Hearing the cheers of these people, Xiao He pouted.

"Fortunately..." he muttered.

Su Ling's operation just now, if it wasn't for Sister Yang's calmness, she would have led her into a pit!

Are these people blind?

Su Yangyang looked at Tian Tian, ​​who had been excited for a long time, and asked softly, "Want to go?"

Tian Tian raised her head, her bright eyes only had the words "want to go" written.

"Okay, then go." Su Yangyang nodded.

A little later than the rest point, Su Yangyang's camp also burst into cheers.

After announcing that they were going to the dinner party, everyone seemed to be more and more enthusiastic about their work. As the sun went down, everyone slowly slowed down, waiting for Su Yangyangshi's order.

Su Yangyang also saw it, put down the bark he was peeling in his hand, and said, "Go ahead."

"Let's go!" The three strong men were far apart, and immediately put down the axe in their hands and ran over.

Since the three strong men still had some aftermath work to do, Su Yangyang walked over to take care of the aftermath. When he was done, he turned around and found that Bo Silin was sitting on a tree that had been treated, looking at her with a half-smile.

[Fuck, fuck, fuck! This picture is beautiful]

[The actor, you can make food just like your daughter-in-law]

[Don't feed, don't feed the child can't eat any more]

【Crazy Screenshoting】

[The U.S. Party suddenly thinks... it seems like this is not bad? 】

[Get out of the United States Party, thank you]

"Go, don't stand still." Su Yangyang came over, patted Bo Silin's arm lightly, and walked sideways.

Bo Sirin immediately followed.

The barrage was naturally another round of cheers from the CP party.

Under the setting sun, the fire at the base camp has already started to burn.

The resources of the program are rich, and the bonfire party is naturally well prepared. The large firelight and the sunset are against the background. In the distance, there is an endless island, and there is a long and delicate beach at the foot.

The wind blows, raising a cool and refreshing touch.

Su Yangyang paused and smiled, feeling the coolness in the wind.

"Tomorrow, it will be a sunny day," she said.

With the last prophecy, no one dared to take Su Yangyang's words as big words.

Xiao He leaned forward and said, "Really? Then our bark can be safely kept outside for a night!"

"Yes, yes! That's great! I can do it tomorrow!" Tian Tian answered.

There was a cold snort behind him.

"It will rain if you say it rains, and if there is sun, there will be sun. Are you the weather forecaster?" Qiao Hefeng said neither yin nor yang.

In the entertainment industry, Qiao Hefeng has always been known for his honesty.

So when he said these words, it was very human.

As long as it's not too much, and the target is the notorious Su Yangyang, almost no one will care. There are some small voices talking for Su Yangyang in the barrage, but they are quickly criticized by Su Ling's fans and suppressed. .

"Sister Yang is really accurate..." Tian Tian was a little dissatisfied, and her voice was very low.

Qiao Hefeng squinted and looked at her.

Tian Tian immediately hid behind Su Yangyang.

Su Yangyang, who had no expression at first, suddenly looked down.

Just as she was about to speak, she suddenly approached someone.

"The weather forecast naturally has the function of the weather forecast." Bo Silin's voice came slowly, and he was particularly ecstatic in the night, holding the ready-to-eat chicken breast that Su Yangyang gave him a separate meal, "It's better than some to rely on. With the director team parachuting to the scene, I still can't tell how much **** I have. It's better. What do you think, Mr. Qiao?"


All sounds are silent.

[I rely on... so rigid? Just... just be tough? ? ? 】

[Qiao Hefeng fans take a good look, what is honesty! ! ! ! 】

[I almost forgot, when it comes to poisonous tongues, Emperor Bo Ying is ranked first, but no one dares to rank second! ! ! ! 】

[Is there no one knocking? Tian Tian is guarded by Su Yangyang, and Su Yangyang is guarded by the movie emperor... Oh, oh, don't family members appear in the food chain? ? 】

[Just talk, it's really funny with chicken breasts, hahahahaha]

[One of Sister Yang's body nourishing food, Rin Rin carries it with him hahaha]

Qiao Hefeng and Su Ling instantly turned pale.

When Bo Silin spoke, he always looked at his mood.

When you are in a good mood, you can speak well.

