Spirit Tickets.

It is through the biggest weirdness of this city –

A special prop from Nameless Middle School.

As the degree of exploration increases.

With each gamer, the knowledge of the occult acquired will also grow.

After all, after 10 days, the little weirds will start running wild.

And at 20 days, all the weirds will intensify their desire to attack.

Start hunting players.

Time, therefore, suddenly became urgent.

Through the nameless middle school, liberate this great weird of the city.

Get your squad out of here as soon as possible.

It’s something that everyone in the team has to do.

Sayuri Sawamura is of course okay.

At present, Ye Ran’s strength is the strongest and the only leader.

In this dangerous apocalypse, you can follow a powerful boss.

It’s something that all gamers dream of and can’t ask for.

Associations come to mind harsh realities.

The three of them were lucky enough.


“Be careful along the way, I wish you good luck.”

Glancing at the few women behind him who were watching him leave.

Ye Ran waved his hand.

Directly activated the power of the magnetic field, flew towards the sky, and used the search magic of the Shigetsu world to find the traces of Yotsuya Miko.

“Hmm….. This smells so fragrant. ”

Over the windswept city.

Gently sniff the black lace fat in your hand.

I have to say that just looking at Ye Ran’s appearance at this time, it is really a bit perverted….

When Yotsuya Miko left.

It seems to have just taken a shower.

I didn’t even have time to wipe my body.

Only a delicate black lace fat was left, and he left in a hurry.

I don’t know what happened to the other party.

So anxious.

“Mana Enhancement!”

The wind roared violently, blowing Ye Ran’s hair into the air.

The lace in his hand was fat, and a strange Lingzi fluctuation was emitted.

The azure magic shield, which had always been translucent, suddenly appeared at the boy’s side.

This is the Moon World, a relatively shallow magic application.

Ye Ran’s magic origin is “shield”.

The attribute of being a magician also becomes a “shield”.

As a half-hanged apprentice without teacher guidance.

The origin is still an overhead element that no one in history has ever seen.

He is basically a man who is groping for magic.


The azure magic shield was levitating.

Along the shield, there were traces of blue streamers, like a band of light flowing, faintly pointing to a direction under the city.

“Don’t ask me, why mana enhancement can also use search magic, I don’t know…”

Ye Ran complained.

The body is light.

Suddenly, like a falling cannonball, it fell straight into the air below him.

Fly at high speed in the direction pointed by the magic shield.

In recent times, his reference to magic seems to have opened an acceleration hanging.

A lot of obscure things, he can discern the meaning of them just by looking at them, and even tamper with the magic concepts in them.

It’s like….. There is an unknown presence.

In the boundary between time and space, help him understand magic.

“Who will it be?”

Ye Ran could only speculate.

Perhaps it is because of the root of the connection between the Demon Eye of Death.

Leaked some magic knowledge to him…

After going back this time.

He really has to make up for the lessons and choose a system to work on. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At present, although his abilities are many, they are too fragmented.

Ye Ran even felt that he needed a good teacher to teach himself the use and strengthening of his ability.

Let the various abilities be densely linked.


“It should be around here.”

With a wave of your hand, you can counteract the repulsive force between the air.

The boy landed lightly on the roof of a private house.

Observe your surroundings.

It seems to be located in a suburban location.

The surrounding area is cold and cold, and there are no people.

Only under the empty sky, a few scattered buildings, monotonously dotted among them.

In the distance, cyan clouds are slowly floating and wandering.

Very close to the ground.

It gives people the illusion that as long as they stretch out their hands, they can touch the thick clouds.

After all, it is a ruined world that does not even have a human being.

Ye Ran had long been accustomed to this lonely landscape.


Right at this moment.

A violent gunshot broke the death-like silence.

It also made Ye Ran cast his sight.

I saw that it was around the corner of the street in front.

Two gamers are stumbling and supporting each other, frantically fleeing forward.

Behind them, a burst of messy footsteps sounded densely like a rainstorm.

Several tall, sturdy black men dressed in reinforced suits and green turbans on their heads, as strong as black gorillas, held various firearms in their hands.

With a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, he shot at the two people who fled in front from time to time.


A projectile that suddenly appeared made a sharp and strange sound.

Blow up the Martian seed.

The two people in front of the fight were even more afraid.

The blonde man, who ran a little slower in the back, was startled by the sound of gunfire.

The running footsteps were chaotic, and they directly hit the feet.

The body can’t control the inertia, like a rolling gourd, it keeps rolling forward, waving up a cloud of smoke and ash…


Ye Ran, who was watching the play in the back, touched his chin thoughtfully.

This group of who don’t know where to appear.

It doesn’t seem to want to kill these two gamers on the spot.

On the contrary, it was more like he was simply teasing the two of them on purpose.

Next, the performance of the group of blacks seemed to prove his idea.

Look at two panting, desperate gamers.

At the head, the tallest black man pulled the belt of his trousers with an evil smile, revealing most of his fancy colored panties, whistling playfully.

“Two Sakura Country monkeys, (Lee is good) run, why don’t you run?!”

“Before, didn’t you run for Lao Tzu very happily?”

“Hey, North….. Kitahara, I, are we finished? ”

Blonde man with stubborn feet.

Dragon Tooth grinned and leaned on a street lamp on the side, and said to his companions with an unwilling face.

“Gengping, you step on the horse to make Lao Tzu stronger!”

“It’s too early to give up, I don’t want to be caught by these chimpanzees and pulled back to be RB!!” Level! ”

It was a man with short hair who spoke.

He held a shiny chain dart in his hand, and his face was full of resentment.

“Nima!! I don’t want to be a man’s RB, I’m still a first man!! ”

PS: The characters Iori Kitahara and Kohei Imamura are from the manga “Blue Sea”

None of them will become male teammates, so don’t worry.

PS: In other words, do you like the female characters in the blue sea.

A few of them are quite beautiful.

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