Survival of Prehistoric Widows [Farming]

Chapter 105: Jinjiang Exclusive Issue (105)

Nata looked at him as if looking at a fool: "Are you going to die?"

Horn squeezed the hemp rope arbitrarily: "Don't talk nonsense, speak quickly."

Nata was once again strangled so that her eyes were black and out of breath. He waited for the horn to let go of his hand and breathed a few times. He didn't dare to ask any more, and only looked up to the horizon: "Just go in the direction of the horn."


Lu Er was a little puzzled, and looked at the same confused corner.

Nata saw that they didn't understand, for fear that he would suffer again, and made it clear: "The black line on the horizon."

Lu Ling and Jiao followed Natta's gaze and saw a vaguely yellow line across the gray and yellow sky, as if there was a very steep and extremely high mountain rising from the ground.

That direction was exactly the direction Lu Lin had inferred from the erosion of the divine punishment based on the bones in this small tribe.

Because everything in the God's Punishment Wasteland was covered with a grayish-yellow color, Lu Er and Jiao hadn't noticed this yellow line that was only thicker before.

"This is the horn? Whose horn?"

Nata was taken aback for a while, and after a while, he smiled sarcastically, "So you don't know...Of course it is the corner of this world."

After that, Nata refused to say anything. Even if Lu Yan used purple hemp to force a confession, Nata was so painful that Nata was so cold and sweaty that he just begged for mercy: "When I was separated, I didn't carry much knowledge about this world. You can ask me. It's useless."

"You are not sharing memories?"

"It is a shared memory, but in order to ensure safety, a single individual will only retain the necessary knowledge." Nata wanted to shrug, but was **** and couldn't move, so she could only struggle uncomfortably.

After pressing for a while, seeing that Nata really couldn't tell, Lu Yan could only give up and step on the lion's back.

Taking into account the safety of the two people, Lu Yan and Jiao did not plan to take this Nata on the road.

If there is really Nata’s lair, there will be more "Natas" on the road, and they can catch new prisoners at any time.

Ending this Nata's life with purple hemp, the lion ran towards the vague yellow line on his back.

According to Nata, from the time he discovered Lu and Jiao, Lu and Jiao entered their surveillance and could not escape.

Therefore, both of them are mentally prepared to fight and go.

Because of the extremely lethal purple hemp weapon, and the heart of life on Jiao's body ensured that the two people had no worries, there was not much fear in Lu Er's heart except for a little nervousness.

On the contrary, listening to the whistling wind in his ears, Lu Wei felt that he secreted more adrenaline, and a long-lost expectation and excitement emerged from his heart.

For the upcoming battle, for this journey to save the world.

After coming to this world with almost no rules and restrictions, Lu Wei found that his regular and conservative creed was broken time and time again; following the wild and gentle lion under him, he was gradually aroused in his heart.

In a trance, it was as if back to the childhood when he was riding on the ski poles on the slopes, the snow splashing on both sides was filled with excitement and excitement.

Realizing that he was as nervous and anticipating as an adolescent boy, Lu Wei laughed at himself slightly: He is a lot of age, and he did not expect that he would have an old man chatting about his teenage madness after decades of following the rules.

He bowed his head and hugged the neck of the pure white lion under him.

His change is closely related to the angle. He never thought he would change before.

But now it looks good.

As a result, they drove forward for a few days without encountering any enemy.

That evening, they stayed on a deserted tribal site again, eating spiritual water and some fruits, and staring at the night sky rising in a daze.

"Why haven't we encountered a single enemy?"

The horn simply stepped on the ground and spread a blanket of animal skins before allowing Lu Er to sit down and replied, "I don't know."

According to Nata, they are being monitored by more "Natas", and they should be able to welcome the enemies who will succeed in the future. Why are they so peaceful along the way that they can't even see a person?

Was Nata holding a big move, or was there something wrong with Nata himself?

After thinking about it, I couldn't understand it. Lu Lin lay his head back, and the corner of his side approached him and hugged him tightly: "Lu Lin, it's time to replenish your life force."

Lu Yan knew what Jiao was thinking without even thinking about it, and gave him a push: "Go, my life force is going to be excessive."

I added too much a while ago.

Jiao was disappointed and unwilling: "It's better to reserve more."

"You should be a ration."

After stopping Jiao’s thoughts in time, Lu Lin’s thoughts turned back to business, "Is the voice admonishing us related to the traitor of the alien race?"

The individual who had betrayed the entire "Natta" made purple hemp against himself, making purple hemp a must-kill weapon for the orcs against the Natas. If the voice that seems to be a "god" is a god, it's okay, if it's the Nata traitor?

