If you have enough tea leaves, you don't need to worry about this problem.

As long as you want to drink milk tea, you can drink it often.

"Let's start, picking tea leaves."

Ye Han greeted Su Xiaoqi to start together, and the two began to pick tea leaves.

This type of tea is of the same variety as the one I discovered last time. Of course, Ye Han is not picky about the type of tea.

Anyway, the tea made by yourself is definitely not as good as the good tea sold on the market.

Da Huang watched the two pick tea leaves and wanted to try it, but was stopped by Ye Han.

"Da Huang, go play by yourself."

"I know you want to help, but I don't need you for this."

Ye Han smiled and touched Da Huang's head.

He knew that Rhubarb was eager to express himself, otherwise he would not feel at ease eating this meat at noon today.

But picking tea leaves really doesn't need rhubarb.

However, just as Ye Han and Da Huang were talking, the idiot Xiao Hanhan appeared.

It started to eat tea while Ye Han was not paying attention!

Ye Han was startled, and hurried over to drive Xiao Hanhan away.

"Little Hanhan!"

"There is grass everywhere, do you have to come to eat tea?"

"Go, go, play while you go!"

Ye Han laughed and scolded.

In fact, Xiaohanhan was discovered without even taking a few bites, but this guy is really dumbfounding.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't even laugh.

"Hahahaha, Xiaohanhan is really a fairy!"

"I'm really afraid that Ye Han will be happy and slaughter it for meat."

"No, no, this idiot is still very cute, I want to keep one."

"Who doesn't want to keep one of Ye Han's animals?"

"Do cows still eat tea? Tea is bitter, so cows probably don't like it."

"Huh? Then why is Xiaohanhan still eating with relish?"

The audience discussed it.

Unexpectedly, there are really knowledgeable audiences.

An audience member named "Beautiful Lady in the Breeze" appeared and gave everyone some popular science.

"Cow generally don't eat tea, and cattle generally like to eat sweet and soft things."

"But the beef that is fed tea grows up, and the beef will be more tender and delicious. This is what Xiaori... The Neon people who have a good life found out."

"They fed the cows tea bagasse, and then added sugar cane bagasse to cover up the bitter taste of the tea leaves, and used it as feed for the cows to eat, so that the quality of beef is better."

"As for why Xiaohanhan eats tea leaves, this may have to be found in its name."

After finishing speaking, the audience also gave Ye Han a large amount of money, which made others exclaimed as local tyrants.

No, not a local tyrant, this is a **** tyrant.

Having said that, Xiaohanhan eats tea simply because it is too stupid.

Such a foolish cow is actually quite rare.

When he just appeared, he got lost and was captured by Ye Han. After that, he kept showing his naivety. Ye Han gave it this name, and it was really right.

Look at the big girl, she is hard-working, smart, and docile.

Perhaps this is the answer to a sentence, a loving mother has more failures.

The big girl is a very good mother, so she spoiled and raised Xiao Hanhan.

Next, the audience laughed at Xiaohanhan while watching Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi picking tea leaves.

"Competitor Ye Han found tea again, and today he once again showed his invincible luck."

"Of course, this is understandable. He is very lucky, and Bisheng Mountain is definitely a treasure. There are still a lot of resources here waiting for Ye Han to discover and harvest."

"Next, let's take a look at the performance of other players."

In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei was explaining Ye Han's live broadcast room.

Then the screen switched to Eva's side.

When a group of players, or a player, is on the verge of elimination, the attention will be very high.

This is the case with Eva now.

Of course, in normal times, Eva has a lot of fans, mostly LSPs.

Specifically for beautiful women.

In the picture, Eva is sitting on the beach with a can of tequila beside it.

Her legs are much better now, but still a little uncomfortable.

But normal activities are fine.

As for swimming, she is also trying to avoid it. Currently, she is looking for food in a place where she can stand.

Fortunately, this sea area is rich in resources, and it is not necessary to swim and dive to find food.

"Eva is very strong, and she is still holding on when she is alone."

