However, did Assassi die on the spot?

Of course not.

Unlike Ye Ran, in the battle of Vault No. 7, he encountered several novice teams.

The squad led by Kenjiro is good.

While cooperating with tacit understanding, there are also key props that are enough to resist.

A gray mist emerged, like a gray weirdness, flashing behind the magic barrier.

The next moment.

The gray fog cleared.

The pale-faced Assasin stood behind his teammates with a somewhat vain footsteps.

A trace of heartfelt distress flashed in his eyes, “Damn, this ghost woman actually caused me to waste a precious ‘talisman’… This is my life-saving prop. ”

In this apocalyptic world where the “Death Exemption Card” cannot be used, the precious “Death Talisman” is equivalent to a second life.

Now forced to use, naturally makes the hood killer painful.

“MD, Isha, quick, save me… I got poisoned by that woman. ”

At this time, the black man with the gun who was hit by Sayuri Sawamura’s compound arrow toxin also covered his lower abdomen with a painful face.

Anxiously shouted for the help of his teammates.

As an old player in the evolution space, several people did not expect:

They would actually be hung up and beaten by the Crystal Palace team led by Ye Ran.

“Idiot, don’t hurry up and use our team props, don’t capsize in the gutter!!”

The muscular woman with a long ponytail swooped over, facing the two indisputable teammates on her side, she was also extremely angry in her heart, and shouted and reminded.

Reprimanded in public by muscle women.

The hood killer Isha’s eyes were not “two, six, three”, and a trace of anger flashed.

However, he is not a fledgling newcomer.

Know how to restrain your emotions.

The pale big hand with a storage ring already summoned a gray alchemy scroll.

A sinister smile flashed at the corner of his eye.

The pale killer instantly tore open the alchemy scroll.

“Summon Scroll Skaven Rat Man 500 !!”

The Scarven Rat People are the main race in Total War: Warhammer 2.

In the original book, the Skaven Rat People are a group of rats who eat the foundations of the world. This evil and treacherous race is enough to outwhelm any enemy in numbers.

They are mean, greedy, shameless, bad …..

And extremely narcissistic, paranoid, greedy and vicious.

It is the legacy of the world.

And the rat man summoned by the killer Isa is the most notorious blight clan in the Warhammer world.

The Plague Monk is the core class of the Blight Clan.

They have scarlet eyes, wear ragged robes, and wear strange religious accessories.

The teeth are sharp, and the appearance is crazy and terrifying.

Most of these crazy believers hold sharp, curved double knives.

The body is stained with all kinds of dirt that is difficult to describe. and dripping with various toxins of unknown origin.

But where their blades cut through.

Even the slightest wound can lead to infection and pus.

“Oooh, my most respected Great Rotten, kill these enemies and offer them to you…..”

The monk of the plague incense burner, whose skin is rotten and scarlet, wields a long stick with dimensional stones embedded in the top, controls the plague incense burner, and instantly releases a large amount of terrifying poisonous mist that is enough to cause deadly diseases.

The big baby who rushed to the front bore the brunt of it, only feeling a tickling pain in her skin.

In the next instant, he fell to the ground with a terrible howl.

A figure as tall as a city wall, smashed with sand and dust.

The exposed skin of the thighs was corroded by the poisonous mist of the plague incense burner monks.

The flesh and skin began to peel off, but within seconds it began to blacken, draining pus and rotting to reveal the white bones in it.

“Let’s get together, let’s get ready to defend!!”

Erina’s heart jumped when she saw it, and she quickly asked Asuna, who was holding a sword, to return to her side.

By the way, let Eiri hide behind him with Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka.

“Hahaha, are you afraid? You big-boobed little lady, obediently submit to me! ”

The black man with the gun had already drunk the anti-poison potion by this time.

Once again, it is alive.

Out of the corner of his eye, a thick hatred and desire flashed.

Holding the laser rifle in his hand, he continuously shot energy rays, frantically venting his anger towards the Erina.


