Vortex Jiu Yukina’s delicate face twisted, and her whole body trembled with pain.

If you look closely, you will find that she still has a little orange chakra on her.

It was the “tailed beast coat” of the Nine Tails, but unfortunately it had been scattered.

If it weren’t for the power of the explosive tailed beast, maybe she would have been killed.

“This woman is quite resistant.”

Lan Qi’s eyes sparkled, quite unexpected.

This punch was merciless, almost holding the ruthlessness of destroying the vortex Jiu Xunai.

“Jiu Xinnai, don’t struggle, you are not an opponent of Lord Lan Qi.”

I really can’t bear to see my girlfriend suffer, and Mikoto has an unbearable persuasion.

“Ahem… I, I’m a Konoha ninja. ”

Vortex Jiu Yukina slowly stood up, coughing up blood in her mouth:

“Don’t compare me to you traitor!”

Since then, the two have been cut off by one knife.

Mikoto nodded, still silent.

How could she, who had not been persecuted by Konoha’s high-level, know her pain?

Doesn’t Mikoto love Konoha? Doesn’t Fugaku love Konoha again? Or does Sunset True Red not love Konoha?

But the village doesn’t love them.

In the eyes of the top, they are just props.


Vortex Jiu Yukina smashed the ground with both feet, and her strength skyrocketed.

The tailed beast’s coat is reorganized, and multiple tails are fluttering.

Lan Qi counted and couldn’t help but be secretly surprised.

“There are seven tails?”

He couldn’t help but be impressed by Vortex Jiu Xuna, accepting so many nine-tailed chakras, and still maintaining consciousness himself, proving that Vortex Jiu Yukina had gone far on this road, even if he was not a perfect human pillar like Kirabi.

“Give me a wide eye to see clearly.”

Vortex Jiu Yukina spoke, his tone carrying the low tone characteristic of beasts:

“I will teach you a lesson that will last a lifetime.”

Lan Qi did not hesitate in the slightest, and was about to respond to the sentence “The true strong never force much”, when bad luck came.

Vortex Jiu Xingna burst out, and even Lan Qi didn’t react.

The nine tails are the tailed beast supreme, don’t look at the tailed beast’s coat is “only” seven tails, the strength and speed are enough to crush many tailed beasts.

With a heavy punch to his chest, Lan Qi flew out immediately.

Bang bang!!

There was a series of impact sounds in the distance, and the person was bombarded without a trace.

At least ten or more buildings were knocked down, and even the Maple Leaf City that Yanyin had carefully built was shattered.

Lan Qi flew out of the city, came into close contact with a large mountain, and only stopped after smashing it.

“My God… Is that Lord Lanqi? ”

“Who has such amazing power?”


“Lord Lan Qi will be fine, right?”


The rock is in chaos, scrambling to find the murderer.

On the side of Vortex Jiu Xingnai, trampling and ravaging did not stop.

As a whirlpool, it contains a huge amount of chakra, plus the power of the nine tails, and only feels that there is endless strength.

Vortex Jiu Yukina jumped up in the air, and the figure stopped in the air.

Her thumb straightened, and a black ball of energy condensed.

In this state, Vortex Jiu Yukina has the ability to use the tailed beast jade.

With a flick of his fingers, the mini tailed beast fell around the jade ruins.


The deafening explosion rushed straight into the sky, and the ruins that buried Lan Qi were annihilated in an instant.

Lan Qi lay on the ground, his eyes open.

Looking at the vortex in the sky, Jiu Xuna suddenly smiled:

“Stinky woman, you still dare to beat Uncle Ben, Laozi must rape you first and then kill.”

Vortex Jiu Xunnai’s cold cheeks were even more terrifying.

“Lord Lan Qi really is… What the hell is going on? ”

Mikoto is drunk and still stimulates this tigress?

The green onion-white jade fingers flicked several times in succession, and multiple tailed beast jades fell from the sky.


A series of tailed beast jade fell, and flame mushroom clouds rose into the air one after another.

The Nine Tails or the Nine Tails were completely different from the other tailed beasts, and just the waves that emitted tore Maple Leaf City apart.

Yanyin people are terrified, they also have human pillar power in Yanyin Village, but it is completely different from this human pillar force.

“Hurry up and help, or Lord Lan Qi will really die!”

Youyan Yin exclaimed, and immediately responded.

Vortex Jiu Xingna sneered, and casually threw another tailed beast jade.


In front of the Nine Tails, all things are equal.

With a loud bang, Yanyin evaporated.

Hundreds of meters underground, Lan Qi lay lazily.


There was a slight movement in his body, cracking many marks.

The rock gradually peeled off, revealing its original body.

“This is the first time someone has broken through the [Hardening Technique].”

Lan Qi rubbed his head, worthy of the Nine Tails.

“The Art of Light and Heavy Rock.”

Lan Qi took off and soon flew to the ground.


Vortex Jiu Xingna’s face was expressionless, but her heart was set off a wave of shock.

After eating so much tailed beast jade, this man is still unscathed?

“Is there anything else to embroider legs? If you pretend to be forced, I will abuse you.” ”

Lan Qi clenched his fists, and the smile on his face was gentle and confident.


PS: Ask for tips, flowers, evaluation tickets, five changes a day, the little brother is grateful!!


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