137 Heal your wounds properly, please! part When Mia left the room to fetch Ryu’s food he took it as a chance to check out his soulbound card. It was a good thing they didn’t take it away from him ebcause it was inside his pocket.

He skimmed through his status, then his skills, and then

>Enemies 11/12

Quest failed.

A sense of regret invaded him. So far he hasn’t been able to complete a single quest from his soulbound card, he didn’t know where did they come from, but he was certain there must be some sort of reward after completing them.

He flicked the page on the metallic looking card that acted like a remote control for his display. Then he saw it, a message just on the bottom of the last page.

>Heal your wounds properly, please!

“What the!?”

Ryu gasped. There really was a message. His mind fell into a daze for a few seconds.


This meant his dream wasn’t really a dream, and whoever that person was she really existed. There were many questions inside his head, but one stood out above the rest. ‘How can I communicate with her?’

“I’m back, master!”

Mia said as she came through the small door in the opposite wall leaving him no chance to ponder on his own matters. Since the door was so low, she had to bend down to go inside leaving her exposed breasts hanging freely and Ryu unconsciously didn’t miss the chance to take a peek at her, making her giggle.

“Uh, it’s not what you think!”

“Don’t worry master, there’s no need to hold back. I can only feed on aroused males, so this works on my favor you know”

“Does that include goblins?”

Ryu asked, but Mia, noticing his intention to get rid of her she shook her head.

“I don’t know, but I really don’t want to feed on anyone else other than master. It’s your duty to take care of me anyways”

“You’re right... I guess”

“Isn’t this convenient? you can eat and I can eat too”

Mia said placing the tray in front of Ryu. There was a big wooden bowl filled with a thick purple liquid which, despite being cold, was bubbling loudly. The smell reminded him of the one he felt after the ant onslaught.

“I can’t really say anything about it until I taste it, but it does look better than Luke’s cooking”

Mia laughed heartily at his joke and she sat in front of Ryu crossing her legs exposing almost too much of her anatomy in front of him.

He did his best to avoid his gaze, but he really didn’t want to look at the food he was about to eat and then he noticed Mia’s wound on her chest killing the previous joyous mood.

Ryu, reluctantly, took a sip of the cold soup. It was awful, but he couldn’t afford to waste any source of nourishment right now.

He tried to comfort himself thinking on the poor people of Ironwoods and how they would have loved to have anything to eat, even something like this. He drank it to the last drop. There were pieces of ‘things’ that he didn’t want to identify and he simply swallowed them whole.

“Wow, you finished it completely!”
“Why are you so surprised? didn’t Sera finish her soup too?”

“No, she just took a sip and claimed that even the famished people from her town would rather die with dignity than drinking something like that”

A sense of revulsion twirled inside Ryu’s stomach, but he fought his own instinct and kept himself from vomiting.

“I don’t feel so good”

“Hahaha! What did you expect, that thing smelled hideous you know!”

Mia couldn’t hold her laughter anymore.

Since Ryu couldn’t move, Mia spent the whole day cuddling up with him. At first he felt in heaven, being up close with a top class beauty like Mia made his heart race and the touch of her skin was pleasant and soft. But then things started getting awkward, after a while he felt uncomfortable and switched his position constantly, the floor was too hard and sweat made him feel sticky, still Mia wouldn’t let go of him for a second and soon enough Ryu found out the reason.

Mia had a flushed face and, what he thought was sweat, was actually Mia’s drool!

“What are you doing Mia!? your mouth is watering too much!”

“I’m sorry master”

She said blushingly

“but I’m just so hungry you know! It’s like having the most delicious meal right in front of you, being able to touch it, to smell it, but unable to actually eat it!”

“So, what you’re saying is you want to eat me?”

Ryu forrowed his brows in disbelief.

“Not you, master, I would never harm you. But... your fluids... even if it’s just a little... I haven’t eaten in two days and if it’s with master I think I will be fine”

Mia said shyly.

