Of course, the internal organs of the prey obtained by other players were basically eaten by themselves.

Some people never eat animal offal, and some people just like it.

Turnip greens, all have love.


Ye Han sat down and started to eat.

At this time, he heard a rustling sound, and he became alert for the first time.

It's possible that rhubarb is back, but it's also possible that a beast is approaching!

Ye Han responded immediately, put down the bowl in his hand, and pulled out the gun as quickly as possible.

Looking at the sound, Ye Han saw a monkey coming out of the bushes, who else could it be if it wasn't Rhubarb?

But at this time, Ye Han's eyes widened!

Because he saw that Rhubarb was holding a piece in his hand, gnawing at it!

And Rhubarb's face and body were also stained with a lot of juice!

Ye Han was stunned, and the gun in his hand almost went off, almost collapsing Rhubarb.

Su Xiaoqi first shouted rhubarb, and then let out a scream, opening her mouth in disbelief.

As for the audience in the live broadcast room, they were all shocked.

The reason is very simple, because the rhubarb is holding a piece of watermelon!


How many people's favorite?

I'm afraid there are very few people who don't like watermelon, and who can refuse to have a piece of iced watermelon in the hot summer?


Ye Han couldn't help but let out a foul language.

"Boss, that's a watermelon!"

Su Xiaoqi also exclaimed, staring straight at the watermelon in Rhubarb's hand.

At this time, Rhubarb also walked in front of the two of them, nibbling on the watermelon while staring at the meat in the pot.

"Rhubarb, where did you find this watermelon?"

Ye Han grabbed Rhubarb's arm and asked.

Rhubarb was startled, thinking that Ye Han was going to hit it, and the watermelon rind in his hand fell to the ground.

Seeing Da Huang's frightened appearance, Ye Han decided to appease him first.

"Da Huang, how can you be so hypocritical?"

"Didn't I just blame you for a few words and spank you twice?"

"I didn't try too hard, you don't have such a deep psychological shadow, do you?"

"Come on, I know you want to eat meat, eat it!"

Ye Han slapped his face and slapped loudly.

I just said that within three days, rhubarb should not want to eat meat, not even bones, but now it is showing a flattering look and giving rhubarb meat to eat!

This sudden treatment made Rhubarb flattered.

It looked at the meat, then at Ye Han, and then at the meat.

In the end, desire prevailed, and rhubarb began to eat meat.

So fragrant!

There was a happy smile on Rhubarb's face, and he chewed.

"Rhubarb, tell me where you found it, and I'll give you meat to eat."

Ye Han touched Da Huang's head and said.

Rhubarb is very smart, and it can see that now, Ye Han wants watermelon.

So Rhubarb nodded and wanted to take Ye Han to find the watermelon.

"Boss, I'm going too!"

Su Xiaoqi said immediately.

Of course, the two would not act separately in the wild.

But what to do with this pot of rabbit meat?

Put it here, don't worry too much.

But you can't keep walking.

In fact, it is completely possible to go to the watermelon after eating, but Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi couldn't wait.

"In this way, let Jiutian guard here."

"Big girl and Xiao Hanhan followed us to find watermelon, it shouldn't be far away."

Ye Han made arrangements to let Jiutian stay behind and cry when there is movement.

Then Ye Han led the team off to look for watermelons.

This discovery also made audiences all over the world turn their attention.

Ye Han was about to discover the watermelon again?

Can there still be watermelons in this tropical rainforest?

Many people's first reaction is to be puzzled, but they don't understand, so they just wait for Xiaoliang to take charge of popular science.

And some people started to get angry.

That is some people represented by Neon Country and Plastic Surgery Country!

Chapter 969 Wild Boar Wanted Order

Many people in Neon Country and Plastic Surgery Country felt a surge of anger rising in their hearts.

The reason is simple, because they can't afford watermelon.

It can't be said that everyone can't afford it, but most people really can't afford watermelon.

In these two countries, the price of watermelon is very expensive, it is a very luxurious food.

For example, in Neon Country, many people buy watermelon, but they are only willing to buy one piece, one piece of watermelon, and they have to sprinkle with salt to eat.

So when they came to China to participate in the competition, they would eat like crazy.

I don't usually eat it!

People from plastic surgery countries are even more extreme, stealing the watermelon, taking it to their own room to eat, and having to put it up and take a photo.

And now, Ye Han is about to find watermelons on the island!

Too much!

How does this balance their hearts?

"The appearance of watermelons on the island is actually a very reasonable thing."

"Watermelon is not actually a tropical fruit, but it is very suitable for growing in a tropical environment. Then there are watermelons in temperate and subtropical regions, which are widely distributed and have many varieties."

"I just looked at the watermelon that rhubarb eats. It should be a watermelon of the black beauty variety."

Xiaoliang is worthy of being Xiaoliang, everyone suddenly realized.

In fact, all kinds of things appear on the island, and everyone is used to it.

Some people boast that dinosaurs will appear on the island sooner or later, which is even more exaggerated.

"So that's the case, thank you Xiaoliang for your popular science, meh!"

"You're not a man, what are you doing with Xiaoliang?"

"Oh, I'm thirsty for watermelons, so hurry up and buy one."

"Baga! Why can Ye Han find watermelons on the island, how can he eat watermelons, **** it!"

"Assi! Why is there a watermelon on the island? This must be the shady story of the show team again!"

"Hey, look, the fool is jumping, it's so fun."


The audience all over the net made a lot of comments.

At this time, on the island, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi followed Da Huang and moved forward.

Similar to what Ye Han had guessed, the distance was not far.

After walking for about ten minutes, I saw a piece of watermelon growing in front of me!

Ye Han glanced at it roughly, and there were probably twenty or thirty!

"A lot of watermelons!"

Su Xiaoqi's eyes straightened.

She also imagined how refreshing it would be if she could eat iced watermelon on the island?

But now that the game has started for more than 140 days, they have not found a watermelon.

No group of players on the island have ever discovered a watermelon.

But now, they were discovered.

"This watermelon is eaten by rhubarb."

Ye Han pointed to a broken watermelon.

But then, doubts arose in his heart.

Can rhubarb break open a large watermelon?

It should be possible, but there is a high probability that it is going to be bitten.

But the watermelon in front of me obviously doesn't look like it was bitten by rhubarb.

Ye Han approached to observe, and sure enough, he found some clues.

"It's wild boar hair."

"This melon was bitten by a wild boar. Rhubarb picked up a leak and ate the rest of the wild boar."

Ye Han hit the nail on the head and pointed out the truth of the matter.

Wild boars, in fact, often do this kind of thing.

The watermelons that many farmers grow, or the food they grow, are spoiled by wild boars.

Most people have learned the story of Runtu and Xi in textbooks. At that time, Runtu guarded the melon fields to prevent Xi from stealing melons.

In fact, this thing was named by Mr. Lu Xun himself, and this thing should be a badger.

Of course, there are many beasts that are willing to steal melons and eat them. Badgers and wild boars will steal melons and eat them.

"The wild boar ate a melon from us!"

Su Xiaoqi was in a hurry.

She looked at the melons in front of her and quickly checked them one by one.

I am afraid that another melon will be harmed by wild boars.

Fortunately, only such a watermelon has been eaten by wild boars.

"We also hunted a wild boar last time. There must be other wild boars in this area. They are all a group and belong to a huge international melon thief group."

"Comrade Xiao Qi, now we want to catch these melon thieves and bring them to justice!"

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