- A week later -

I had not yet been able to return to Friesia from the capital of the kingdom of Fennel.

There are so many reasons why I have to stay.

The first is that the Birthday Festival of the Cuttlebowl Master will not end.

Believers in the eager Cuttlebowl who dedicate their dance to the Cuttlebowl late in the evening have eaten the Cuttlebowl to convey their full gratitude.

I think it's a good thing that the beasts join in so that there will be exchanges in the Fae.

Sometimes it doesn't end forever because of a pervert named King and Beast King who is taking the lead.

It should be noted that the limit had come to the production of seasonings because of the daily festivities.

I think my activity as an inexhaustible condiment maker makes a very significant contribution.

The second is the harm caused by the two names' soy sauce '.

Rumors of soy sauce are spreading exaggerated because a large number of people saw the fact that dark elves were taken with soy sauce.

From the king's mouth, he has also announced soy sauce as holy water.

I don't know if you want to get out of your own way or if you think you'll be lucky, but when you find me, you come near for nothing.

It is no exaggeration to say that being surrounded like an entertainer just out there is more popular than the princess, Mr. Fiona.

As a result, the possibility of being rubbed and dying instantly emerged.

Whatever you say, I'm weaker than a goblin.

So I can't go out without darkness.

The third is because it was announced that Mr. Fiona would leave the Wang capital.

Mr. Fiona originally lived in my house, but none of the people of the kingdom of Fennel knew that fact.

This time it was announced from the king's mouth that he would "move to Friesia in order to establish friendly relations with the Elves".

Because he was treated like a witch in a bowl of cutlets, he asked the faithful, "Has the bowl of cutlets been abandoned from the king's capital?" And it made me anxious.

Sometimes the King and the Beast King are actively working hard on the Cuttlebowl Birthday Festival to solve that misunderstanding.

Incidentally, it was also announced that Mr. Fiona would be staying at my house, an Elf messenger.

The effect of the King's speech that Truffle God saved the kingdom of Fennel and seasonings came from the Elves is enormous.

In order to promptly deepen our relationship with the Elves, no one had anything to rebel against.

Sometimes a Firecat tin will be in the same party member, having become the fastest S-rank adventurer in the world.

As a matter of fact, I wanted you to announce it as my fiancée.

That's why I can't go back to Freesia because if me and Mr. Fiona go out there, we'll be in a lot of trouble.

Except for cooking, I'm having a sweet time.

Especially at night, the more friendly days the three of us sleep in bed together.

My sweet Fiona has more body touches.

The days when I just held hands and slept are gone, and they stroke my cheeks gently.

I'm thrilled to be kissed, but there's no development from it at all.

I feel my stalled love is starting to move, and my expectations are rising.

There was also a change in the tin that I always slept at my feet, and I started to sleep over my head.

To be exact, a tin is sleeping with my head on it, like a pillow with my body round.

Unexpectedly the head is stiff, so it hurts so bad that the tin moves to hit the gorilla skull.

I think maybe the tin feels like it's sleazy and sweet on the head, but it's a little annoying.

I'm going to poke my accidents and sweet bite my ears, so I'm creating an excitement that I don't know when you're going to bite me.

I think the sweet days I spend with the two of them are so wonderful.

But when you become as frail in love as I am, love sickness activates frequently.

I want to see Mr. Lienbell smile.

I want to feed Mr. Lienbell.

I want Mr. Leanbell to beat me up.

If they'd done cum cum at a time like this, maybe they'd have changed a little.

But Mr. Syrup was temporarily set to return to Immortal Birds (Phoenix), and there was no way to contain the disease of love.

The Adventurer Alliance was led by Mr. Iris, who convened the emergency.

When we can get in touch with the Dwarves who were holding back on the Empire's territory, it turns out that there are only a few survivors.

Urgently summoned all adventurers, led by Mr. Estelle and the Fourth Knights of the Fennel Kingdom, to the Empire.

Me and Tin were exempted from the effects of donations.

Mr. Iris said, "Are you people in the way?" He kicked me.

I didn't mean to bother you, but I think you were in the way.

I guess we're going to collect vegetables and cereals together on the road.

In some cases, it is also conceivable to cultivate the fields as they are.

It's hard to leave with Mr. Syrup, but the demons within the Empire will also be enlivened, so there's no choice.

"I'd love a curry when I get home," she said at the breakup, and I'm sure I'll be back early.

I'm going to make a carrot curry mixed with carrot paste to get the best cum done.

Even though I really don't think I can go home like this, I'm gracefully having a tea party in Mr. Fiona's room right now.

Eating cookies with Tin, Mr. Fiona and the three of us is my routine these days.

The maid puts tea in a fashionable cup, and it makes her look like an aristocrat.

A concoction door knocked there, and the queen came.

My mother-in-law, who is an ancestral commonsense man and a chunk of motherhood... who plans to be.

"Would you like to join me now that I'm going to visit with the Knights to the village of Basil?

I'm still young, but I thought I'd take Sarah for future studies, too. "

Speaking of which, I also gave Cheeseburger to the Queen and Fiona's sister Sarah.

He was just as happy as usual, but I wonder if they both tasted like it.

"We don't mind, but we can't leave Wang Du, can we?

Because the effect of a bowl of cutlets on your sleep is great, and you will be surrounded by a large number of people. "

"Don't worry, the departure time is scheduled for 2: 00 p.m. today.

The people are confused when they leave at the time when the sun is out, so they leave the city after they have calmed down.

And then, even if there's a big commotion, I think it'll heal if we bring back a lot of cheese. "

If the Queen of Common Sense says so, I'm pretty sure it's going to be okay.

Well, it's better than staying in the king's capital forever, isn't it?

Even if something happens, the King and the Knights will do their best.

It's kind of pathetic that the king who said he went to number one is leaving a message.


So, are you sure you want Sarah to tell you too?

"Yeah, of course.

We're already taking a nap, so we're all set. "

I was a little worried when I saw the queen's back leaving the room with a gentle grin.

In the queen's heart, I wonder if the cheese god is starting to wake up.

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