Chapter 56: Survive the freeze, please! part

“Does this mean we’ll be sleeping together?”

Rina said smiling nervously.

“Would that be a problem for you?”

“I’m not sure, I mean, Would Anne and Helena be ok with that?”

“To be honest, I don’t know. But I’ve been worrying about others too much. The only thing that matters is if you’re willing to move into my room or no”

“What would happen if I said I’m not ready yet?”

“Then I will be sharing my room with Eiri and Kairi”


Rina lowered her gaze and started scratching her head as if she was trying to shake off her own thoughts.

“This is all too complicated, I don’t want Anne and Helena to be mad at me. I really like you and it’d be unfair if you sleep with Eiri and Kairi instead of me, but I don’t know what to do. Before I make a decision I must know, Do you even like me?”

Instead of replying, Ryu sealed her lips with a long kiss and pulled her closer. All of Rina’s doubts disappeared and she let herself go in the warm embrace and the soft caress on her lips. Rina was eager to let herself drown in the pleasure and the tingling sensation she was experiencing for the first time.

When the kiss ended Rina dragged Ryu into his room and they dropped on the bed still holding on to each other. Rina placed her hand on the back of Ryu’s head seeking for another kiss, they were kissing in between breaths. Before Ryu could even realize it, Rina was sound asleep on his chest, she was just too tired after the long day of working out and refurnishing the tavern and nothing else happened in between them. Still, confirming their feelings made them the happiest couple at the tavern.

Even more so than Eiri and Kairi that couldn’t believe how lucky they were to be bought by Ryu. The food they had was better than the ones they were used to when they were free and for the first time in their lives they were sleeping in a spacious room by themselves. The bed was so comfortable that they fell asleep almost as soon as they covered themselves with the warm blankets.

Even the people that lived in the tavern were nice to them and didn’t make them work tirelessly as they thought initially, not only that, they even treated them with respect despite being slaves.

The next day everyone was ready to do their morning exercises, but this time Ryu put in front of Anne and Helena a couple of spears.

“Since working out is not nearly enough training, I’ll ask you to train yourself in the use of spears. just move some tables to make space and spar everyday”

They both nodded and started doing as instructed. Ryu went on and checked how everyone was doing. Eiri and Kairi were both already tired so Ryu asked them to rest, when he stood in front of Dylan he noticed that he still had a lot of stamina left so he instructed him to pick up the pace.

Then he went to the storage room to see how Sera was doing.

“Did you finish memorizing every page?”
Sera nodded shyly in response

“Then I’ll be asking you some questions, if you answer them correctly we will move to the next task”

Ryu questioned her about every single herb and plant that was listed on the pages, but there was one page that wasn’t among them and it was the silver flower. Ryu knew this, but still decided to put Sera to the test.

“What about the silver flower?”

“It’s an aromatic flower, it’s worth a copper coin if brought with the whole root. Also, that’s why miss Anne smells so good”

“What? seriously?”

“Yes, she always rubs some petals on her neck, I’ve seen her do it multiple times”

“I’m pleasantly surprised, you answered everything correctly and even remembered the one that’s posted at the billboard, so, the next step is something a bit more difficult. I tried to sort the herbs before they went bad, but I didn’t have the time so I’ll ask you to sort every different herb. Once you’re finished we’ll talk about the next step”

Ryu wanted to head back into the tavern but Sera grabbed his hand and stopped him.

“Mister Ryu, I’ve been feeling ill. If it’s not much to ask, would you check up on my health?”

“Sure, but your sister Claire is currently busy”

“I don’t want to worry her, its ok if its just you”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, last time I... embarrassed myself in front of you and I don’t want her to see me like that again, but if it’s you I don’t mind”

Ryu agreed and Sera started undressing but had some trouble because of the splint Helena made for her, so he had to help her. The first thing that Ryu noticed was that her skin was no longer dry and bruised, thanks to Helena’s healing skill and her new diet her skin was smooth as silk. But that wasn’t the only thing that improved.


Sera moaned softly as Ryu’s hand brushed her buttocks when trying to pull down her dress.

“Excuse me please, your dress is a little tighter than before”

He said awkwardly.

“It’s ok if its you”

Sera said turning back to him, since Ryu was crouching to pull off her dress, she accidentally placed her soft mounds right on his face. He was in awe, not only because of the soft feeling he was experiencing, but also because Sera was quickly recovering her womanly figure. After a couple seconds he attempted to stand up, but Sera embraced him with both arms, making it impossible for him to release himself without hurting Sera’s fractured arm.

“Thank you, thank you!”

She said with teary eyes.

“You gave me and my sister a place to live, you provide us with everything we need and never asked for anything in return. For that I’ll be forever in your debt, I’m yours now and forever, I’ll follow you wherever you go... I’d do anything for you”

“hmfh mhmfm hmf”

Ryu managed to mumble through her soft breasts, but his muffled words were unintelligible. When Sera noticed this she reluctantly let him go.

“Excuse me mister Ryu, I didn’t mean it”

“It’s ok Sera, but you need to understand I’m with Rina now and...”

“I understand, I only ask you to let me stay by your side”

Ryu was shocked, Sera’s words were not the only thing that took him by surprise. He had seen her naked many times, but he was amazed at the rate she recovered. She gained weight in all the right places emphasizing her natural beauty and shy demeanor. Her beauty was nowhere near as striking as Rina’s but Ryu was bursting with desire. Before he made a mistake he ran out of the room.

When Ryu got to the tavern he found out Rina was still working out with the rest, she was all sweaty and somewhat tired. But he didn’t give her the chance to say a word. He simply grabbed her hand and without saying a word he took her upstairs.

Anne looked at the scene developing in front of her with a saddened expression, causing one of Helena’s sloppy attacks to hit her in the head.


Anne exclaimed as a small bump formed on her forehead.

“I’m sorry Anne! are you ok?”

Said Helena getting closer to Anne who was crying, hiding the sorrow in her heart behind the physical pain she was feeling.

“It’s ok, I just got distracted”

Ryu closed the door without caring for the freeze weather, that would sooner or later convert the warm room into a walk in freezer.

The new couple started kissing, fighting the freeze with their hot bodies. Ryu’s playful hand discovered all the sweet spots hiding on Rina’s body. She meekly allowed him to caress, pinch or kiss whatever Ryu wanted replying with soft moans that wanted to escape the room. Her feminine allure was more than any man could take with an innocent mind and her youthful body was too sincere to any of Ryu’s advances opening the path to everything that followed.

By the time they left the room lunch time had already passed, so it was more than obvious everyone noticed their absence. Rina came downstairs with her shoulder length red hair disheveled, while Ryu had the widest smile everyone had ever seen on his face.

Dylan felt the impulse to cheer jokingly, but decided against it after seeing Anne’s and Helena’s long faces. Still, all they did was to smile sourly at Ryu trying not to ruin his current mood.

Ryu showed an impressive appetite, he ate three servings and felt like he could still have some more. Rina, who usually was very energetic and loud, was now tired and distracted. her flushed face was all the evidence people at the tavern needed to notice she had a great first time.

It wasn’t unusual in Ironwoods that couples would have intercourse first and then start dating, in fact, it was understood that a relationship only started after they did it for the first time. Also, since people lived in crowded buildings and had little to no privacy, whenever a couple formed people who heard them or see them acted as witnesses in case a child was born and the father attempted to avoid his responsibilities.

So now, Ryu and Rina were an official couple in front of society.

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