The reason why the tree house collapsed was found, because the load bearing was not enough.

After all, the tree house that Leng Feng and Li Guang are going to build is not small, and they are built to grow bigger.

The bigger the tree house, the heavier the weight will be. In addition, the rain will pour down the rain, which will increase the weight and lead to the collapse of the tree house.

"Understandable, Brother Feng and Aguang are not professionals in architecture."

"It's also a good thing to collapse, just build it on the ground."

"Only a group of players from Africa have built a tree house, and the tree house is not very big."

"Alas, I studied architecture, and I didn't even realize it."

"Why is this sentence inexplicably familiar, little third master, is that you, little third master?"

"Little Third Master boldly go forward, go forward, don't look back!"

"What are you doing! Don't make me cry!"


The audience discussed it.

What they said also made sense. Leng Feng and Li Guang were not involved in construction. If they wanted to challenge the construction of tree houses, it was normal for them to fail.

Afterwards, the two returned to the ground and began to clean up the collapsed tree house.

These wood materials can still be used.

It's just that they are stacked together now. Some of the broken ones need to be picked out, and the rest of the good ones are kept.

The materials are then laid out and left to dry in the sun.

"Okay, let's eat first."

"Don't eat bear meat, get some crocodile meat and roast it."

"I'll go get some fish and make fish soup."

Leng Feng said to Li Guang.

Bear meat, he really doesn't want to eat it anymore.

Li Guang nodded, he didn't like to eat bear meat either.

The cold wind came to the lake, pulled a vine rope, and pulled up a fish basket from the lake.

There were a lot of fish in there, still struggling to survive.

This move is similar to Ye Han casting a net by the lake back then. He used tools to obtain fish in the lake.

His lake is bigger, and there will be more fish, and every time he is full of harvest.

This fresh fish is obviously more delicious, and the cold wind dislikes bear meat even more.

The two of them started getting ready to eat.

Then there is the situation on Zhang Haoran's side, he has left the place where he was fighting the monitor lizard.

The monitor lizard was bitten by Sirius for a while, and Zhang Haoran had no interest at all.

Sirius ate very satisfied.

Now they have stopped, Zhang Haoran took off his clothes and trousers and put them on a large stone to dry.

Sirius was looking for food around, and he had already brought back a rabbit to Zhang Haoran.

With Sirius there, there is no need to worry about food.

Zhang Haoran began to deal with the rabbit by a stream, and the audience watched with great interest.

"Little Wolfdog, hehe, Haoran, hehehe..."

"The scars on this body are so cool! Look at the muscles, the bronzed skin, it's so sexy!"

"Sure enough, if a woman becomes lustful, then there is really nothing to do with a man."

"Who said there's nothing wrong with men? I like brother Haoran very much. Brother Haoran, look at me!"

"E seems to have mixed in with something strange."

"I can't accept same sex, but I don't discriminate."

"Damn, this is the kind of person that my mother hates the most. I was tricked into getting married, and only when I have children did I realize that my ex-husband likes men!"

"This... There is indeed a lot of chaos in this area, my condolences."

Zhang Haoran's figure is indeed very predictable. Of course, the most attractive thing to women in him is his wild and uninhibited wildness.

Really wild!

And some viewers mentioned that Sirius hunted and raised Zhang Haoran, so they had to mention the Datang team.

As we all know, the two players of the Datang team were taken care of by a flat-headed brother, and netizens joked that this was the support of love.

After many years, the offering of love has once again become popular.

Since they met Brother Pingtou, the two members of the Datang team were completely flat, and they both gained a lot of weight.

To be honest, it is not an easy thing to want to grow meat on the island.

First of all, many players are reluctant to eat to support themselves. At present, many people only eat two meals a day, which can save a lot of food in the long run.

People like Ye Han who eat three meals a day and can drink afternoon tea are the only ones.

And don't forget, the players also have a lot of exercise, as long as the exercise is enough, it is not easy to gain weight.

The two people from the Datang team are indeed different.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the Datang team, there were also a group of viewers watching.

In fact, they are not purely free food.

Now Di Tian is showing his ability to pick up corpses through his extraordinary sense of smell.

As long as there are dead animals in the jungle, he can find them and find them accurately.

I don't dare to say about the big prey for the time being, but more than ten birds have been picked up!

Chapter 1002 Discovery of the Datang Team

Every time there is a heavy rain, many birds die.

But in fact, what players can pick up is always a few.

The most important reason is that it is hard to find.

Maybe you can walk past the dead bird and you won't be able to spot it.

Because the vegetation in this rain forest is very dense, and the bird's body is not big, it fell into some bushes, and at first glance, it is impossible to find it at all.

But Di Tian has his own advantage, that is, he is beyond ordinary people's sense of smell.

This can help him quickly find hidden animal carcasses.

"There's another one here!"

Di Tian used the shovel in his hand to chop down a low shrub in front of him.

Sure enough, there was a bird's body in it.

Xue Liang reached out and picked it up, a smile on his face.

Then he looked up again, to the trees overhead.

"Don't worry, I'll smell it again."

"There is indeed a bird's nest, you go up and take a look, it should be in this direction."

Di Tian said, taking a few deep breaths and smelling the smell.

Xue Dangfang nodded and began to climb the tree.

Sure enough, I found a bird's nest with a few eggs in it.

The audience watched in awe.

"The roasted bird meat is delicious, I want to eat it too!"

"Di Tian's nose is really smarter than a dog!"

"My dog ​​is really useless. Last time I took it up the mountain, a hare jumped out, and my dog ​​couldn't catch up!"

"Di Tian is really amazing, I really want to raise one."

"It's too much, hahahaha!"

"Brother Pingtou: Di Tian was raised by me, you go away, be careful brother to **** you!"

"Yes, yes, I almost forgot, Di Tian is from Brother Pingtou."

"I've spent my whole life to support you both, and I just hope that your eyes will stop flowing."


In this live broadcast room, the audience will chat and sing the offering of love.

Various versions have also been derived.

Many viewers are sorry, it would be nice if voice could be made in the live broadcast room.

But there is no such function yet, and the rotten program group does not seem to plan to do it.

Program team: We are serious about putting it off.

Not long after, Di Tian and Xue Liang had found 20 birds and nearly 30 eggs.

They are all different eggs.

This is definitely a treat.

However, Di Tian was still a little dissatisfied.

Because he wanted bigger prey.

Although this bird meat is fragrant, after a bird is roasted, there is actually not much meat left!

To put it badly, it is not enough for people who eat a lot.

"Take your time, don't worry."

"Let's walk slowly and pay attention to safety. Brother Pingtou found a snake just now!"

Xue Liang patted Di Tian on the shoulder and said.

There has never been any conflict between this group of players, and the relationship is very harmonious.

At this moment, Brother Flathead was gnawing with a snake in his arms, and it sounded very appetizing.

This snake makes the scalp tingle.

The head was bitten off by Brother Flathead, and as a result, the body was still twisted, looking scary.

The group moved on, looking for more prey.

The hard work paid off, and finally, Di Tian's expression changed.

He smells it!

There was a strong smell of scorch in the air, and looking forward, a tree was struck by lightning and collapsed in a charred color.

And also killed a cow!


Di Tian couldn't help but let out a foul language for the first time.

You must know that after being on the island for so long, more than 140 days, he has never gotten a prey like a cow!

Alright now, just pick one up, this harvest is really great!


Xue Liang couldn't help but shout, his face full of joy.

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