In a bad mood, it doesn't matter who you are.

He did this for Su Yangyang, and for a while, Qiao Hefeng didn't dare to say anything.

The Ren Bo group not far away shook their heads in disappointment.

Originally, I thought I could watch a play, but it turned out to be the same again.

Why can't this group of people beat Su Yangyang?

It's so wicked!

Tian Tian eased the atmosphere, pulled La Su Yangyang's wrist and said, "Master! I've got a lot of big drumsticks. Let's go roast and eat later!"

Su Yangyang patted Tian Tian's head, and she was dragged away.

The program team said that food was provided, but it didn't say that seasoning was also provided.

Su Yangyang conjured a few bottles of condiments in the clothes bag, Tian Tian's eyes instantly became brighter, and there was a bit of admiration in his eyes when he looked at Su Yangyang.

"Master is worthy of being a master, he is really thoughtful!" Tian Tian hurriedly took the condiments from Su Yangyang's hands one by one, and walked to the oven assigned to Su Yangyang's group like a treasure.

Because of Bo Sirin's relationship, the ovens that were distributed were not particularly bad.

Su Yangyang started the oven.

"This oven is not used that way." Su Yangyang turned around after hearing this.

It turned out that Bo Silin followed.

Bo Silin naturally walked to Su Yangyang's side, turned on a red button next to the stove, and the electric heating grid generated power and turned red.

Although Su Yangyang knew about this in memory, it was strange to see it with his own eyes. Su Yangyang raised his eyebrows slightly, re-operated on the red button, and quickly realized that moving to the left means to increase it, and to the right to reduce it.

Hmm, it's pretty useful.

There is no need to make an open fire, and it is not easy to be discovered by the enemy. The disadvantage is that it is too large and difficult to carry, but...

Su Yangyang suddenly reacted and laughed dumbly. He was no longer the general who marched to fight.

Returning to the present, Tian Tian took four or five chicken legs and placed them on the preheated iron plate. The iron plate stabbed, and Tian Tian also had a happy smile on her face.

"Although this is sister Yangyang's group routine, I'm still very happy when I think that this was taken for nothing." Tian Tian smiled.

[God **** thinks that it was taken for nothing, hahahahaha]

[Tian Tian is also a meme king]

[I spit out a mouthful of water hahaha]

[Seriously funny hahaha]

"Let me help."

Su Ling suddenly came over from behind Tian Tian, ​​took the chicken thigh from Tian Tian's hand, very skillfully changed the chicken thigh into a flower knife, brushed it with oil and started roasting.

Tian Tian was instantly speechless, unable to speak for a long time.

She knew that Su Ling was here~www.readwn.com~ but did not expect that Su Ling would have such close contact with herself!

You must know that although Su Ling made her debut late, she became popular with online dramas as soon as she came out, and the journey went smoothly.

Even in the circle, there are many people who like her.

"Actually, I also have some skills in the wild!" Su Ling smiled shyly, "When I was filming, many scenes were in the mountains, and I learned a lot by the way. I don't know how much I remember."

A pair of chicken drumsticks with all the colors and flavors were quickly baked, and Su Ling handed it to Tian Tian, ​​which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Tian Tian took it excitedly, only to see that the flower knife on the chicken thigh was just right, and it was roasted with all the color and aroma.

"Wow!" Tian Tian shouted while holding the venue.

[Humph, this Tian Tian has good eyesight! There are so many things in our Lingling Club! 】

[Yes, cooking or something is not something you Su Yangyang can do]

[I saw that the fish that Su Yangyang made last time was also unsightly, and the knife skills were not good. Maybe it was what the show team did. She didn't know how to cook at all, so she found a group of actors to play here]

【Upstairs +10086】

For a while, the barrage began to be covered by Su Ling's fans again.

Su Ling's eyes flashed and her lips curled.

She just wanted to behave like this to make Su Yangyang look useless.

What's the use of just knowing something about the wild man? In the end, they will still go to live in the city.

Taste and technology are the ultimate pursuit.

She thought about it and glanced at Bo Silin, wanting to see if Bo Silin had seen her work just now.

Before the eyes could reach, in the distance, the voices of three strong men suddenly came.

"Boss! The whole sheep is here!"

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