I wonder why Mr. Lienbell took a bath.

No, that's no longer the problem there.

That angel, Mr. Leanbell, is in a bath towel.

I would like to touch on the beautiful appearance, which is more of a different issue.

Even just the angel's crisp, beautiful clavicle line, the charm is Max.

The swelling of tits wrapped in a bath towel is also impeccable.

I can only describe a pitchy thigh that I don't normally see with the word violence.

He is shy of slightly pointing his mouth and gazing at or off the flicker as he mozzles his hands in front of his chest.

There will also be no choice but to be blinded by the exposed parts of the body that are not normally visible.

A delusion named Desire to Sleep in Your Mind builds an erotic episode with horrible speed.

That alone has reached the extreme of happiness.

If I had seen Mr. Leanbell in a bath towel, he would have died in an instant.

A chick like me can't stand such intense irritation.

But, you know, Mr. Leanbell is an angel, so he's not gonna kill me.

It should have activated the merciful effect of the divine fluctuations of angels.

Obviously, something strange is happening.

I stopped activating "Beginning Mind," until my heart wasn't moving.

Yeah, no pulse either...

Definitely, the heart rate is 0.

Also known as cardiac arrest.

There's a miracle going on that I'm so excited about looking like an angel bath towel, but my heart's stopped, I'm not thrilled.

I wonder how the hell high elves live.

It's strange to be different.

It's a strange feeling to calm down even though you're so excited.

"Mr. Lienbell, this is a bath.

How did you feel coming in here?

You know I'm in there, right?

"You're embarrassed..."

Mr. Lienbell, who lights up but slowly comes into the hot tub, is too cute to be in trouble.

I couldn't look at it directly, even though my "beginner mind" wasn't activated.

Maybe it was my original physique not to see my tits for more than 2 seconds.

I'm quite vulnerable to women. [M]

Honey, if you can call me a trap, I'll kill you instantly.

Mr. Leanbell approaches me as he enters the hot tub. [M]

When I discover a real super heckle, I turn my back unexpectedly.

Not very much, but I can't face it from the front.

"Look, let's just turn around and talk."

What do you discuss in the bath in the morning?

If you want to discuss your body and body, please do it in bed.

I'd like you to proceed in more order.

"I'm sorry to say it myself, but I can't stand it.

Because you're a man who was bitten in the ear by Mr. Leanbell and passed out in an instant.

Facing each other in the bath is too difficult.

I don't think we need to bother talking in the bathroom. "

"I'm trying, too, so turn around properly.

Because if you fall, I'll carry you outside. "

"You may think it's a lie, but my heart's stopped for some reason right now.

But I'm alive, so I don't want to send any more stimuli.

Maybe you'll die through the fall. "

Why am I taking a bath with my life?

As for bathing with Angel Leannbel, thank you.

"Oh, yeah, then you can stay like this"

So you're convinced.

I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad.

"You know, I'm sorry about yesterday.

I've been really worried about you.

I know what everyone's trying to say, and I think it was my fault.

But when it comes to food, I can't control it... "

"As I said yesterday, I don't care.

Because I've seen where I eat all my life.

Besides, some of it is caused by my cooking.

I'd be glad to give you some control, though. "


"Worry about the tin more than I do.

Tin loves Mr. Leanbell.

Even where Mr. Lienbell isn't usually around, because I care.

It's natural to grieve when you return to your beloved sister, but if your appetite is made a priority.

Wang Du's fruit also says, "If you have an item box, you can eat it with your sister." I'm patient with buying and eating as much as I can. "

"What, you have fruit?! Ah..."

"Let's cure that."

"I think it's a bad idea."

"It's not sloppy, think about how tin feels, too.

Look forward to coming back to Freesia, but don't make me say I wish I hadn't come back. "

"Yes, excuse me..."

"Not if you're taking a bath with me.

Tin, Marr, Acorn and I need you to make up soon. "


I'm glad the story came together well.