Lu Ren didn’t know what happened to the betrayal between Nattas, but judging from the current news, the civilization of this race was very different from the humans and orcs that Lu knew, and it was more similar to "Insect Swarm Civilization". ".

The overall consciousness is composed of group consciousness.

But Nata seems to be more advanced. Each individual he separated has his own independent way of thinking, no less than any high-level intelligent life;

Different individuals can freely learn the various laws of the universe, and all individuals can merge without hindrance...

Even he, no, it can also erode the bodies of other lives.

This way of life and civilization surpassed Lu Er's imagination.

Despite being in a hostile perspective, Lu Lin still developed a sincere admiration and curiosity for this civilization.

Fortunately, according to the current understanding, it is extremely difficult for the Natta race to multiply. Otherwise, it would not be mistaken for Lu Yan to be so happy after they were of their clan and could breed offspring.

Jiao couldn't understand the question, and shook his head: "I don't know either."

"It now appears that Nata was friendly to me at the beginning, and may want to merge with me."

Kokaku hugged him tightly, and said confidently: "I will protect you."

Lu Ling smiled and kissed the orc beside him: "Well, I know."

Jiao felt Lu Er's shock at that Nata, and kissed Lu Er back, and asked with a little sourness: "You still think about Nata?"

"Well, I was thinking about the existence of this civilization in the universe..." Lu Yan suddenly noticed something, a little funny, "Jealous again?"

"No," the corner replied stiffly, "I just think he is a bit pitiful."

"What's the pity?"

"If he is the only one who comes to our world, and all Nattas are separated clones... Isn't he very lonely alone?" Horn put his chin on Lu Ling's shoulder and rubbed, "I'm not as good as me. ."

Lu Wei laughed: "Maybe he doesn't have the feeling of loneliness."

Different civilizations have different ways of emotion-no, it is not even known whether "emotion" exists in other types of civilization.

Jiao snorted, expressing his disdain for Nata, and then asked, "Lu Ning, what is your civilization like?"

Lu Er told him many things on earth before, but he didn't introduce it from a very high angle.

"Human civilization..." Lu Ling recalled for a while, a trace of nostalgia appeared on his face, "Similar to orc civilization, but humans have more complicated thinking than orcs, and there are more disputes and troubles."

Although there is a lot of sadness, anger, and pain, time has washed away those negative things gradually and blurred, leaving behind the more heavy and tougher things that have settled down.

"However, overall, as a human being, I am very happy."

Jiao originally wanted to pull Lu Er's thoughts away from Nata, but seeing the nostalgia on Lu Er's face made it even more uncomfortable in his heart.

His voice lowered a little: "Lu Er, do you want to go back?"

"Where are you going back? Earth?"


"If you want to go back, you can't go back." Lu Yan thought Jiao was suffering from gains and losses again, and touched his face, "Don't worry, you and the children are here. I won't leave."

Jiao buried his face on Lu Er's shoulder and said dullly, "Am I very bad?"


"I know you must miss home, but I still don't want you to leave."

Lu Er tilted his head: "Why do you suddenly think about this?"

Kok pursed his mouth, still expressing his concern all the time: "Lu Er, I always feel that you are someone God brought us to save our world."

Lu Er's arrival brought them more advanced light of civilization, solved various problems of food, clothing, shelter, and transportation for them, and even solved the divine punishment and the threat of alien races for them.

Not only the horns, in fact, many people from the altar tribe and the Hongmu tribe secretly regard Lu Er as the incarnation of the gods.

"If our world crisis is lifted, the alien race is eliminated, and the wasteland of God's punishment also disappears... Will you be sent back to the original world by God?"

Kokaku's arms around Lu Er's waist tightened a little, and there was a hint of anxiety in his voice, "Sometimes I even feel that if the divine punishment doesn't expand or disappear, it's fine, then you can stay here forever. By my side...sometimes you spurn yourself a lot. It's your ability to teach us independence, thinking, and learning. I shouldn't use me to restrict your freedom."

It was the first time that Lu Er listened to a long story about his emotions like this. At first it was a bit funny, but then gradually became a little bit sad.

He turned around, let himself and the corner lie face to face, and asked in a low voice, "How long have you been thinking about these thoughts?"

"It didn't take long."

Lu Er doesn't believe it, but this is not the point.

He held Horn’s face, leaned forward and kissed on Horn’s lips. His eyes were brighter than the stars, and he said seriously: "I can’t guarantee what happens after saving the world... But as long as I can choose by myself, I I will definitely stay with you—and you have to remember that it was not you who fettered me, but that you freed me from my shackles."

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