Brother Tu stepped over without even looking at it.

“I’m not dead yet, Obito!!”

The black body reorganized and turned into the appearance of a stickman again.

“Ah, sorry, I thought you were dead.”

Obito rubbed his head, looking embarrassed.

In any case, it was Hei Jeo who saved him.

Stepping on his “corpse” is indeed not very authentic.

“Where are you going, should you still have to rescue that Nohara Rin?” Hei Jue resisted the urge to tear the soil alive.

“Lin is my everything, if I don’t rescue her, I have no motivation to do anything, I can’t even eat.”

With a straight response, Hei Jue almost didn’t hold back a mouthful.

Your uncle, if you practice ninjutsu and have this perseverance, you may already be comparable to Uchiha.

Open double-hook jade at one time, and then double-hook jade angrily open a kaleidoscope, such a rare talent, looking at the entire history of Uchiha is also rare.

However, such a genius is actually a lowly dog that is too lowly to lick a dog.

“No wonder Madara wanted to kill Rin Nohara…”

Kuro can also understand Madara’s approach, Obito’s unprofessional appearance is because of Nohara Rin, even he has a killing intention towards Nohara Rin.

But with Lan Qi as a bodyguard, killing people is so simple.

Madara is a living example, Nohara Rin did not raise it, she raised herself first.

After some thought, the black spirit machine moved, it was better to help bring the soil dream to come true – rescue Nohara Rin.

“Obito, I have a way to try.”

Hei Jue reminded compassionately: “Lan Qi kidnapped Nohara Rin, you can also kidnap people close to him. ”

“Such as?”

Several people suddenly came to mind with Obito, such as Onoki, who had gone to Yanyin Village before, and was discovered by the old man, and there was friction between the two sides, and he was almost killed by Onoki.

Of course, at that time, Obito had not yet bloomed a kaleidoscope.

“There is someone I feel can consider.”

Hei Jue said slowly: “According to the information provided by Bai Jue, recently Lan Qi has been around a little ghost, it seems that it is still your Uchiha clan, and Lan Qi has also harvested him as a godson, and most importantly, that kid often goes out for a walk alone, which is easier to start’. ”

“Lan Qi’s godson? There is actually such a good thing, just pick him! ”

Like a male cat smelling the smell of a mother cat, he realized that an opportunity had come.

“Then again, what’s the name of that little ghost?”

“Uchiha Itachi, is the son of your patriarch Uchiha Fugaku.”

“I don’t know!”

On the north side of the Fire King’s capital, the mountains stretch and there are plenty of rare wildlife.

Every winter, the daimyo organizes a grand hunt.

Unfortunately, this activity has become history since the daimyo was executed by Lanchi.

“Where in this world is there a place for me?”

The young man with clear eyebrows sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at the rivers and mountains, his expression lonely.

The immature cheeks also look extremely vicissitudes, the world is big, but there is nowhere to call home.

Obviously he is still a little brat, but at this moment, the ferret has the feeling of seeing through the red dust.

Speaking of which, the ferret is also a god man, and this kid began to think about the meaning of life when he was three or four years old.

The meaning of life… This is a high-quality, philosophical topic, and the kind of people discussed should also be wise people who have experienced ups and downs in their old age.

It’s really out of place for a stinky imp to think about the meaning of life.

“Little ghost, you seem to be very sad.”

The unkind voice slowly sounded, and the weasel couldn’t help but turn around, and the space behind him was distorted, and Obito and Hei Jue came out of the alien space.

Well, after being abused by Lan Qi, the benefits are also there, and Brother Tuzi is more skilled in the control of the kaleidoscope green wheel eye.

“You guys… Who is it?! ”

The ferret asked vigilantly, habitually pulling out the bitterness and unguarded.

“You’re Uchiha, Lan Qi’s godson?”

Obito’s eyes erupted with a cold light, and resentment erupted.

Can’t clean up Lan Qi, Laozi can’t clean up your son yet?


The soil was quickly swept away, and the weasel did not hesitate in the slightest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He stepped on it hard, his body ejected, and his body instantly flew in front of Obito.

“This kid…”

Obito’s eyes flashed with deep surprise, when he was the age of a weasel, he was still taking urine and mud!

Itachi, on the other hand, can already fight calmly and like a ninja.

Ku Wu stabbed forward sharply, and the soil seemed to be non-existent, and Ku Wu penetrated his entire body.

Yes, Obito used Kamui to blur himself.

Itachi didn’t expect this to happen, and after realizing that the attack had failed, he hurriedly retreated.

“Did you run, little ghost!!”

Obito grabbed the weasel’s hair and pulled it hard.



The weasel let out a bitter scream, the entire scalp was torn, and the braincase was bloody.

“This voice… It’s so pleasant, hahaha! ”

Obito laughed sickly, still pulling a handful of hair in his hand.

And the weasel was directly turned into a bald man!

Obito Kaleidoscope Green Wheel Eyes exuded a demon light, and at this moment, his vision appeared delusional, and it seemed that it was Lan Qi who was abused.

Remembering the previous encounter and the humiliation suffered by the goddess, Obito’s beast lust completely exploded.

He wants to take some interest from Lan Qi’s godson!

“Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!!”

A large fireball whistled, and the scorching temperature frightened the ferret to hurriedly retreat.

He quickly sealed the seal, and the same Hao fireball shot back: “Fire Escape Hao Fireball Technique!” ”

The two fireballs collided, and the heat flow and flames scattered.

In terms of power, Obito is obviously superior, because his fireball is bigger.

Bang bang!!

With a loud bang, two fireballs exploded, and the heat wave carried a shock wave to engulf the ferrets. (Wang Hao Zhao)


The little fart screamed again, and his body shed a layer of skin.

Not only did his clothes burn, but he also suffered severe burns himself.

Obito had no sympathy and stomped on Itachi’s face, don’t ask why he humiliated Itachi so much, because Lan Qi likes to do it!

“You, who the hell are you!!”

The ferret groaned in pain, and he asked himself if he hadn’t offended this guy to blow.

“Lan Qi is my mortal enemy, you are his son, who will you pack if you don’t clean up?”

Obito didn’t pretend anymore, and threatened: “I’ll take you for Lin, if that guy agrees, you can still live, if Lan Qi refuses… I’ll cut you piece by piece! ”

“Are you Lan Qi’s enemy?!”

The weasel’s heart is extremely dense, damn it, he hasn’t pit his daddy yet, he was first pitted by this so-called daddy?!


PS: The big guys ask for support, and the little brother is grateful!!


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