In the official live broadcast room, Lord Bei and Lord De were all dumbfounded.

The level of survival in the wilderness of these two people is recognized all over the world, but they have never experienced such a horrific event.

"The show crew... Well, the show crew has already sent someone over."

"According to the purpose of the program team, beasts that eat people are not allowed to survive. Please rest assured that the program team will avenge Li Youxian."

Dee said.

He has already got the news from the program team.

Although the person is already dead, the show team should still go.

No matter what, he had to bring back the body of the player and kill the big crocodile.

Beasts that eat people are not allowed to survive.

This is not only the rules set by the program team, but also the consensus of all mankind.

How can humans, as the most advanced beings on this planet, allow beasts to eat people?

Now this crocodile is already in the ocean, and it is very difficult to catch it.

The only good news is that because the live bracelet is in the stomach of the crocodile, the program team can always lock its position.

Otherwise, trying to find it would be a fool's errand.

The speedboat of the program group was dispatched and rushed here by the wind and waves.

And they are all fully armed and have a lot of weapons. Although the crocodile is powerful, it is far from enough for humans with heavy firepower weapons.

The whole world continued to pay attention to this and it sparked a heated discussion, the news just exploded!

Every major platform software is full of news and news about this matter.

Shenzhou Kingdom also has the intention to stop it, but it is useless.

But the public platform is still not allowed to play that video, because it is too **** and terrifying, and it is not allowed to spread.

In this regard, foreign management is relatively loose.

It's normal to think about it. Residents can legally carry guns. A video is a piece of shit.

"It's terrible, I'm thinking about that big crocodile right now!"

"What should I do? Ye Han still goes to sea often. If we encounter a crocodile, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Don't worry, Ye Han's luck has always been good, and because of the big turtle incident, Ye Han will be more careful."

"Yes, the shells of the big turtles have been bitten to pieces, Ye Han will definitely be more vigilant."

"Wait to watch the show team fight the crocodile, I have a feeling that I'm watching a blockbuster."

"That Cha Yongtai is pure trash, his teammates are dead, and he's still picking booger!"

"The country of plastic surgery is about to be wiped out, and it's up to Cha Yongtai to last a few days."

"By the way, the voting results of the program team have come out, because Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong have built a canopy, there is no problem at all, and the lottery has been drawn!"

"I received a call from the program team. I won a prize of 100,000 yuan, and it was a windfall, hahahaha!"

"Suck European gas, I suck, suck, suck, suck!"


Massive discussions filled each live broadcast room.

Of course, the current peak of traffic is still the live broadcast room of the plastic surgery country, followed by the official live broadcast room.

At the moment of death, Li Youxian reached the peak of his life, which was the hottest time in his life.

Even the popularity of the first-line stars cannot be compared with him.

"There are at least two crocodile groups living in the surrounding waters of this island."

"The area where Ye Han discovered the turtles, and where the plastic surgery country players are."

"In the past, Li Youxian and Che Yongtai also went to sea, but they didn't encounter the crocodile. I can only say that this time I caught up, or that Li Youxian had a **** smell that attracted the crocodile."

The cat detective is sitting at home, analyzing and continuing to drink Vita lemon tea.

Not long after, the speedboat of the program team came.

And there was not just one speedboat, but a full six speedboats, and a lot of staff came, all of them were fully armed.

On the six speedboats, there are six teams in total, and all the leaders are holding a monitor, which will show the position of Li Youxian's live broadcast bracelet, which is the location of the crocodile.

"The crocodile is moving."

"Waiting for command in place!"

Someone above them is also instructing, and the program team also attaches great importance to this hunting of this crocodile this time.

A battle is about to begin!

Chapter 997

Normally, a beast like this that swallows its prey directly will find a place to digest the food quietly after swallowing the prey.

Now the program team is waiting for the crocodile to stop, and then start the capture work.

Of course, if it's just a speedboat, I'm afraid it's not enough to watch.

Helicopters are also on standby, and there is a larger ship that has set off.

Everything is preparing for hunting this crocodile.

It would be naive if some viewers think that the six speedboats and the crew of the speedboats with their guns are all.

In fact, it's just a scout level.

The main event is yet to come!

And this battle has completely stunned Cha Yongtai on the shore.

He stood beside the bed in the wooden house, watching this scene stupidly.

