Ye Ran lowered his head and looked at Xue Nai’s wound under the snow.


I saw it on the fair skin.

A striking scar of extremely narrow length has been cracked…

The person who uses the knife is obviously extremely ruthless.

Straight against the edge of the internal organs and slid all the way down.

It spread all the way to the bottom of the abdomen.

Just a little, you can hurt the internal organs inside.

Ye Ran saw that under the snow, Xue Nai was so badly injured.

No longer slack.

Skillfully begin suturing, debridement, applying potions …

Use the healing power of the horse charm to heal Yukinoshita’s horrific wounds.



Yui Hihama looked nervous.

Two slender white little hands, pinching each other hard, holding their hearts.

Looking at his friend’s pale face, his heart almost rose to his throat.

“Yukino . You’re not going to be fine.” ”

“Wound debridement, suturing. Apply disinfectant….. It’s not hard for me. ”

Ye Ran had some basic medical knowledge before.

In the last world, something similar was done specifically for Poison Island Tsuko.


He was quite skilled at these things.

The most troublesome, though.

The main thing is to remove toxins from the wound under the snow.

If, in other words, is an ordinary player with medical skills…

Seeing this tricky scene, I must also feel very troublesome.

Because, they don’t know, what kind of poison is the toxin where the black-haired girl is?

If you blindly save people and do not prescribe the right medicine, it is likely to backfire…

Yukinoshita Yukino’s injuries became more and more serious.

However, for Ye Ran, all this was not a matter at all.

The horse charm burst into a faint white glow.

Ye Ran’s big hand kept touching the edge of Xue Nai’s wound under the snow…

Cleanse her of toxins that accumulate in her body.

With his relentless efforts.

Wisps of toxins also slowly volatilized in the air.

Under the snow, Xue Nai’s pale face gradually gave birth to a hint of redness

The whole person was a little more angry and bloody.

“Great, great!!”

“Ran-kun, thank you, thank you for saving Yukino!!”

The waiting time is always extraordinarily difficult.

Especially, it is a time when you can only pray powerlessly for the coming of fate.

When Ye Ran “pale” and “panting” announced, Xue Nai under the snow was finally out of danger.

Yubihama Yui next to him finally couldn’t help but feel grateful and pleasantly surprised.

He threw himself into the boy’s arms.

Holding him and crying.

“Okay, okay… Don’t cry, she’s already fine. ”

Ye Ran was suddenly hit by Yubihama Yui with a ball.

I couldn’t help but beat my breath.

Good guy, is this girl really a middle school student?

This figure is obviously overweight!

That heavy fullness pressed on Ye Ran’s chest.

He couldn’t help but have some very harmonious thoughts in his heart.

This degree of weight suppression …..

In terms of the inference of Ye Ran’s personal experience.

The only ones who can compare with the range of pink-haired girls are Shiwa, Erina, Uzumaki Tsuko, Uzaki Tsuki, and Uzaki Hana…

And I heard that Yuihama’s mother-sama is also a very good beauty with a better figure than her, I don’t know when I …

Ahem, off topic.

For now, let’s comfort Yui-chan first.


Yubihama Yui hugged Ye Ran’s wolf waist.

The little head leaned on the boy’s strong chest and cried for a long time before reacting.


Unexpectedly hugged a strange teenager who met for the first time for so long?

She quickly and shyly withdrew from Ye Ran’s warm embrace and left.

Moist bright eyes, hanging a few crystal tears.

With Yui Hihama’s sweet and fresh look.

But with a unique girlish style.

Hug, sorry… Ye Jun, my mood is too excited.

Looking at the white shirt of the teenager opposite who was soaked with tears.

Yubihama Yui’s pretty face couldn’t help but show a trace of guilt.

Myself really …..

Why was he so careless, and he cried in shame in front of Ye Jun.

“It’s okay, Yui, just a dress.”

Ye Ran accepted the rich benefits of the pink-haired girl.

I don’t mind this little thing.

“During this time, you worked hard alone, looking for potions for your companions, and you must have been under a lot of pressure.”

Ye Ran smiled slightly and took the initiative to explain it for her.

“Ye Ranjun is so gentle…”

Looking at the boy’s handsome appearance, gentle and caring manners, slender and strong body……..

Yui Hihama’s childish heart jumped up with a “thump” that couldn’t stop.

In fact, don’t look at her wearing knee-length socks, JK short skirts, dressed very maturely, like a hot girl high school student who has experienced a lot…

But behind the scenes.

Yubihama Yui is just a mother-fetus single who has not even pulled a boy’s hand.

In today’s face-looking society.

Everyone is a visual animal.

Everyone yearns for and appreciates the excellent opposite sex.

And Ye Ran, with her handsome appearance, left a very good first impression on the pink-haired girl.

And after that…..

He also showed his strength and saved her under the hands of the Vine and those players.

Handsome, strong, considerate and kind-hearted.

So many advantages…

Such an excellent man.

Yui Hihama suddenly felt that she was like those girls in romance novels who suddenly fell in love.

Because of accidental encounters again and again, he had an extraordinary relationship with the male protagonist.

“(‘*)))), huh? Is a small dango such a good guide? ”

Ye Ran felt that he didn’t move much.

Before he made a move, the girl on the other side seemed to be almost self-attacking.

Yui Hihama blushed, her slender and straight legs tightly together.

The big eyes kept wandering, a picture that wanted to look but did not dare to see.

It’s pretty cute.

At this moment…..

Under the snow on the bed, Xue Nai suddenly snorted and slowly opened his heavy eyelids.

Finally woke up.

