Ryuhanbin took a step forward with a roar.

The space was folded.

At the next moment, he was already in front of Omphalos' eyes.

A clear strike strikes the target.


The world shakes with a heavy roar, even though the Sword of Doom has stopped the attack.

Drinking groaning, the drink bounces back.

As he fixes his posture, Omphalos sweats.

‘This is dangerous......

Dozens of enchantments came to mind around Marcin.

Hundreds of golden swords rise beneath Marcin's feet.

A myriad of magical bombardments and the dissolution of the Golden Sword are at hand. A storm of pure destruction swirls around.

Red airflow flowed up around Hanbin.

‘By human will......

Recall the teachings of Garhan and fix Gigante.

‘..... leads to the destruction of God! ’

A sword of holy light, stretched to several tens of meters, spreads out the curtain of dazzling light.

Khh! Khh!

The spilled magic is broken and scattered with particles of light. Hundreds of golden swords returned to the molten lava.

The complexion of Omphalos was further hardened.

A pale smile came to mind at Hanbin's mouth.

‘All right, that's it! ’

Garhan's final scrub, the next step in the descent of the brain.

A unique magic trick that uses divinity, the Fall of the Throne.

After completing this technique, the brain was unable to speak. It was because the dark divinity that was in him did not allow it to end.

However, Ryuhanbin has a different situation.

The goddesses let me go first.

There is nothing further to distance from the point of resolving the Holy Suppressive Power of Omphalos with the Heavenly Infant Toxin Zone. You don't even have to use the blanket room or the possessions of God.

Again, the Blade of Holy Light struck Omphalos.

Swordpress Tavern Formula 1: Stable Slash!

Drinking heavily, he grinds his teeth.



It also changed.

I'm not sure what's different, but it must have changed.

‘But what's different?’ The laws of combat have not changed much.

I still use human swordsmanship. Like Omphalos, it does not deal with the power of God in the will of God.

This does not mean that the divinity of the Three Gods possessed by Ljubljanbin has become stronger.

‘Yes, he's still immature. ’

But at the same time, I am proficient.

I'm used to wielding God's power over Omphalos.

‘What the hell is this contradiction! ’



The goddesses don't know.

How the mortal should deal with the divinity.

You don't need to know in the first place.

This is one of the taboos that should never be allowed.

Only sinners who violated the taboo could find out.

“The essence of the downpouring was originally this. ”

Expanding the awareness of the immortal instantaneously, temporarily reaching the realm of divinity.

“Can you do it? ”

It was Ryuhanbin who had already gained God's understanding.

I was able to answer Garhan's question confidently.

“Absolutely not. There's no way a man can do that, is there? ”

Distinguishing between possibility and impossibility is also a story after understanding the subject.

“That's the right answer. ”

Garhan smiled.

“Neither do I. That's the limit of the mortal. ”

The force of the brain, its flow has changed.

“So I changed my mind. ”

Temporarily narrowing the realm of divinity to reach the perception of the immortal.

“This is the true downfall. ”

Ignores the power of creation, the power of harmony, and the power of maintaining.

Focus solely on one single, simple, ignorant swing of all its divinity.

“Therefore, you can't be a god by speaking of the Gospel Fall. ”

I'm just a rookie wielding God's destruction.

“But what does it matter? There's no difference in who you are. ”



It is not dealing with the power of God.

It's just dealing with a sword that contains the power of God.

But soon the Black Hand of the Prosecutor.


Leu Hanbin continues to drive Omphalos, wielding his divinity like a handful.

Cut to the ground for the rest of your life, and take a divine shot in an enhanced attack with a Tuhon!

You're a martyr!

Omphalos was also powered.

No longer distinguishes between magic and swordsmanship.

Shake the sword and take power to cut the world!

Overwhelming Sword!

Divinity and divinity clashed.

Quaa 'ang!

It was the drinker who fell out.


Omphalos grinds his back.

What the hell? ’

Why do you keep pushing yourself?

Ryuhanbin laughed bitterly.

“I know how it feels. ”

That's exactly what I felt when I fought Baotolt.


The sacred stab passes over Omphalos' shoulder.

Marcin's face was distorted.


Golden Holy Blood splashed.

Simple screening damages the body and strikes the divine.

“How dare you! ”

The wrath of Omphalos became more intense.

Swallowing Sword!

A vast river of light has overflowed Hanbin. I immediately defended it, but I counted more power than I thought.


With groaning, red blood gradually blossomed from Ryuhanbin's body. He was also bleeding now with divine blood.

Of course, both wounds quickly disappeared.

