Surviving A Harsh Fantasy With Cheat Items

Chapter 80.5 - Character Introduction(End Of Volume 10)

Occupation: 3rd Battalion Commander, Zawaharuto Mox, 40 years old

An old man with dull silver hair who is a knight commander.

When he was in the knight order, he was a member of Gale’s faction but as soon as he realized that he was in the position of holding the casting die between the Gale army and the soldiers of the provisional government of the Kingdom of Silesie, he holed up in the Golden Eagle Fort and declared neutrality.

His jealousy of Gale, who used to be his peer but has risen ahead of him, is also a factor but it doesn’t matter because it has nothing to do with the main story.

Because of his greed, he got bombarded by Takeru.

After the coup, he took over Barn Dot’s territory and became Baron Zawaharuto. Since it was originally Gale’s territory, he seems to be having a hard time governing it.

Incidentally, the first and the second battalion are made up of noblemen and the third through the fifth battalion are made up of new noblemen and warriors who are under Gale’s control. Even after Gale was removed after his failed coup, the situation has not changed much.


Occupation: Knight of the Royal Knight Order(Vice Commander Class), Princess Silhouette’s Guard Knight, Jill Rootbeer, 24 years old

She has an unkempt black hair that she ties in a ponytail just like Louise.

She’s muscular but has a good figure and has wheat colored skin.

She has a body of an athlete.

Has a super sweet tooth.

Since the founding of Silesie Kingdom, her family has been working with Louise’s family. She used to be Louise’s right hand woman in the royal knights.

After the coup d’etat, she returned to the order and was recommended by Louise to serve as Princess Silhouette’s personal bodyguard.

She is a capable guard but not so good as a caretaker of the princess.


Golden Eagle Bandit Group, Boss(leader of the Golden Eagle Bandits)

A large bandit group of over 300 members. They have even built up a three story stone fortress called Golden Eagle Fort and have been active as bandits on the road leading to the royal capital.

However, the bandits were strongly affected by the release of miasma and the fort was attacked by monsters and collapsed.

After the miasma incident was over, they tried to revive their group and make a base in the mountains of the City of Ox but met Takeru there and were attacked again and driven out.

The fatal confrontation is carried over to the City of Spike and the result was shown in the main story.

There’s a negotiator who refers to himself as “the golden eagle’s beak” and other characters with nicknames like fang, jaw, eyes, claw, and whatever else. Since banditry is an illegal activity, they are not supposed to call each other with their real names.

They were a reasonably structured organization with many detailed characters but they were destroyed before any character development happened.


Female Cat Thieves

The leader is Neneka. She is a strange oneesan with dark purple curly hair that extends down to her feet. She’s very sexy.

Although she was a bit taken aback by Takeru’s vicious plot against the Golden Eagle Bandits, she was grateful and believed in him and even defended him to Wake.

She and Wake seemed to be old acquaintances.

Later, she would use her experience as a former spy to form a secret scouting unit for the Volunteer Army.


Occupation: Treasonous King of Thieves, Rare Righteous Thief, Leader of the Great Bandit Guild of the Three Kingdoms, Wake the Wake, 24 years old

An oniisan with soft blonde hair.

He uses a composite bow to shoot three iron arrows at once using the magic “Magical Bullet of Rebellion”.

(He can shoot up to five arrows at a time but if he does that, accuracy would fall.)

He wears a green robe blessed by the wind spirits that has the effect of shifting any range object from going towards the robe.

Even a straight projectile from a gun will miss.

Therefore, the only way to attack and defeat Wake was to doges his arrows and defeat him in close combat.

However, there are always two skilled thieves hiding around Wake so he is well protected in close combat.

He laughs “kukkukkuk” which sounds like a bird.

He likes to bully the princess knight but he is a cautious man so he lets the hero do it for him.

He is also a collector of cursed items called “cursed tools”. He is the type of person who takes pleasure in making good use of items that are supposed to be useless such as items with poisons and curses.

Adventurers treat cursed items as trash but for the king of thieves, they are quite useful for everything, from pranks to assassinations.

In the three kingdoms of Transylvania, Silesie, and Rolland, are where the thieves guild are active behind the scenes. They have cooperative relationships and their basic job is to raid territories of the lords with whom they are hostile.

The guild’s basic business is to only intervene on a personal level and never get in the way of wars between countries. This is because it would be fatal to the guild if they were seen as a complete enemy of the country. There is an unwritten tacit understanding that there must be a balance between the power up front and behind the scenes.

However, the powerful Germania Empire has broke that unwritten rule and has branched out into the livelihood of the thieves guild making all members of the thieves guild hostile to the empire.

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