Cha Yong-tae was naturally fine, but it was Li Youxian who was uncomfortable.

Li Youxian didn't even want to eat, but Cha Yongtae wanted to eat.

So, Cha Yongtai went into the water by himself and brought up some food.

Throughout the process, he was very careful.

I was afraid that I would become like Li Youxian too.

And his cautiousness, in Li Youxian's eyes, made Li Youxian feel even more uncomfortable.

His heart is now very contradictory, very tangled, and very complicated.

He even hoped that Cha Yong Tae would become like him and be his company.

So I have some expectations in my heart, it would be nice if Cha Yongtai encountered any danger when he went into the water.

This is human nature.

But it's a pity that Che Yongtai didn't have any troubles, and he started to cook seafood after landing.

Cha Yongtai was still soaking in there, but feeling useless, he stood up, left the beach, and came to Cha Yongtai's side.

"Let me eat some too."

Li Youxian said.

It’s not okay to not eat, people often have no appetite when they are uncomfortable, but in fact, the more this is the case, the more energy needs to be replenished.

Cha Yong-tae looked at him, then nodded.

He was not very satisfied, because he got some food after he was busy, and now that it is done, Li Youxian wants to eat directly.

But it's hard to say anything, everyone is like this, they are a disadvantaged group, he can't refuse, can't Li Youxian eat it?

Of course, once or twice, maybe nothing.

But if there are not many times, he can't guarantee that he will not break out.

There is no dutiful son in front of the bed for a long time. This is the truth.

Most of this pot of seafood was eaten by Li Youxian.

It's mainly because of seeing Lee Yoo Hun like this, Cha Yong Tae has no appetite.

In the process of eating, Li Youxian scratched his body from time to time, which made Cha Yongtai even more difficult to swallow.

"It's scary, I'm a hyperphobic patient, I can't do it anymore."

"I can't watch it anymore, Li Youxian seems to be infected with some zombie virus!"

"How many more days will he last? I feel like he's almost done."

"The whole army of plastic surgery is just around the corner!"

"It's really scary. I was stung by a caterpillar once, and it was just one piece. He was stung half of his body."

"Actually, he was already a fortune if he didn't go into shock, but now he has started to get infected, and the result is similar and more painful."

"As a doctor, all I can say is that it's better for him to retire and go to the hospital now, but if he does, I think he might die in the hospital."


Many people have been discussing the situation of Li Youxian.

It seems that no matter how you look at it, he will definitely die, this is a dead end.

In contrast, Ye Han on the other side was happy and happy.

Because once again he made a new discovery.

I discovered the horseshoe crab in the morning, which helped everyone gain a wave of knowledge, and the others were useless.

But in the afternoon, he found turtles and turtle eggs on the coast!

For Ye Han, who was surviving in the wilderness on the island, it was much better to find turtle eggs than horseshoe crabs!

Chapter 989 The Dying Big Turtle

Ye Han's discovery immediately attracted a large number of audiences.

And there are a lot of people who are starting to look after the fact.

"What can I say, Ye Han will definitely have a good harvest, isn't this coming?"

"I said just now that Ye Han could find out, and it came true!"

"I said that before Ye Han went out today."

"I said this yesterday, and I'm still the best."

"When did there be so many Xiao Qi in the live broadcast room?"

"Does this refer to Xiao Qi's fortune telling? Hahahaha, everyone laughs at Xiao Qi, everyone is Xiao Qi."

"Crap, I just realized that Xiao Qi's name has the number 7, and Ye Han's name has the number 8, seven up and eight down!"

"I understand, but I don't know what to say."


There is indeed a number 7 in Xiao Qi's name, but to say that Ye Han's name has an 8 is simply too much.

Ye Laoba!

In the beginning, Su Xiaoqi was hustling and called the boss the eighth.

I didn't expect it to be played to this point by the audience now.

One sentence up and down, and even driving directly. This trick seems to be called turning the drain.

In the midst of laughter, everyone was staring at Ye Han's live broadcast.

