Omphalos resurfaces during a storm of lightning.

Numerous darknesses were opened around Marcin.

Outside of Latna, the darkness connected to this world vomits a colorful flame.


Epir avoided the fire by falling quickly.

The Artis, who flew over like an intersection, opened his mouth. A chlorine dragon king's staff hangs between the horns.

“A fragment of void hits the earth, Mithier Swarm! ”

In the original dragon form, you can speak magic without a staff.

But powerful catalysts make it more sophisticated.

Hundreds of fireballs hit hundreds of metres of monsters.

Quack, quack!

Because of that, Omphalos' movement slowed down.

Ryuhanbin slips over the lightning and heads near Artis. And he seemed surprised.

“Artis, when did you get to fly? ”

The dragon, covered in iron armor, turns its gaze.

“It's not me. ”

Fourteen horse-drawn tools were shining on Artis' stomach leather. It was a horse tool with flotation, magic and Levitation.

Floating in the air is when you cry with magic, and the wings are just responsible for thrust and direction shifting.

“Here we go!”

Artis smashes his wings with a grand roar.

A giant dragon starts to spin around like a chick.

Of course, it flies in such slow motion that Omphalos can't just leave it there.

“Are you kidding me? ”

It was time for one of Marcin's heads to throw up with a laugh.

“Emergency evasion! ”

Angelica, the temple warrior on Artis' back, operated one of the stables.

Then a fire gushes from the side of the dragon and accelerates!


Artis' giant swirls in the air like a tortoise, avoiding the twinkling.

Palmer and Merdill shout, manipulating some of the dragon's iron armor.

“Activate, Flame Strike! ”

“Activate, Freezing Tempest! ”

Now the Temple Warlords are also stronger than level 100. The level of the artifact attached to the Artis' body becomes enough to manipulate.

Not as skilled as an artist, of course, but it didn't matter.

The target is hundreds of meters!

Just shoot!

Quack, quack!

Platter shouts as he pulls Prana up.

“I'll open the shield! Full speed forward!”

A dragon of iron armor rushes to Omphalos with its magic shield. All kinds of magic and magic are poured out like showers.

There is too much to care about to judge attacks, defenses, movements and evasions alone. That is why the roles were separated from each other.

Artis only moves as directed and focuses his firepower on one point!

“Initiate fire! ”

Ryuhanbin put out his tongue.

‘.... What kind of airship have you become, that one? ’

Leon Hart and ManaKiras were also doing their best.

The Black Dragon opens his mouth and vomits a huge breath. Bress of Darkness is fierce against the Golden Beast through the air.

Leon Hart blows the strongest hit from the transcendent.

Unique Spear of Raging Fall!

A glorious window of light flies and a blade aura dances.

All of that counts.

It's so big, it's harder to miss.

Then, when Marcin's counterattack returns, Leonhard gives his orders quickly.

“Leftovers! ”

As instructed, the Black Dragon twists its body. A glimmer flickers past Manachiras.

But Marcin's attack does not end at once.

“Ooha! ”

He passed by the flashy Iras.


Unlike Hanbin's group or the Temple Warriors, ManaKiras has no experience of fighting Utu Xalik. I have never fought an overwhelmingly large and huge opponent.

But according to Leonhard's instructions, she can also fight efficiently!

“Right, left, right, right! ”

“…… What makes it so difficult to just spin a square? ”

Leonhard and ManaKiras continue to dizzy Ompalos' sights, avoiding an apprehensive attack.


The light of emotion began to rise from the eight heads of Mashin.

‘It's no big deal. Why are you so bothered? ’

It was a feeling of annoyance.

Ryuhanbin once again set the course for the lightning bolt!

The attacks of his companions did not strike Mpalos in any way.

It is only extravagant, in fact there is very little real damage.

But just dispersing the spirit was a big help.


I repeated that the red lightning extended and disappeared.