Da Wa howled miserably.

It was directly corroded by the poisonous mist, poisonous water and poisonous smoke, but in just a few seconds, it completely turned into a pool of green pus.

No way.

Who let him cast a powerful transformation.

Hundreds of rat people rushed up and attacked him continuously.

Even if he possesses the immortal law, he can’t withstand such a vicious poisonous attack.


A few gourd babies in the back looked at Humu with tears in their eyes.

They are in the same vein, brothers and sisters, and their feelings are very good.

I didn’t expect to encounter such treatment.

“Fire baby, you continue to spit fire, water baby, you keep spewing water, Sanwa, you return to me first!!”

The sudden army of rat people caught several people caught several people off guard.

Fortunately, she was not slow to react, and soon stabilized her mentality.

Let the crowd start a counteroffensive.


The fire was raging, and the water kept rolling.

Under the fire attack of the two gourd babies, the fierce and vicious tide of rats was immediately contained.

Erina breathed a sigh of relief.

was about to control the hair strands and cast the hair hammer, but the next second,

The muscular ponytailed woman appeared behind her at an unknown time and punched her.


Erinai was hit by this sudden heavy punch and flew directly upside down.

Fortunately, she is extremely alert and has been cautiously paying attention to her surroundings.

The golden hair behind him danced continuously, as if it were alive, making a dense and violent sound.

Firmly pierced into the sand.

Successfully stabilized his figure.

“Bullet !!”

The eldest lady raised her eyebrows.

Anger burned in my heart.

The slender and flexible waist, a few upright movements, and the cross-shaped strong abs suddenly exerted strength, allowing themselves to easily jump from the sand to a height of more than ten meters.

And the muscular ponytail girl who took the opportunity to sneak up on her and made a hand.

“Despicable trash, do you people only shamelessly sneak up on people?”

The eldest lady was angry in her heart, and almost suffered a loss, which made her very annoyed when she loved face.

The strengthened body is full of terrifying power, and the huge life energy turns into a steady stream of Chakra.

One move is a powerful ninja physical technique, extremely fierce, and every time it breaks out, it can hit a terrifying wave of maneuver.

The terrifying force, the muscles of the hit ponytail woman’s heart jumped.

Quickly dodged Erina’s erupted fist.

“20 times gravity suppression!”

As a gravity ability, the ponytail girl has the special ability to freely manipulate the surrounding gravity.

Rina only felt her body sink.

The movements suddenly became sluggish.

It was like carrying thousands of pounds of boulder in an instant.

“Huh, how’s it going? Unexpectedly, under the suppression of my ability, no matter how strong your strength is, you can only obediently drink my footwash…”

“Oh, who did you say you wanted your footwash?”

However, at this very moment.

A quiet female voice suddenly sounded behind the pony-tailed woman.

“Not good!!”

She was shocked in her heart and was about to quickly return to her defense.

But there was a pain in his waist.

He lowered his head, but saw the narrow and long blade of the Taitao, passing through the intestines between the waist and abdomen, dripping countless bright red blood. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Poison Island Junzi indifferently drew his knife and brought up a piece of flesh and blood entrails.

The slender and plump figure is immaculate.

The extremely tight nano armor perfectly highlights the curve of the girl’s thin waist and buttocks.

Straight and powerful flexible long legs, with a slight force, it brings up a beautiful muscle that is toned but not bloated at all.

The arch of the foot exerts force, and the waist trembles like a snake.

It has already cut off the head of the ponytail girl with a knife.

“Will this guy be resurrected again?”

Controlling the three picture scrolls to transform the mountains and seas through exotic beasts.

Looking at the horse woman who was stabbed by the poison island slash in the sky not far away.

Eiri asked Shiwa Kasumigaoka next to her curiously.

“Probably not.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not spare time to take care of her at this time.

She is busy directing a group of punctuation soldiers around her to resist the rat people.

Most of them look like ,. 、——…..?