I have to sigh with emotion that Tang Hong and Yang Qingqing were attacked many times during the move, and Tang Hong was injured and had fever.

Li Youxian went to the sea to find something to eat, and was directly recruited. Now he is basically in a state of waiting to die.

Zhang Haoran walked with Sirius by the sea for several days, but found nothing.

Now he is walking in the jungle with Sirius, and it is still the same. At most, he is not worried about food, but he has not found anything special.

Only Ye Han didn't lack all kinds of fresh discoveries.

It doesn't matter if it works or not, it's a cow anyway!

Bald monkeys, giant anteaters, rough jadeite, watermelon, king crab, and now turtles, turtle eggs.

This was all his recent discovery, and his jaw dropped.

"I found a turtle, and there are turtle eggs next to it!"

"Hahahaha, this time it's delicious!"

Ye Han's eyes lit up and he looked over.

Although there was a distance, he could see clearly.

"Rhubarb, be honest with me."

Ye Han said to Da Huang.

Because Rhubarb was about to move, he had already run over.

In the morning, rhubarb went to play with king crab.

For humans, the horseshoe crab looks like a corpse, which makes people more afraid and dare not touch it.

But where does rhubarb manage these?

Good guy, it was carrying the tail thorn of a horseshoe crab, and it was broken by others!

If Ye Han hadn't stopped them, many of those horseshoe crabs would have been poisoned by rhubarb.

Now if rhubarb destroyed the turtle eggs in the past, Ye Han would really eat monkey brains.

Eggs are generally good things that are rich in nutrients.

It doesn't matter what kind of egg it is, you can basically eat it.

Bird eggs, eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, ostrich eggs, and even crocodile eggs in the cold wind!

Ye Han was still thinking about whether he could find the egg of the Thunderbird.

The thunderbird in his mouth, also known as the cassowary, is a creature nicknamed the cassowary.

And about turtle eggs, he also thought about it.

It stands to reason that it is still possible to find turtle eggs at the seaside.

Now it's finally found.

Counting the time, it took more than 140 days to go to the island, and this was the first time I saw turtle eggs.

Of course, there are more things that Ye Han knows that there may be on the island, there is a high probability that there will be, but he has never encountered them.

For example, in the mango tree, Zhang Haoran ate a lot of mangoes.

For example, Ye Han didn't find the mysterious fruit picked by the gold medal team.

It is impossible to say that there is anything on the island, Ye Han can find it all, that is unrealistic.

Therefore, being able to find turtle eggs is also a pleasant surprise.

"Generally, turtles lay their eggs at night."

"And it will leave after laying eggs. Why is this turtle still here?"

Ye Han was very puzzled.

He knows that the habits of animals are regular, and they have long been explored by humans, and they are generally not wrong.

If something unusual happens, it usually means something unexpected happened.

He took the lead and walked over to see the situation.

There are also some knowledgeable viewers in the live broadcast room, which also feels strange.

At this time, a seagull appeared and was pecking at the turtle's eggs!

Everyone heard the sea turtle cry, but the body did not move much, which seemed very inconvenient.

Ye Han frowned, feeling that something was not right.

"Nine days!"

Ye Han gave an order and let Jiutian take action.

Jiutian immediately flew out and attacked the seagull that ate the turtle eggs!

Ye Han has already seen the turtle eggs, and the turtle eggs naturally belong to Ye Han. How dare this seagull steal the eggs?

How can this spare it?

In one encounter, Jiutian caught the seagull, even if the seagull struggled violently.

A more attentive audience also noticed that the seagull was so frightened that it pulled.

At this time, Ye Han finally came to the turtle's side.

It can be seen that this turtle is very large, and it is definitely an adult seagull.

Of course, if you're not an adult, you can't lay eggs.

The audience followed Ye Han's gaze and finally saw the situation of the turtle.

Then, everyone was silent.

I saw that the turtle's shell was actually broken!

As we all know, the turtle shell is a symbol of hardness and defense.

But everyone also knows that the turtle shell cannot be indestructible.

Humans can use all kinds of tools to destroy turtle shells.

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