“Xiaoxue, you’re finally awake, woo-woo….. I was so scared. ”

Yui Hihama saw his friend who was seriously injured, and finally woke up safely. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The heartstrings that had been crumbling also loosened for it.


“Okay, okay, I’m okay.”

Yukishita Yukino comforted his friend, and his clear and transparent eyes turned, but he inadvertently found that there was a strange man in his room.

“Who are you?”

It should be said that it is worthy of being a righteous knight lady…..

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s reaction could not be described as unhappy.

With a beautiful face, a narrow and sharp Qingfeng long sword, appeared in the girl’s slender palm in an instant.

Under the snow, Yukino sat down and quickly mediated a position that was most suitable for him to meet the enemy.

He frowned and looked at Ye Ran on the other side with vigilance.

“I’m a good man, Miss Yukinoshita.”

Ye Ran felt that Miss Xue Er at this moment was very similar to the little milk cat that had been fried.

A serious look, I really want to let people bully her.

“Oh, Xiaoxue, Ye Jun is the one who helps you heal, he is a good person.”

“This guy doesn’t look like it.”

Although Yubihama Yui stood up for a long time to help Ye Ran explain.

But the vigilant Yukino under the snow is not so easy to let down his guard.

“Nice vigilance.” Ye Ran praised, “But I have to remind you, Miss Yukixia, the wound on your lower abdomen, but I just sewed it… If you suddenly make such an intense action, it is easy to ….. Ay? ”

His words are not finished.

Yukinoshita, who held the long sword, fell unconscious again.

Fell limply on the pillow.

Only, this time…..

She turned into a chubby kitten.

“Ah this, what’s going on?”

Ye Ran was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Yubihama Yui.

But from the other party’s eyes, he also saw a puzzled look.

What the two of them didn’t know was…

The reason why Yukino turned into a cat.

But it was one of her natural abilities, [Druid Transformation], that was at work.

This is a special ability that can transform from a human to a cat in a short period of time.

The cat form incarnated by Yukino is a standard English short silver gradation.

She has chubby limbs, a round body, beautiful fluff in gray and white, and azure eyes similar to Yukino herself.

It’s hard to imagine.

Miss Xue Er is obviously a slender black long straight beautiful girl.

After becoming a cat, he became a chubby British short kitten.

Why do you always feel that behind all this, there is a bad taste of some people?

As one of the few talented awakened people in the space, Yukinoshita Yukino had to admit it depressedly.

This ability of myself is too …..

It’s too hard to talk about.

Other people’s abilities are all cool manipulation elements, and the bloodline mutation and no matter how bad it is, there is a great increase in strength,…..

One by one, although not outrageously strong.

But it’s perfect for newcomers.

And what about yourself.

Although lucky, he drew a druid ability that can transform shapes.

But who knows…..

But I can’t control the changes freely.

As long as she is emotional, she will become a chubby kitten.

This is her first mastery of the druid transformation form – the night spirit cat

A bizarre race that is naturally adept at stealth, dark spells.

Although the Night Spirit Cat is naturally petite, its strange spells are not weak in the strict sense.

But she has an obvious shortcoming, that is, like Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s [Mental Notebook], she is extremely biased towards the late stage.

It is an ability that can only show true power in the later stage.

And because this ability is too uncontrollable, Yukinoshita Yukino did not work more on this ability.

Didn’t expect …..


But it was a big ugly in front of Ye Ran and Yubihama Yui.

“‘~Ah this…”

Am I that big and a black straight beautiful girl?

How did you suddenly become a little black cat?

Ye Ran was also stunned by the sudden change in front of him.

“Yubihama-san, can you explain to me what this situation is?”

“Ye, Ye Jun, you still call me Yui.”

The pink-haired girl blushed and corrected Ye Ran.

The white jade hand pinched the delicate small chin.

After pondering for a long time, he slowly said, “That….. Actually, I don’t know what’s going on… Xiaoxue she never told me that she has the ability to turn into a kitten. ”


“Then what else do you want to do for half a day?”

Ye Ran scratched his hair wordlessly.

I always feel that Yubihama Yui, this girl, is a little humble.

“Forget it, let me check my body.”

Ye Ran was curious in his heart.

So he took Yukino’s cat’s arm under the snow and examined it carefully.


This is not a matter of concern.

Perhaps, it was the movement when he checked that made the comatose Yukino wake up again.

As soon as he opened his big round eyes.

Miss Xue Er, as soon as she saw it, it was Ye Someone who was curious about the impact of teasing her thigh.

“Meow!!” (Stinky hooligans!!) )

“I’m going!!”

The sharp and sharp cat’s paws flashed with a sharp cold light, fast as a floating light.

If not, Ye Ran flashed fast, and it was estimated that he would have been cut through the face by Xue Nai’s cat’s paw.

“Hey, I’m checking your wounds!! As soon as you moved just now, the scar of the wound began to ooze blood again…..”

Ye Ran flipped with one hand, holding Xue Nai Meow’s soft little neck, and said helplessly.

Anyone who has ever owned a cat knows.

When scratching a cat, scratching the neck comes the fastest.

Because only in this way, her sharp little claws will not “poison” you.

“Meow meow meow!!” (Bastard, you let me go, let me go!! )

Extreme shame and embarrassment made Yukishita Yukino constantly plop on his little short legs, and the wound slowly oozed red blood droplets because of the intense struggle….

“Ye Jun, or… You better let go of Yukino first. ”

Yui Hihama saw Yukinoshita Yukino look excited.

Presented his own proposal.

Now this situation is too weird.

“It’s okay, it’s just that I want to remedy her wound, you see…. The gauze band on her stomach began to ooze blood. “。

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