Ye Han became her assistant and obeyed her orders.

As the two were busy, the sky gradually dimmed, and here in the wooden house, the smell of meat was constantly wafting out.

Chapter 973 The scenery without martial arts CP

There is still tea in the wooden house, which has been collected by Ye Han.

It's almost the same level of drying. After a few days, take the time to fry it, let it go, and then you can start drinking tea.

Outside the wooden house, there were a lot of firelights, and although it was already dark, the visibility was not low at all.

In the middle of several fires, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi were sweating profusely.

Ye Han was working there with his upper body naked, sweating profusely.

Some fires are smoking pork, and some have pots on them, and the contents of each pot are different.

One pot is refining lard, another pot is cooking meat, another pot is cooking vegetables, and another pot is cooking soup.

As for this soup, it is a very classic soup.

Pig lung soup.

If this thing is said, I believe that many people have never drunk it, and have only seen it in TV dramas.

Yes, in the middle of the storm, Kong Ci cooked Nie Feng's pig lung soup.

In fact, I didn't think there was anything wrong with this drama when I watched it back then, and I thought it was pretty good.

Look at now, some scenes in this play have been made into ghost videos...

Dinner will be great today.

Ye Han also used saltpeter to make ice cream, this time it was watermelon ice cream, sweet and refreshing.

With only half a watermelon, you can get a lot of watermelon juice, Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi each drank two bowls, and the rest can make several ice creams.

Ye Han did not throw away the watermelon rind, but removed the outermost green rind, cut the white melon rind into strips and washed it, Su Xiaoqi used it to stir-fry.

Some people have eaten it, some people have not eaten it, and everyone is discussing in the live broadcast room.

"I admit that I am sour. My family can only eat so much meat during Chinese New Year."

"That's not bad. I wandered abroad alone for ten years. During the New Year, I ate a vegetarian dumpling. It was the only time I went out to a restaurant in a year."

"Speaking of whether the pig lung soup is good or not, I want to try it, but Shaxian doesn't sell it!"

"I've had it before, and I don't think it tastes good, but when Xiao Qi cooks it, it must be delicious."

"Positive solution, how can the food Xiaoqi cook be unpalatable?"

"Guangma is crying secretly in the toilet, and the bear paws he made were disliked by Brother Feng, hahahaha!"


The audience kept talking, and someone mentioned that Li Guang made bear paws.

This immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Today, I was watching Ye Han's live broadcast. Many people didn't move their nests at all, and didn't watch other players' live broadcast rooms at all.

Only now did I know that Li Guang made bear paws!

So, a group of people came to the live broadcast room of the scenery CP group to watch the excitement.

It's better to come early than to come by coincidence, and now it happens to be the picture of the two sitting there eating bear's paw.

In the picture, Leng Feng's expression is very dignified.

Some viewers said that when the cold wind hit Thomas, his expression was not so ugly.

This also made everyone extremely curious.

So how bad is this bear paw?

Leng Feng was chewing the bear paw in his mouth. Opposite him, Li Guang was sitting there, holding a bear paw in his hand and was chewing.

Silence is Cambridge tonight.

Both of them were silent, only the sound of chewing bear paws.

During this period, the cold wind stopped talking several times.

In the end, Li Guang couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Feng, just say what you want, I can bear it."

Li Guang's mouth was full of bitterness.

He was also wondering, why is this bear paw so unpalatable?

"Cough cough, Ah Guang."

"I'm not hungry, you should eat more."

Leng Feng said, and handed Li Guang the bear paw in his hand.

Li Guang's complexion suddenly changed!

"Brother Feng, you have done so much work today. This bear's paw is nutritious, you should make up for it."

"It's a good thing, you eat more."

With that said, Li Guang pushed Leng Feng's hand back, and handed the bear paw in his hand to Leng Feng.

The cold wind pushed back immediately.