I repeated that every time I slit an elongation and disappeared.

Swordpress? Swordpress?

That distinction was no longer necessary.

I'm gonna stab, slash, slash, slash!


Red flashes of elongation were intense over the Golden Beast.

Omphalos became increasingly nervous.

Now I didn't have time to drink.

“Hey, these guys! ”

A massive Golden Gate bursts again. The path of the Red Lightning is pushed into the sea and shattered.

But this time I didn't make the same mistake again.



The Wyvern of the Silver Mane flew quickly and burned him.

Omphalos glances at her as she looks away.

“There is no escaping the hand of God! ”

Regardless of the surrounding aggression, Caltera's spirit moves the giant.

The atmosphere was torn and there was a storm.

Numerous chains of light shot at Hanbin and Epir.

‘Oh, my God! I'm going to get caught! ’

Ryuhanbin's complexion hardened. The chain was a little faster than Epir.

It was then.

Unique Magic: Brainstroke!

Suddenly, Epir's Force increased by several times!

Sexual fluids!

With tremendous acceleration, Wyvern takes over Omphalos' head in a single breath.

Hanbin was astonished.

“How do you write this? ”

After returning to Latna, he explained to her the tricks of falling brains he had learned. But I didn't get it.

“I realized I was fighting Ectos!

I feel a little better when I get back to my body! ”

It is.

She's a Wyvern everywhere.

I'm not human.

In fact, when it's Wyvern, you can use your talents much better.


Liu Hanbin gripped Gigante with admiration.

I've got the manoeuvres right now. Now I have a chance to win even with my drinking opponent!


The Wyvern of the Silver Mane began to quilt around Omphalos with a thunderbolt.

Break through the storm, ride a whirlpool, dig between fire and lightning, and give Hanbin a chance.

Gigante trembled at Kibriel's divinity. Horizontal slash, vertical slash, and stabbing burst out in a row.

Thirty Qualifications, Cross Impact!

Along with the heat, a single head of the drink was cut out. A giant monster screams.


With the golden holy blood sprinkled, Omphalos grinds it.

“That Wyvern is trouble to the end. ”

I feel the presence getting blurred.

I really don't have time now.

I'm about to be deported from Latna, even right now.

"Are you forced to swarm? ’

The Golden Monster vomited the Spirit of God, pulling out as much of the damaged divinity as possible.

Kneel before a true god!

The Golden Tide covers the world.

Heaven and earth are all filled with light.

The great transcendental divinity that oppresses the dead once was the Drew Basin, now shattered into a desert.


All the mortals screamed alongside the noise.



Leonheart and Manachiras fell from the sky. Artis, Platter, and the three Shrine Warlords have also lost their power.

Even an episode of cerebral infarction could not escape the limits of the immortal.


But I couldn't get out like this.

Omphalos, who blew up the whole sacrament, was also cut off for a while. It's only now to stop the breath of the drink!

“Hanbin! ”

The fallen Epir grabs Ryuhanbin with all his last strength. Then he spins like a disc and throws a spinning force.

“Thank you, Epir! ”

Flying like Thornhill, Ryuhanbin focused his mind.

‘If what you want to cut exists in the world...

His whole body slowly blurs.

All come, all divinity gathers to the edge of Gigante's sword.

‘I will cut it down with the world! ’

The moment Ompalos burst into delight.

“You're caught!”

We've got the timing. We can't avoid him now.

The seven heads of Machine opened their mouths in unison.

The twinkling of the seven trunks unites and makes you angry with the iron of the unstoppable god!


God's judgment was not wrong.

A massive flashlight tore the sky of Latna, covering the whole of Ljubljanbin, and soared beyond the stratosphere to the other side of the star.

Even though everything was assembled, even the Goddess, it was an unbearable and extinct attack.

“Finally caught it, hahaha! ”

It was time for Omphalos to burst into delightful laughter.

