Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 202: 202. Three Star Monster

Chapter 202

The taste of the opponent.

Gu Feng's strong intention to kill, Xiu Xiu feels like the slaughterhouse in the 18th floor of Abi Hell.

But in addition to this frightening killing, he now also repairs a feeling of "opponent".

That seemed to be on the ring, a sense of oppression from a powerful opponent, so Xiu Xi could not help but want to have two moves with him.


This is the effect that Gu Feng has hone his combat skills and learned ancient martial arts.

Gu Feng already understands something in his heart. He is now a half-entry "warrior", right?

"Don't guess randomly."

"Clean up and get ready for a brand new hunting operation today!"

Gu Feng glanced at the gloomy night outside the window. After half an hour, the first rays of sunlight would shine on the ground, and the hunting operation would start again!

"Okay, boss, you really treat us like a cow."

"Get up and get up. It's unlucky to have us to exploit our boss like this." Ling Xue complained with a stretch, but she could see the desire for blood from her slightly excited eyes.

Not just her.

There is repair, even the most gentle Shen Mengting.

Fighting has become an instinct, and only the blood of monsters can heal the distortions brought by the last days.

This **** slaughterhouse in the last days not only turned Gu Feng into a cold-blooded demon ...

He, a cruel hell-hungry ghost, has unknowingly changed the inner thoughts of people around him, affecting the hearts of his subordinates, and it seems that they have all become twisted lunatics.

Gu Feng went to Shen Mengting.

The gentle and quiet girl was also stained with a few strands of blood, and the two kissed affectionately to say goodbye.

"Follow me and you're crazy."

"One day, a gentle girl like you may also become a cruel and cold-blooded demon. Will you regret it then?" Gu Feng held Shen Mengting's face, and she was mad with a bit of evil charm.

Shen Mengting took the initiative to kiss Gu Feng again, she bitten Gu Feng's lips slightly, and licked a trace of blood on it.

"No regrets."

"You are my man, as long as I can follow you, I will not regret it."

"If this world makes you crazy, then I will follow you to change and become a madman who loves you!" Shen Mengting's words are indeed crazy, but it is this madness that can tell her inner heat emotion.


This world is crazy.

No cure for crazy drugs.

In this case, let us be the craziest and most distorted demon for so long!

Let us dance wildly in this end time, let us vent the mania in our hearts, let us roar hysterically in the **** slaughterhouse.

After the evolution, Gu Feng has completely transformed, and he doesn't mind the collapse of his consciousness into a terrible lunatic.

It is often said that there is only a thin line between lunatics and geniuses.

But in this end time, the lunatic is ... the most powerful and vicious! !!

Not crazy, not live!



Leave the safety meeting point, dozens of minutes later.

Gu Feng returned to the place where he was killed yesterday, and is planning to continue killing monsters nearby.

However ... the scene in front of him stunned Gu Feng.

The streets that were full of broken arms and limbs were covered with blood and mud, but now it seems that they have been baptized by a scavenger. The remains of those monsters are almost gone, only a large piece of blood telling about the tragic yesterday.

Crunch ...

Click ...

The sound of sharp teeth chewing bones came from time to time.

That's the remaining nine "monsters" still gnawing at the corpses, which is a crude way of their evolution.

Gu Feng's thoughts moved nine monsters back to him.

The monster, which was originally the size of a basketball, has grown to a size larger than an electric tricycle. If you give it a period of time, it may grow to the size of a small car.


Giant beetle

Variety: Devil

Prototype: Corpse

Level: Second-order (★★★ ☆☆)

Variation direction: Battle Demon

Remarks: Since the monsters created by the host can help the host devour energy and recover by engulfing other creatures, they will eventually become special combat units.

Second-order three-star?

This monster has evolved to the level of 3 stars?

How much did it eat last night, and how much xenogeneic and zombie remains? ?

This evolution is too amazing.

Look at the other monsters.

[Golden beetle]

That gold-like sculpted monster has also evolved, and has also become a three-star combat weapon. The surface of its shell has become harder than steel, and bullets cannot be penetrated.

There is also a demon worm, which is so fast.

[Wind Worm]

Like its name, it is fast enough to pierce the storm, and it is hard to see with the naked eye when it moves at full force, leaving only a blurry afterimage of the machine.

The alienation of these three kinds of monsters is beyond Gu Feng's expectations, and has completely evolved from a simple monster to another creature.

As for the other six monsters, although the level of rarity has increased a lot, no special mutation has occurred, and it is still just the most common "alien monster."

If there is any chance of transformation, I am afraid they will become a new breed.

Gu Feng frowned, and he squatted down to grab the golden beetle and wanted to study it, to see what exactly these abnormal monsters are.

However, as soon as Gu Feng came in contact with the "Golden Armor", a special stream of information poured into his body.


"The gene sequence of [Golden Scarab] has been recorded."

"Identified as (★★★ ☆☆) class monsters. If the host wants to continue to make such monsters, it will cost 100 evolutionary points for each virus source."

Special information blends with Gu Feng's talent.

The genetic information of this extra mutant monster was all recorded at once.

In the future, even if this [Golden Armor Worm] is dead, Gu Feng can spend 100 evolution points to make it directly, because this alienation type gene has been copied, and it only takes some energy to make it again ...

Oh my God!

In other words, as long as Gu Feng has enough evolutionary points, he can make this mutant monster anytime and anywhere? ?

Thinking of this, Gu Feng hurried to touch several other alienated monsters.


"The genetic sequence of [Windbreaker] has been recorded."

"The gene sequence of [giant beetle] has been recorded."

The genes of several three-star mutants are integrated with talent. If Gu Feng wants to make them in the future, he can just spend the evolutionary points.

The surprise that Gu Feng brought to Gu Feng was really wave after wave.

King ...

How can there be no younger brother?

Gu Feng's younger brothers surprised him, so let's try their abilities next! !!

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