“So, would it be ok if I spit in a cup or something?”

“How can you be so mean!”

Mia pouted, her pink hair tickled Ryu’s chest when she moved so suddenly.

“I’m not mean, just ignorant about your race. I don’t even know the reason why you don’t like feeding on humans”

“I don’t know if you’ll understand but... whenever a succubus feeds they share a bond with their meal, errr... I mean, with their master. We absorb some life force and provide pleasure in return, but that’s not everything. It’s a... hmmm... intimate process and I really don’t want to do it with just anyone. I’m a girl too you know”

“If I let you feed from me directly, will I lose something? when you said you feed on life force, it sounds kind of dangerous”

“Not at all! we’re nothing like those blood suckers, we simply take the excess energy. You would lose those fluids anyway”

“Huff... Fine, you can feed from me”

Mia took her time and caressed Ryu’s chest lightly, she rubbed her body against him slowly kissing his neck. The fear of her biting him did not help him relax at all, but he simply closed his eyes and clenched his fists to let Mia feed on him. Noticing Ryu’s determination, Mia started kissing his chest and his abdomen.

“Is that really necessary?”

“I Don’t know, this is my first time after all... but the more aroused you are, the more nourishment I should be able to get”

“Fine, just get it over with”

Ryu closed his eyes and lied on his back, Mia nodded and went in for ‘the kill’ attempting to take off Ryu’s pants.

“What are you doing!?”

Ryu shouted holding onto his pants for the life of his and smacking her on the back of her head.

“I was about to...”

Mi pouted more frustrated than pained.

“No! that’s not allowed”

“Then how am I supposed to feed?”

“If it’s fluids you need then... then just kiss me”

Mia nodded in agreement and kissed Ryu on the lips. Ryu had been holding himself back ever since he left Ironwoods and Mia was more than alluring, but he still couldn’t shake Rina off his mind. The physical feeling was indeed pleasant, yet he couldn’t get himself to enjoy it, instead, something in his heart kept him from feeling anything at all.

“This is not enough.... I don’t know why but you don’t smell so good anymore and you’re tasteless”

Mia said with a pitiful expression. She said she didn’t know the reason, but she did.

Ryu was not aroused in the slightest, thinking she wasn’t good enough for her master really hurt her and she did her best to hold a tear that came trickling down her cheek.

“I think it’s my fault... I.... can I touch you?”

Ryu blushed so much he would probably shine in the dark.

“Of course!”

Mia took a small distance from Ryu, allowing him to look at her naked body, but he closed his eyes and caressed her thigh, his hand moved nimbly towards Mia’s chest and then her neck. His nimble hand traversed her body freely, with a touch so soft it sent Mia into oblivion.

Ryu pulled Mia closer to him and kissed her deeply. Mia couldn’t even react to the sudden estimulation, his hand, his lips, she felt as if she was being covered by a warm blanket of sweet pleasure that enveloped her whole body.

She closed her eyes and let herself drown into Ryu’s gentle embrace, gasping and moaning softly in between breaths. Then, the sweetest flavor she had ever felt flooded her mouth and she couldn’t keep herself from swallowing. She placed her hand on her neck, following the path of pleasure that went down her throat. Her hands went instinctively towards her chest and crotch area, she was going insane.

“Master, I can’t hold any longer, please...”

She took some distance, turned her back towards him and lowered her head to the ground, exposing her rear towards Ryu in complete submission. She wasn’t asking, she was actually begging.

“I think that was enough Mia”

Ryu muttered.

“Master, please!”

She turned her head back at him coquettishly, only to find his master pale as a ghost, his face completely drained of color.

It wasn’t the fluids she took, but the life force she drained that got Ryu on that state. Just a few seconds longer and he may have ended mummified.

“Oh no! I’m sorry master! I’m so sorry!”

Ryu let out a sigh as his eyes closed, on Mia’s imagination he was already dead and she threw herself on top of him to mourn the death of her master.


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