Though you're turning your back so you can't see your face, you've often been able to speak calmly in this state, haven't you?

I want to compliment myself.

I thought, that's when.

Soon Mr. Leanbell, who moved straight to the side, peered into my face with a cute smile on his face.

An angel in a bath towel comes down in front of me with a smile, and my excitement reaches its peak.

Dogon, dogon, dogon.

Ahhh, my heart's moving -!

No, as a human being, I'd be very grateful.

But this way of moving the heart is strange.

It feels like a powerful demon is trying to break the seal.

Is there even an evil god sealed in my heart?!

My heart hurts like it's bouncing because I'm about to break it with a mighty shock.

But now it's Mr. Leanbell more than that.

If you stay close in a bath towel any longer, your heart really plays and flies.

"Hey, hey, why are you coming next door?!

Does Mr. Lienbell know how cute he is?

If you look like an angel and you look like a bath towel, a chocolate guy like me won't hold it for a second.

Really die, don't get into your sight "

Did Mr. Leanbell convince me, that he was out of sight?

"Tatsuya, you're too intolerant no matter how old you are.

There it is. Well, it's cute too. "

Don't tell me you're cute.

Because I'm vulnerable to that kind of favorable language.

Look, my heart's about to be unsealed again and I'm in a blast.

I don't know what's sealed though.

"It's me, I've never been so mad at you, I don't know what to do.

So, can't we have a reunion dinner party with three angry people or something?

Thank you... I'll do it with my body. "

Seduce me in a bath towel and say thank you with your body?!

I didn't expect the day to come to receive such a power word.

Does this angel know what he's talking about?

Normally you'd imagine a one-night love thing.

If you're Mr. Leanbell, I'd like you to play, and of course, it's okay.

I just need memories, I want to engrave them in my soul.

"In the park, shall we date?

Oh... is that what it feels like?

No, it would still be too high a hurdle for me.

Even my first date with the tin was too floating and my hand sweat sucked.

Actually, I was about to become dehydrated.

But I'd like to say a few words if I'm going on a date.

"Is there an option for head nadenade?

"... you seem like an amazing child just because of desire.

Normally, I think you'd be happier in a bath towel.

I don't know why I want my head nadenade. "

So, because Mr. Lienbell's head, Nadenade, is amazing.

I don't know what it means to come digging up Nadena Depoint.

I'm too comfortable to forget.

I like being attacked the most, with kind words.

Because I'm a pervert in a system I shouldn't have come near.

"I don't have a choice because I'm just a kid.

And are you okay with your working hours?

"Huh?! Hey, wait a minute!

I forgot, we have to hurry.

Don't come out until you get dressed. "

"I know, so please hurry.

I can be honest with you. "

Mr. Lienbell made a noise with Bashabasha and hurried out of the bath.

Gentleman, I won't turn around until I get out of the bathroom with my back to her.

Because wet bath towels will peter your skin.

If you see him like that, he'll definitely unseal his heart.

Now calm down and be dodgy.

... In the first place, I don't know if it's really sealed.

After a while I waited, I heard a buzz and a rush away from the stripper.

I sigh and my nosebleeds pout. [M]

"... good, I don't have to get a nosebleed in front of Mr. Leanbell"

I went up from the bath, hiding my nosebleed in a towel.

I was so excited about the angel's bath towel, I put it up.

It's not going to stop at all.

Instead, you're heating up and coming out of Dobadoba.

I wonder if you've put up with me coming out before.

Thank you so much.

When I changed my clothes and left the stripper, Mr. Fiona was waiting for me to leave.

"Ha, nosebleed?!

Were you playing so hard with Belle?!

"I didn't, because I couldn't see it properly.

But how do you know we were in there together?

"Hehe, it's your job to comfort a depressed girl."

No way...... Mr. Leanbell came in for a bath because of Mr. Fiona?

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