"Aguang, my stomach is not feeling well today. Maybe it's because I have no luck to consume such top-quality ingredients. I'll give it to you."

"You eat it all, don't waste it."

Leng Feng said seriously.

Li Guang hadn't swallowed the bear's paw meat he was chewing, and he almost choked.

You can kill a bear, you say you have a bad stomach.

I believe it, I really believe it.

"Brother Feng, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to live now."

"This is a life-saving grace, I can't eat this bear's paw, it's all yours!"

Li Guang actually moved out of the life-saving grace!

This is already a bit out of martial arts.

Leng Feng took a deep breath and swallowed the bear paw meat in his mouth.

Then he twisted his neck.

"Guang, I suddenly feel that the moonlight tonight is very good, suitable for learning."

"Come on, since everyone doesn't want to eat it, don't eat it. You can play with me."

Leng Feng's neck made a rattling sound, making Li Guang shudder.

"Brother Feng,, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Li Guang was so frightened that he stuttered.

If I don't eat bear's paw, you will hit me?

The audience in the live broadcast room was laughing so hard that they couldn't take care of themselves!

You know, in Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi's live broadcast room, it was full of highlights, often making people smile, or burst into laughter.

In Leng Feng and Li Guang's live broadcast rooms, such scenes are relatively rare.

Now this is the absolute famous scene!

I am afraid that many carefully filmed comedies do not have such an effect!

"So what does this bear's paw taste like?"

"It can't be the taste from Ollie, right?"

"It's hard to say. In fact, this is the normal situation for survival in the wilderness. Ye Han eats delicious food every day, purely because of the presence of Xiao Qi."

"Understood, you must bring a chef to survive in the wilderness. It's better to be sweet and cute, Yuluo Shuangxiu's little cook."

"To be honest, I only see Xiao Qi's loli attribute, but I haven't seen Yujie's attribute yet."

"Maybe it's a hidden attribute, only for Ye Han to see, we can't see it."

"You guys are really amazing. We're talking about bear's paw here. Why did the topic shift to Xiao Qi again?"

"So what to do with the bear's paw, no one eats it!"


Many viewers looked anxious.

Bear's paw is an ingredient that most people will never taste in their lifetime.

Even though I already know that it is hard to eat, I still want to try it.

It would be a pity if Leng Feng and Li Guang just threw the bear's paw away.

"Brother Feng, sit down first."

"I thought about it, it should be the cooking method is not right, I will try again, this time directly bake."

"I don't believe it can be unpalatable after a barbecue!"

"No matter how bad it is, I will eat this bear paw by myself!"

Afraid of being beaten, Li Guang gritted his teeth and said.

Leng Feng sat down and handed the bear paw in his hand to Li Guang.

Before, Li Guang was cooked by boiling water.

A word misled him.

"High-end ingredients often only require the most simple cooking methods."

He thought that it might be good to eat the original bear's paw by boiling it directly.

This can't be blamed on him, his wife has said, Li Guang never cooks at home, he can't!

A military doctor, maybe able to cook.

But if he can't cook, that's perfectly reasonable too.

A novice culinary, completely self-taught, relying on the fact that he has watched a few episodes of the Divine State on the tip of his tongue to cook, the level is now very good.

Now, Li Guang starts to grill the bear paws.

Chapter 974 Contrasting Cloudy Weather

Under the night, Leng Feng and Li Guang sat around the bonfire.

Above the bonfire, there are two bear paws wearing wooden sticks that are slowly rotating.

The sound of sizzling oil sounded, and the fragrance could already be clearly smelled.

The meat is basically fragrant when it is grilled.

Even a fly, roasted with a magnifying glass, has a fragrance...

"Hey, Brother Feng, the taste shouldn't be too bad this time."

Li Guang breathed a sigh of relief and laughed.

Then he picked up a bear paw and took a bite.

Next, he showed everyone what it means to smile gradually disappear.

Still unpalatable!

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