“I'm sorry. Huh? ”

A blurred vision emerged between the ruthless mines of extinction.

It was a welcome from Ryuhanbin, who put Gigante over his head.

If what you want to cut exists in the world, it is the tomb of the Celestial Sword Diastia that you cut with the world.

“Then the power to annihilate even God with my world passes through him.

“I could bellow myself! ”

Ompalos was alarmed.

What did you do? ’

I don't know why that happened.

‘He is definitely there...

It doesn't exist at the same time!

Epir, who had barely spread his wings, was also terrified.

“Oh my God, that...

Final visualization of Holien, who crosses the real and absent.

“It's a lifetime, isn't it?”


The self that exists but does not exist falls towards Omphalos.

The sword, which exists but does not exist, digs into the heart of the drink.

“Hey, you! ”

The chain of light dances. Numerous petrified species eaten by Omphalos grabbed the elongated void.

To prevent the catastrophe of oil from coming, God jumped again and again.


But I couldn't stop it from being there.

The visions dig up the Golden Monster. Hundreds of metres passed through the giant without resistance and continued toward the center.

The scourge finally reached the heart of Ompalos.

“I'm not swinging with my black hands...

Hanbin painted the world with a low recitation.

“but wielding with black hands. ”

The visions disappear and the universe unfolds.

A myriad of stars scatter everywhere.

A galaxy exploded in the heart of Ompalos.

Sword Diastia.

A true warrior's sword shatters the essence of God.



Hundreds of meters of golden monsters are scattered in powder. The particles of light scatter around like a fog.

In the colossal light, Omphalos howled.


The body that has lost its essence collapses.

“Power! My divinity! ”

Making God exist.

The power that has been growing up eating all kinds of worlds for tens of thousands of years.

The divinity of the great Calterra, piled up all over the universe, was disappearing like smoke.

“My power! ”

Marcin hit Valverdung.

He stretched out his will to all sides, trying to grasp the power that was somehow scattered.

“My divinity! ”

It was useless.

Everything just escaped in vain.

In infinite dehydration, Omphalos fell into despair.

‘I should have gone back then……

When the plan collapsed, when the planetary predation process was cancelled, when the Six Goddesses of Latna regained their place…….

I should have given up then.

I shouldn't have greed.

I shouldn't have revealed my nature to the Earthlings in front of me.

‘If I had, I would have preserved God's place! ’

But it was already irreversible.

Regret is how late it is.

God or man.


Finally, Calterra's divinity completely left its owner and scattered throughout Latna.

All that remains is the remnant of God, in the form of a fetus.

Altia's skies are open.

Kibriel's darkness vomits a dark void.

Yeshen's fire burns him, Ramney Ana's water melts him, Sorondi's earth banishes him, and burns him in the wind of Frellu.

The remnants of God, sculpted to pieces, began to be sucked into the holes of the world.

“No, baby! ”

The screams of the painful drinker became thunder and echoed the sky of Latna.

The sky above the fluctuating sky.

The last trunk of golden light is sucked into the darkness to cover its tracks.

Altia's skies are closed, and the power of the six gods disappears.

Omphalos was banished to the other side of Latna forever.

The noise disappeared and the film wrapped around the son-in-law.

All that's left is a vast wilderness that I can't call a mountain range anymore.

In the middle, you can see the examination of the fallen geese that became bloody.

“... Is it really over? ”

Reaching to the floor, Ryuhanbin stares at the void.

Still at the last minute, I'm not sure how he did it.

What, cut me into my world?

You're not cutting with your black hands?

But Benda by hand?

When I came back now, there was no such thing as nonsense.

“Wait, I think I'm out of my mind...

But that allowed me to defeat the drink.

He smiles hard with a rumble.

“Ha, haha, haha...

After all, I saved this world.

I also saved my precious friends.

He also achieved his revenge.

In a word, Latna's savior was dumbfounded.

“Oh, I'm hungry......

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