them.

Then look for streams around here.

The island's water resources are still very rich, and streams are not difficult to find.

Less than ten minutes away from the two of them, they found a stream. The water flow is not small, and it can quickly wash away the bloodstains produced by the tiger.

"Sister Hong, let's come together."

"Be careful not to pull on the wound."

Yang Qingqing said.

Her strength is naturally far less than Tang Hong's.

After all, Tang Hong lifts weights, and she shoots arrows.

Although archery also requires strength, how does it compare to weightlifting?

"alright, I got it."

"Don't worry, Qingqing, it doesn't matter to me."

Tang Hong said with a smile, feeling warm in his heart.

Together, the two began to carry the tiger to the stream.

Tang Hong was really careful and didn't dare to use too much strength. Most of the journey was dragged, and Yang Qingqing pushed the tiger behind.

This tiger is now in a state of complete death. It never dreamed that it would be poisoned to death.

When they got to the stream, the two took a short rest and then began to deal with the tiger.

"The third tiger on the island to be killed by a contestant is China again!"

"Where are those stinky fish and rotten shrimps? Why didn't they come out and jump around? This is the easiest tiger to kill!"

"Why didn't anyone come out and say it, this is the inside story, it's from the show!"

"Okay, okay, why turn around because of some barking dogs, don't worry about them."

"These are very soulful, and the culture of Shenzhou is indeed broad and profound!"

"Huh? Broad and profound? This word seems to have some other meanings, hehe."

"Don't drive, hey, can you drive on this broken road?"

"Brother Feng is already crying and fainting in the toilet. Why doesn't the tiger come to him? Is it because the tiger doesn't love him?"


A large number of audiences are actually making fun of Lengfeng.

Although the cold wind certainly cannot be seen, but this does not affect their performance.

While Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong were dealing with tigers, Ye Han also successfully led the team back to Bisheng Mountain.

Halfway through, I went to the location of the jackfruit tree. Ye Han went up to the tree and picked a jackfruit. It was unripe last time, but this time it was already ripe.

Not in a hurry, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi first started eating jackfruit.

Including rhubarb, as well as Da Niu'er and Xiao Hanhan, all ate together, and they ate up a large jackfruit together.

Of course, the core is left over, which can be reserved for lunch, whether it's cooked or fried, it's fine.

"I'm not in a hurry to explore Bisheng Mountain in the afternoon. Anyway, you're annoying Bisheng Mountain. Let's deal with the cocoa beans first."

"Maybe you can eat chocolate ice cream soon, how about it, looking forward to it?"

Ye Han looked at Su Xiaoqi with a smile and asked.

Chapter 947 Making Chocolate

Chocolate ice cream!

For this thing, Su Xiaoqi has been looking forward to it for a long time.

The audience had already seen that Su Xiaoqi's eyes were shining brightly, and everyone laughed.

"Xiao Qi is too greedy, hahahaha!"

"What a cute little Qi, even a girl like me is moved!"

"I'm Lala, I just like Xiao Qi, I really want to fall in love with Xiao Qi!"

"Woo woo, Xiao Qi, don't follow Ye Han, the capitalist, come to me, I will sell blood to make money for you to spend."

"Hurry up and start making chocolate, I can't wait, I'm making Ye Han's same chocolate at home!"


In fact, someone has been insisting on doing things with Ye Han.

What Ye Han did on the island, everyone did.

For example, the homemade milk tea last time was relatively simple. Many people succeeded, and then posted it on the Internet, receiving a lot of likes and comments.

To say compliments this thing, it's really amazing.

People who post things often hope to get more likes. When they see someone like them, they will be very happy and have a feeling of being recognized.

There is a saying that is very good, if a person has never liked you, then he must not like you.

The premise is that he will surf the circle of friends, because some people basically do not surf the circle of friends, and they are not included.

This time, when Ye Han discovered the cocoa fruit and proposed to make chocolate, someone had already bought some cocoa fruit online and wanted to make chocolate with Ye Han.

When Ye Han was fermenting, they were also fermenting, keeping pace with Ye Han.

After lunch, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had moved out of the wooden house one by one clay pots, which were filled with cocoa beans that had been fermented in the past few days.

When the jar was opened, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's expressions were a little subtle.

To be honest, it smells bad.

Of course, they were on the island, and things were better.

When the wind blows, the smell disappears.

Many viewers were indoors, and they followed Ye Han and opened their own fermented cocoa beans.

Then the whole house was filled with a strange smell.

Sour, stinky, very top.

The old man is so addicted...  

"The next step is to dry these cocoa beans and put them in the sun to dry."

"Xiao Qi, look, the cocoa beans are brown now, which proves that the fermentation has been successful."

"It will probably take two or three days to dry."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Two or three days?

Su Xiaoqi slapped her forehead, which meant that she would have to wait two or three days!

"Cough, if there is an oven, it is also possible to dry it directly in the oven."

"You can actually use the fire to dry it yourself. It's just that the heat is not easy to control."

Ye Han said to Su Xiaoqi.

Then he realized that he had said something nonsense at the end.

When it comes to controlling the heat, Su Xiaoqi is definitely the first person on this island.

Even if she is not on the island, her level is far ahead of others.

Because she is professional.

"Use fire, I'm anxious for chocolate!"

Su Xiaoqi didn't want to wait for two days.

Therefore, she advocates using fire and handles it herself.

Ye Han spread his hands, what else could he say, let's start the fire quickly.

"I'm a little hesitant now, should I continue to do it with them."

"It's you! The one who used durian to make wine last time, didn't you say that the neighbors were going to beat you at the door? What about the follow-up?"

"This time the neighbors are probably coming again. The neighbors said, I thank you."

"Huh? Listen to me, thank you, thank you for having warmed the four seasons?"

"Why can you speak, I don't want to hear this song, turn it off, turn it off!"

"I have an oven at home, it's ready, and I'm starting to bake cocoa beans in the oven now."

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