Despite the thousands of thoughts in his heart, at this moment, the big snake pill was close at hand, and Lan Qi couldn’t think of anything else.

Also, there seems to be an undercover agent in Yanyin Village, and it is it who provides intelligence to the big snake pill.

In fact, this is also normal, during the Ninja World War, spies on both sides are active.

In Konoha Village, there are also undercover agents of Iwahi.

It’s just that the guy in the mouth of the big snake pill is a big fish.


The big snake pill spat out his tongue stained with mucus, and he was not disgusting, and said with an evil smile: “You are Lan Qi from Yanyin Village, it is said that he plays with Tudun into a magical guy.” ”

“Don’t dare to be out of the ordinary, anyway, it’s more than enough to hold you.” Lan Qi opened his mouth with the smell of gunpowder, and there was really no need to be polite to the big snake pill.

On his hands, I don’t know how much Yan Yin’s blood was stained.

The big snake pill’s expression froze slightly, and then he grinned: “Young man, I advise you not to be too arrogant, even you Tokage Onoki don’t dare to say such things to me!” ”

“Aren’t you arrogant or a young man?”

Lan Qi scoffed, “Besides, in the face of a yin-yang person who is neither male nor female, do you still need to maintain respect?” ”

“Big Snake Pill, hear clearly, Uncle Ben beat you up.”

“Find death!!”

The big snake pill’s eyes burst with cold light, and his neck leaned forward, and suddenly extended one or twenty meters away like a leather band.

He opened his mouth wide, baring his sharp fangs, and bit towards Lan Qi.

“His teeth are highly toxic.” Loess reminded loudly.

“The Art of Hardening.” Lan Qi did not hesitate to strengthen the skin.

The big snake pill looked contemptuous: “The so-called hardening, I only need to use force – click!! ”

The whitish slag fell off from the mouth of the big snake pill, and Lan Qi’s neck was as hard as iron.

The head quickly retracted, and the big snake pill touched the broken teeth full of mouth, almost not complete.

“Something is wrong with you!”

The big snake pill looked at Lan Qi in amazement, his mouth was leaking.

The technique of hardening the earth, that is, the entry-level soil dun, the role is to harden the skin, this little skill of carving insects is not worth mentioning in front of his shadow-level combat power.

But… I just broke my teeth!

“Big snake pill, don’t eat indiscriminately if your teeth are not good, it’s easy to break your teeth, it’s not easy to digest.”

Lan Qi playfully teased.

“Little ghost, don’t get carried away!!”

The big snake pill quickly sealed: “Ninfa Snake – Click!! ”

Before the big move was released, the ground shook violently.

“Earth Movement Core!!”

The earth collapsed, and the big snake pill that was caught off guard fell into the deep pit.

“Want to use this trick to defeat me? Pipe dream!! ”

The big snake pill sneered, the earth dun earth moving core is also a relatively common earth dun, which can make the big fall or lift.

However, the rise and fall are limited, generally about ten meters in height or depth, like the earth master of Onoki, maybe he can raise the limit to twenty meters, hoping that this kills the big snake pill? Isn’t that?

But… Orochimaru quickly realized something was wrong.

The scorching aura swept over, the temperature around it rose rapidly, the big snake pill bowed his head sharply, and endless magma ground emerged.

Rao was also confused at this moment with his insight.

“This is sending me to the crust! How else could there be magma! ”

The big snake pill roared, is this a drop of a kilometer or ten thousand meters, otherwise how can he fall into the crust?

Is there such a power in a geokinetic nucleus? S-class ninjutsu can’t do it!

The big snake pill felt that Lan Qi was deceiving people, shouting about the earth core, but in fact he put the technique of penetrating the planet.


Sparks burst out, and the big snake pill finally fell into the magma and vaporized instantly.

Lan Qi strode towards the loess, his body purple, his breathing weak, and he was dying.

Lan Qi did not dare to delay, and quickly left with the loess on his back.

As for the big snake pill, the magma seems terrifying, and it is actually difficult to kill him.

Even if he destroys his physical body, Orochimaru has other ways to resurrect unless his soul is completely sealed, but Magma does not have this ability.

After returning to the camp, Lan Qi hurriedly called the medical ninja.

After some emergency rescue, Loess finally regained consciousness.

“Big, what about the big snake pill?” Loess asked weakly.

“That guy has been solved.” Lan Qi comforted, “Just rest well.” ”

“I’m thankful to have you, otherwise… The consequences are unimaginable. ”

Loess sighed with a palpitation, and had a new understanding of the cunning of the big snake pill.

Once the big snake pill kills him, I am afraid that he will also peel off his skin and blend into Yanyin Village as a loess, and then the village will be over.

This is a trick that Orochimaru often plays, whether it is now or in the future Zhongnin exam, Orochimaru uses transfiguration techniques to deceive people everywhere.

“That undercover, do you have eyebrows.” Loess’s eyes darkened, and he said hatefully: “Konoha really has a set of things in this regard!” ”

Lan Qi smiled and said nothing, it is nothing to arrange undercover agents for Yanyin Village, and people can even install undercover agents in the future.

Ten minutes later, the ninja of Iwahide Village took action.

The purpose is the Shenwu Biqiao area where the Eastern Dead are stationed.


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