The tallest is only a little over 1 meter tall.

Although the appearance is very different, the speed of travel is very fast.

And the cooperation with each other is very tacit:

Ying Li Li slightly narrowed her beautiful azure eyes.

Some were surprised to watch these punctuation soldiers methodically fight back.

These strange-looking symbol soldiers can even use the attributes of punctuation marks to suppress the surrounding enemies?

For example, punctuation soldiers with the shape of giant commas have the ability to pause at intervals and match sharp barbs under the waist and abdomen.

You can easily penetrate the enemy.

And at this time, the swollen period soldier will take the opportunity to let the round void exposed by his empty body put on the body of the epidemic rat man.

Instantly tightened to achieve a complete strangulation.

When the end is drawn, it represents the complete end.

In addition to this, there are ellipsis soldiers who can omit facts.

Confusing question mark soldiers.

I have to say that although these strange-looking punctuation soldiers, once cooperated, they are really quite powerful.

The epidemic rat people, who were full of 500 people, were trapped outside by these 50 soldiers and could not enter an inch.

“Hey, Kasumigaokaoka, you’re pretty good now~~”

Eiri and her mother Sayuri Sawamura stand aside.

Looking at Senior Sister Hei Changzhi, her neat display ability was also praised with joy and sincerity.

“Hmph, I’m sorry, I’ve always been so good, but your stupid little brain has never found it.”

Shiwa Kasumigaokaoka’s poisonous tongue nature attacks.

As a beautiful girl who never shows mercy in her mouth.

I wanted to hear the words begging for mercy from her mouth.

Only as a boyfriend Ye Ran on the bed, has he been fortunate enough to hear it a few times.

In normal times, with her arrogance, it was really no one who had convinced her.

“Hey, you black silk fat woman!! Can’t be nice to me!! ”

Ying Li gritted her teeth angrily.

When is it, this old rival still loves to satirize himself.

“Candy to replenish my spiritual power…..”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s face turned a little pale.

Using the ability for a long time is not a small burden for her mental power.

“Here you go.” Although Ying Li was angry, she still threw her a bag of colorful candies with a hard mouth, “You rest for a while, and leave it to me and my mother here.” ”

End of words.

The mother and daughter nodded to each other very tacitly.

Ying Li Li controlled the three mountain and sea meridian beasts to break through.

Sayuri Sawamura, on the other hand, narrowed her eyes slightly and began to chant the spell of dark magic.

“Lord of darkness, give me a body, and the magic condenses and turns into rain.”


In the distance, dark clouds as thick as lead, as she chanted, appeared above the intersection of the two armies.

The huge dark magic 3.7, condensed above the dark clouds.

The sky instantly turned dark.

A muffled thunder sounded in the sky.

Next second.

In this dry desert that has not changed for 10,000 years, there is a heavy black rain.

“Dark Spell Poison Rain Tidal Tide!!”

Brush it.

Continuous black poisonous rain with terrifying corrosion, poisoning ability.

As soon as it fell to the ground, he let the skin of the rat man on the battlefield fester, screaming and screaming, digging his own skin.

This move, as if Sayuri Sawamura also used all his strength.

“No more…….. I’m also going to take a break. ”

With a pale face and a dizzy head, the graceful beautiful woman took out a bottle of tonic potion, sat on the ground, and drank it with a grunt.

The decline was instantly reversed.

“You two, think of a way.”

Killers and blacks were sweating urgently.

The cost of summoning these rat people is not cheap.

Died a dying one they all felt distressed to die.

Now hang up piece by piece.

Don’t mention how uncomfortable the hearts of the two are.

How is it as easy as you say…..

The two female mages also wrinkled their little faces.

Glared at the two useless teammates with displeasure.

Unexpectedly, the next second.

Everyone’s faces changed at the same time.

Because, they saw their captain being smiling young man.

A punch blasted the body.

Red blood splattered continuously.

The rain of blood in the sky is like waste paper that does not want money, poured everywhere.

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