In fact, his live broadcast bracelet also gave a reminder to inform his teammates of the situation, but now he has no intention to pay attention.

All his attention was on the sea.

Audiences all over the world are basically watching this scene, waiting for the follow-up development.

For the rest of the players, it was a rainy day and there would be no waves.

Ye Han and Su Xiaoqi had already woken up, and they were in the kitchen.

Su Xiaoqi made breakfast for Ye Han, and the smell of food filled the kitchen.

Yang Qingqing and Tang Hong hid in the temporary shelter of animal skins. Not only could the rain not get in, but there was no wind, so they felt very safe.

The bard group was lying in Zhang Haoran's wooden house, and Dominic was chanting poetry.

The two of the earthworm team also hid in their wooden houses and waited for the rain to stop.


It is worth mentioning that Zhang Haoran is leading Sirius forward in the jungle, these two guys are not afraid of rain.

Since the start of the game, Zhang Haoran has no idea how many times he has been in the rain. He has nothing to do with it, and he has never felt uncomfortable. His physique is really against the sky.

It's the same sentence, if his physique is not good, he can't grow up with the wolves, and he will die long ago.

Leng Feng and Li Guang's tree house have not yet been built, and even if they are built, they may not dare to shelter from the rain in the tree house.

It may be struck by lightning.

The cold wind was taking a shower in the rain at this time.

There was a big lake next to him, but he didn't dare to swim or take a bath even if he was killed.

Usually they bathe in the stream, but now it is raining, so they just take a bath in the rain.

"Aguang, rub my back."

Leng Feng stood there and asked Li Guang to rub his back.


"Brother Feng, stand firm!"

Li Guang got started and started rubbing his back with the cold wind.

Good guy, there is quite a lot of ash on Brother Feng, and a lot of it was rubbed off and washed away along the rain.

"It should be cleaned, Brother Feng, rub it for me."

Li Guang clapped his hands and said.

Leng Feng turned around, pressing one hand on Li Guang's neck, and rubbing the other hand.

"You told me that you were dirty too!"

"Hey, stand firm, I haven't done anything yet, why are you going to fall?"

said the cold wind.

Normally, if a person maintains a standing position and there is another person rubbing his back behind him, it is not easy for this person to stand still.

The cold wind is that the bottom plate is very stable, and standing there seems to be nailed to the ground.

Li Guang is obviously unable to do this step, not to mention Leng Feng's strength is stronger.

Li Guang subconsciously wanted to support a tree in front of him, but withdrew his hand.

This is not a joke, if a thunder strikes at this time, he will be gone.

"Well, I just came here, what's the situation now?"

"As you can see, Brother Feng and Mom Guang are bathing in the rain and rubbing each other's backs."

"Is it gone? Are they really just taking a shower?"

"Actually, I wish there was something else, but there really isn't, hahahaha!"

"The relationship between these two is really good. I wonder if Li Guang's wife will be jealous."

"This scene is simply Thanos pouting his **** and pouting his purple!"

"There is still such a terrifying remark? I don't care, I want to write it into the composition!"


Leng Feng and Li Guang's picturesque style of painting also attracted a lot of audiences.

Of course, people just take a shower normally, and the audience is unhealthy.

At least they were both still wearing shorts.

Both of them were born in the military, a special forces king, and a military doctor. They had nothing to say about their physical fitness, or they would not dare to take a bath in the rain.

As for Ye Han, he has never done such a thing.

When he first came to the island, Ye Han's body was very weak, but now he is much stronger, but he did not dare to do so.

Always be more stable, don't worry about eating, don't worry about drinking, but don't capsize in the gutter.

The current situation is like this. In fact, there are people watching in each live broadcast room.

However, the largest audience is still in the plastic surgery country.

On the sea, the wind is surging, the lightning is thundering, and the waves are surging!

On the shore, the footprints left by Li Youxian at that time have been washed away by the rain, and his whole person is like evaporation from the world.

Six speedboats detoured, helicopters flew overhead, and a larger ship was approaching not far away!

Cha Yongtai in the wooden house had come to his senses. He looked at his wristband again and understood.

"Li Youxian is dead!"

"He's in the sea now, so the show crew is here to salvage the body?"

Cha Yong-tae speculated in his heart.

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