They contain the power of God, so the injury of the flesh is instantaneous.

Of course, you can say that you have been struck enough because you have consumed that much divinity, but there is no limit to your divinity.

Omphalos begins to attack with a horrible glow.

“I am a looter……

Starting from the instinct of battle, gaining intelligence and wisdom, and eventually descending from the clan to the place of God.

“The essence of Kaltera is to fight and steal! ”

You can't lose to the power of the Earthly gods who have only raised their strength to defend you!

Divinity and divinity clash. The world is shaken and shaken again. During this period, the sword of Truthfulness strikes and falls into elongation.

Bang! Bang! Quack, quack!

After a while, Omphalos realized what he was mistaken for.

‘You son of a...

The incarnation of pure violence that seems to embody the image of destruction itself in reality.

Indeed, defeatist, violent and violent tyrants themselves.

"You're not Earthly! ’

I don't intend to keep it. It specializes solely in crushing, destroying and tearing.

I'd rather be closer to the Caltera.

I didn't understand.

Earthlings are definitely the ancestors of the Earth.They are also the gods of the Earthlings....

‘Why is it so different? ’

Kibi knew why.

Watching the battle, she smiled faintly.

What do you do if you're Earthlings? ’

In a similar world created by the Calterra people, according to the plan of the Calterra people, we have fought against the creatures of the Calterra people.

Even though he made it that way, Omphalos himself does not realize it.

The incarnation of darkness cries out with a fiery fist.

“Finish it, Hanbin! ”

Ryuhanbin was stunned and his tongue filled with exhaustion.

‘It's not that easy to say. ’

In fact, it was not as favorable as he seemed. No, it was rather restless.

Time is still flowing.

I don't know when the Tower Hall of Drinking Water will be completed.

Unconditionally, it must end before then.

‘By the way, the opportunity to use the Celestial Sword won't come...

Omphalos' low power was not worth it.

I've been peeking at opportunities ever since, and I can't see any fatal gaps in Millie's life.

However, you can't blow the celestial sword with the symbol of good luck.

And if it fails?

If even the Celestial Sword is broken, it will become a long-term metastasis and the result will be the victory of Omphalos.


Leu Hanbin pushed Omphalos roughly with a fuse. I sweated and drank successively.

Light and light were in the midst of intense elongation.

Suddenly, Ryuhanbin stretched Gigante aside.

Tucin Island!

A transverse slash containing the divine is blown. At the same time, it leads to a longitudinal slash, through the center of which a flash of a stem penetrates.

Thirty Qualifications, Cross Impact!

The cross of God was drawn in the air.

Even if it wasn't a celestial sword, it was a necessity that he was most confident in.

Omphalos didn't give it to me.

“Huh! That's enough! ”

The Sword of the Dead is qualified to work with violence.

It was then.


Gigante stretches out long and blows an oblique slash.

Fast and intense, but it was a slap in the face, as it led directly to the declaration.

You made a mistake! ’

It was time for Omphalos to smile for repentance, avoiding the attack by twisting his head.

As I waited, Ryuhanbin twisted and kicked.

It was a high kick that went up and down in the air.


Mpalos, who only cared about Gigante, was authentically strangled.


Kick your foot? Kick your foot?

At this moment?

“It's the most familiar thing! ”

After deliberately showing a loophole, withstand, followed by a valid strike.

It's the winning pattern that I used to die in the Rocky Mountains, but I've almost halfway forgotten it recently!

The opponent can't miss a shaky gap. Ryuhanbin's whole body trembled.

The sword vanishes, man vanishes, the world vanishes.

What's left is the illusion of a galaxy pouring out like light.

The goddess of the world shook her sword.

Sword Diastia!

It overflows with golden holy blood.

The screams of God echo.


Drink Omphalos, who was so powerful.

He is now wiggling with almost half of his body flying.

Crush his face like a demon with extreme pain.

“Argh! Damn it! Damn it!”

For him who was born a god and lived as a god, this kind of suffering is truly the first time in his life.

“It really hurts so badly...

Nevertheless, he laughed hard.

“…… I'm glad I ended up sick. ”

On the other hand, Ryuhanbin's complexion was stiff.

I can see how pale the male remains are.

‘Do you miss????? Did you go?????

Half the body flew away?

If it's a fight with humans, it's a definite victory. Humans stab only three pennies and sometimes they die.

However, the opponent is God.

For God, the body is a part of power, and that is merely evidence that divinity has been consumed.

Half should not be left.

I should have blown everything away for sure.

Ljubljanfre was well aware of that, and actually tried to do so.

Nevertheless, the reason why it was combed…….

