46 – Act 2. Eternal Neverland – Breaking the Wall (2)

The voyage is longer than usual.

Until now, if all they had to do was move to the place where the underground workers were housed and carry supplies, now they sailed deeper than that, to the place where the palace was located in the center of Neverland.

After going all the way, the captain shouts when he sees an endless white giant wall in the distance.

“Now, are you all ready!?”

The sailors cheered at Captain Hook’s words.

Seeing that, he nodded his head and shouted to attach his stomach.

“Captain Hook.”


“I understand the strategy. I know how. But the most important thing is, can you catch that Tinkerbell?”

Tinkerbell is strong.

A mystery so powerful that even an immature person knows it.

The strength of that slender body far surpassed even the Tin Woodman I saw in the forest.

At such a question, Captain Hook smiled.

“That fairy is definitely strong. It’s enough to change the terrain simply by wielding power. It’s kind of weird, to put it plainly.”


It’s not that I didn’t think of it, but Captain Hook, who continued his words as if he was sure, looked at the wall of the white giant in the distance.

“Navigator Smi and I used to be Neverland’s bad guys, or enforcers. It was an immature day, but I knew something while I was there.”

“What is that?”

“There is a secret in the depths of that castle.”

A place that no one has ever been to.

Hook went on to say that he had risen to the highest level as an executor in Neverland before, but even he had not reached the depths of Neverland.

“There must be a driving force behind it.”

“Are you sure?”

“Mysterious flow and flow. Anyone can see that by observing it from the inside. There is something in there that gives Tinker Bell unbelievable powers.”

So you mean to destroy it?

Rather than defeating the monster that transcends perception called Tinker Bell, he said he would squeeze in through the cracks.

“It was around the time that the collaborators were drawing attention on the ground, and in the meantime, we entered the interior through the basement. And if only the driving force is destroyed…….”

“You can catch Tinkerbell too?”


Not bad.

No, to be precise, it’s a reckless strategy to go after something no one has ever seen, but if you don’t do that, this hierarchical relationship will never be overthrown.

That’s why I nodded in agreement without saying anything further, and the ship arrived at the point where the white castle wall reached down.

As if they had noticed our approach from far away, they could see the children moving around busily.

The final battle.

Before disembarking there for the last time, Navigator Sumi cut through the group and came face-to-face with Captain Hook.

“Captain. Can’t we kill the child again?”

He got right to the point.

Until now, Captain Hook was sensitive to the death of his child.

It’s enough to know even a country that hasn’t seen it for a while, so others will be shocked, but considering the battles ahead, it’s obvious how difficult it will be.

At this, Captain Hook had a rather complicated expression on his face, but he shook his head with a smile on his face.

“Just for today, forget all nonsense.”

“You mean that?”

“They are still children. I was too young to know the weight of responsibility or anything like that, so it was ridiculous to be held accountable.”

But Captain Hook waved his arms wide, saying he couldn’t do that anymore.

“A child’s life is precious. But equally, the lives of adults are precious. Life is worth equal. Then, at this moment, until this battle is over…….”

Right after that, he takes everyone’s attention with a big stomp of his right foot and reaches out with his hooked hand.

“Fight to survive! Don’t measure the front or the back, pick up a spear to protect yourself!!”

Changing the world is the same as destroying the existing world.

If you want to create something new, the captain always pulls out his sword, saying that he can’t stop here because the beginning is always to break the existing common sense.

“Now, let’s start!!”

With that shout, the rope was lowered from the ship, and as the crew lowered it to the ground, children from afar began to flock here.

In terms of numbers, of course, thirteen.

However, each member of the pirate crew has their own fighting ability, and above all, the pirate crew has Captain Hook, the leader.

“Remove all obstacles!!”

As gunshots rang out, three or four children who were running in front collapsed and fell to the cold floor.

With Captain Hook’s preemptive shot, the adult and the child began to get entangled with each other, and unlike the previous unilateral attack, the crew pushed the children away and gradually moved forward.

Even though he is a bad boy, he is just a child who knows how to fight if he has no direct connection to fairy tales.