"Now netizens hope that she can retire as soon as possible without having to stay on the island to suffer. Her boyfriend Ivanov is said to have washed his face in tears and lost more than ten pounds after retiring."

Master De said, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

Normally, players will gain weight after retirement.

Because they can't help eating and drinking to make up for the regret that they can't eat good things on the island.

For example, Jackson the Great and his teammate Schmidt, after the two retired from the game, ate two big fat men in the hospital.

Later, when I came to China to travel, I was eating and drinking, and I couldn't wear the clothes I used to wear!

There are also Jon and Emily from Kangaroo Country, who have officially decided to settle in China, and also eat different foods every day.

It's not as exaggerated as the emperor and the others, but the weight of both of them is also increasing.

It is rare for Ivanov to lose weight after retirement.

"I make a bold prediction. I think Eva should probably retire after these drinks are finished."

"Based on the amount she drinks now, maybe it will be tomorrow."

"Because she has only the last can of wine left, plus half of the can in her hand."

Bei Ye predicted a wave.

In fact, this statement is also there on the Internet, and the audience is also discussing this issue.

But what everyone didn't expect was that when it was evening, Eva drank the half can of wine in her hand, looked at the sunset on the sea level ahead, and resolutely pressed the help button on the live broadcast bracelet.

Eva is out!

Chapter 957 Two news about Ye Han's stubble

Eva pressed the button for help.

Immediately, a large number of viewers poured into the live broadcast room.

The barrage continued to scroll, and some people were using the last time to give Eva a reward to express their support.

"Why is it so sudden, this is a withdrawal from the competition?"

"Didn't I always say I want to keep going, I thought I could see more of Eva."

"Eva looks so good-looking, like my future wife."

"Damn it, everyone, this is someone else's wife, don't get lost."

"In the afternoon, Lord Pei was still predicting that Eva might finish the wine and retire, but there is still one can left."

"I understand, she wants to keep a jar as a souvenir!"


No matter what you do, beauties have natural advantages, and Eva's live broadcast room is very popular.

Many viewers feel regretful that they will not be able to see Eva's live broadcast in the future.

To say who is the happiest, it must be Ivanov.

At this time, Ivanov was still in the hospital recovering from injuries, and kept staring at Eva’s live broadcast.

After seeing that Eva chose to retire, Ivanov was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter, beating the bed while laughing.

That hospital bed was about to fall apart by his hammer, how fierce!

The iron shelf rattled, it was scary.

The little nurse who was in charge of changing Ivanov's dressing came over and took a look, and was quite frightened.

At this moment, Ivanov also realized his gaffe and stopped quickly, but the smile on his face became a little thicker.

Eva is finally going to retire, great!

"I can meet Eva soon, I miss Eva so much!"

"She has lost weight, so much thinner!"

"She is also in danger. Zhang Haoran from China is attacking, and she has cramps while swimming. It's too dangerous!"

"Just come back, she's coming back, my Eva."

Ivanov waved his arms, almost incoherent.

At this time, on the island, after Eva pressed the SOS button, she returned to the wooden house and began to pack her things.

Their gear, the humpback bones that Ivanov specially harvested, and the last jar of wine.

She has to bring these things back. This is a souvenir that belongs to this wilderness survival and should be treasured.

Eva packed up with a smile on her face.

I will be able to see Ivanov soon. Actually, it has not been a few days, but it always feels extremely long.

In the future, in the two's home, they usually see the whale bones placed in the living room and the pottery pots on the wine rack, so they can recall and talk about the past.

By the way, have a child, tell him or her this story.

This scene was seen by many viewers, and everyone was very emotional.

Among them are two groups of foreign players in China.

"It's all your fault for burning what I created on the bark."

"There are still people who want to pay high prices online, that's all my hard work!"

Jackson the Great opened his mouth, complaining about his teammate Schmidt.

At this time, the two were eating barbecue and drinking draft beer at a roadside stall.

Both of their stomachs were round, like a big watermelon.

No way, Shenzhouguo has too much delicious food!

"It starts again!"

"How much is your broken bark worth?"

"The situation was urgent at that time, how can I save my life if I don't burn it?"

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