‘What the hell is this? ’

One day, a chain of light was entangling his limbs. Because of that, the timing of the last moment was off.

“Too bad, Earthlings. ”

Omphalos sweeps up his head as he returns to a healthy state.

“Do you think only you were looking for an opportunity? ”

It was inconclusive.

Obviously, I never took my eyes off him.

I was checking all his divinity, all his movements, all his precedents without missing a very slight sign.

When the hell did you do this?

“You made the same mistake I made. ”

Omphalos was flustered.

“You should have been careful back there. ”

Laughing and returning what Ryuhanbin said.

“You're not the only one here, are you? ”

It was not the devil who spread the chain of light.

The dark sphere in Ruby Tower.

Even now, it was Genovia who vomited an endless moan.

4Aaaaaaaah! ’

? * *

Looking at the chains of light that bind the whole body, Hanbin is evil.

“About this! ”

My whole body is swelling with divinity. The chain began to break without crying.

“I can break it in no time! ”

Drinks agreed.

“Of course, if you are. ”

How many seconds do we have to tie it up?

More than that.

“That's enough. ”

A ring of light came to mind around Ryuhanbin. The black air flow began to escape from his chest.

“The plan wasn't bad, but the weakness was too obvious. ”

Hanbin's complexion became pale.


Guideline. It was the power that Omphalos instilled in him.

“Your divinity must belong to the goddesses...

Drinks twitch their fingers.

“It's my Heavenly Infant Poison Zone that triggers it. ”

You don't have to suppress that monster with your power.

All you have to do is reap what you came down with.


The guidelines completely escaped and were absorbed into the zenovia of the void.

Ryuhanbin's Heavenly Infant Dog Zone was silent on the road. The three goddesses were also sealed on the road.

He became a martyr, again a human being.

Now that the guidelines are gone, the real skill is no longer hidden either.

"Race: Humans. Sword K. LV.


Omphalos puts out his tongue.

“Oh, look at the level? That's why I've been working so hard. ”

Since the power of God is sealed, the power to break the chain of God is also gone.

The chain of light once again swept away Hanbin's body.

“Oh, shit...

Ryuhanbin's knee was broken.

Leon Hart was right.

Acquired without effort is easy to disappear.

Genovia, who took Hanbin's guidelines, started screaming higher than ever.

‘Aaaaaaaah!’ and the message that follows.

'Integrated system of guidelines: Genovia in the Void.

rCurrent Progress: 105.2 Percentagej

“Huh, there's a lot of information in there. ”

As usual, there are still quite a few unfilled suitors that would not have filled 100 percent, but the level of leucine is so high that it is overcharged.

“Of course, I've got God's understanding. ”

At the same time, the progress of the planetary predation process begins to rise alarmingly.

rCurrent Progress: 95.3% j Current Progress: 96%

Current Progress: 97 percent jr Current Progress: 98 percent jr Current Progress: 99 percent j Finally, the message was changed.

'Phase 2, ceiling duvet room.

rCurrent Progress: 100 Percentagej

Terminate the planet predation process, Phase 2 and implement the following steps:



The light source resonates.

“I did it! I finally did it! ”

After hundreds of years of time, after finally getting what you want, the victor's beacon was destroyed.


Kivier fell in despair and sat down.

“Oh, no.

It's over. It's all over.

I can feel it.

I have a sense that everything that the Six Gods ruled disappears like a vision.

Soon all of Latna will be returned to Omphalos.

Heaven and earth, sea and atmosphere.

All creatures who walk in it, their faith, their life, their intellect.??????

Even the six goddesses!

“Ah??????? ”

Looking back at her, Omphalos smiled softly.

“You can't be too upset, Kibriel, can you? I'm not dying right now. ”

God does not die.

Even if I want to die.

“You will continue to exist as the Virgin of Calterra. ”

Of course, for the Earthlings, this would not have been better than extinguishing it, but he doesn't know it.

All that's left now is the final step.

Without hiding the excitement, Drinkin wedged his last.

“Latna, welcome the new owner! ”

The planetary predation process vomited the final message.

Phase 3, God's possessions merge together... … .j Suddenly the letter breaks?

Omphalos panicked.

“Huh? What is it? We need to activate Phase Three, right? ”

There was nothing like that.

Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound by Bound

I decided to be very happy and broke the letter, and after a while, a new message came out.

Cancel the planet predation process.

Drinks rubbed his eyes. I also scrubbed a few times.

I didn't see it wrong.

r Cancel the planetary predation process.

The golden sky was filled with cries close to the screams.

Drunk, canceled? ”

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