I just gained strength, and even I, who is not used to fighting yet, can easily subdue it just by pushing with force, so others will be shocked.

Although it is the first fight, the momentum is excellent.

If this continues, it seemed as if they would push forward all the way and reach that white castle wall, but things always roll in an unexpected direction.


With the sonorous voice I’ve heard somewhere, the distant sky turns pink.

As I do, Captain Hook raises his head and looks at the source of the sound, as if he knows the identity of the voice, and hardens his exhilarating expression.

“…… How are you?”

“How stupid! Is it still the same as ever and now, always living for your own good taste?”

According to his calculations, Neverland’s greatest power, which couldn’t possibly exist here, is right in front of your eyes.

The pink fairy glared at Captain Hook with a distorted expression and a large amount of light floating in the air.

“Is this all you were trying to do by attracting those savages? What do you mean by killing children?”

“How did you know I would be here?”

“If you think about it a little, isn’t it obvious? If those savages had crossed the walls of Neverland, there would have been someone’s cooperation, but if that person didn’t even poke their noses on the ground, the answer would be obvious!”

Would that be so sure?

I don’t know the relationship between Tinkerbell and Captain Hook, but if there was a primary confusion on the ground, it was possible to advance to the ground in the opposite direction during that time.

She must have had a lot of options given to her in the first place.

Neverland is vast and there are many things to protect.

On the contrary, we were able to choose here and there, and the basis was to capture the white giant of Neverland in an instant by squeezing the gap in power through the superiority of that information.

Still, the fact that Tinker Bell appeared here meant that the strategy Captain Hook had laid out had fundamentally collapsed.

“That’s all I can say! It would be better if all you rats gathered in one place!!”

Think about it for a while.

As if not to give it time, she stretched out glowing pink spheres around her in all directions, pointing at us and declaring.

“Everybody die without a name here!!”

Beautiful colors light up the gloomy underground waterways.

However, that bright light is a disaster.

Since I already knew the horrors brought on by that bombardment of light, I had no choice but to stiffen my body.

With Tinker Bell’s participation in the war, the children shake off the adults as much as possible and retreat.

As if it had already been promised, the sphere that Tinkerbell floated along with the moving figure added more light.

Speaking clearly, the light was stronger than when I first saw Tinkerbell’s power.

In a situation where it is obvious that if he is hit directly like this, he will be annihilated without a chance to counterattack, Captain Hook moves forward with a confident gait.

“Nothing has changed.”

The current situation is the worst.

But Captain Hook didn’t lose his smile, and the light fell with Tinkerbell’s gesture.

“Don’t back down!!”

Hook’s shout is low and loud, as if his heart is beating.

At the same time, the sharp gunshots that seemed to tear the eardrums overlapped, creating an illusion as if they were heard in succession.

Just like that, an eternity-like moment has passed.

“…… James!!”

“I am in charge of that fairy. Nothing will change.”

All bullets shot down.

The five revolvers that fell at Hook’s feet and the gray smoke that wafted after the gunpowder exploded represent what just happened.

“Sumi, you go back to the ship.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“Fight as usual for the rest. Get tangled up in that group of kids somehow. Then even Tinkerbell would not be able to unleash such an ignorant attack.”

Do not lose hope even in the worst situation.

He’s quite different from Captain Hook in the fairy tale, but if he goes this far, he won’t back down.

“Then, Captain, take care of the most executive.”

“Does a new chick dare to worry about the boss? If you can afford that, take care of yourself.”

He lightly tapped my chest with his fist and then nodded his head.

“Isn’t there someone you need to save?”


“Then we have to fight. Grind your teeth and fight hard until the end without regret.”

With the words that he would open the road, Captain Hook took out one of the many revolvers tied around his waist and aimed it at Tinkerbell.

“Come on, isn’t it a long relationship? Just focus on me a little more.”

“…… James. Not killing you was the worst choice in my life.”

“You have had a lot of rest from before.”

Tinkerbell and Captain Hook face each other again, sharing bullets and spheres of light, continuing their unspoken words.

The pirate crew and I ran across the battlefield and attacked the group of children, further deepening the chaos in the underground waterway.

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