Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 209: 209. Reborn, Niuniu Makeover!

The second way.

Niuniu glared at Hu Lingling's eyes, her tone extremely serious.

Everyone was shocked.

Shen Mengting swallowed and spit, she squatted down and stroked Niuniu's head: "Niuniu, you have to think about it, in fact, including your elder brother, I hope you can choose the first path, we all hope you can be happy Growth ... "

Niuniu's choice discouraged Shen Mengting, the kindest.

Gu Feng didn't stop, and I don't know why, he also felt a little sad.

Niuniu turned her lovely body. She shook her head at Shen Mengting and said, "Big sister, you are wrong. Although Niuniu is small and doesn't understand anything, Niuniu knows what is the most important thing."

The most important thing ...

For Niuniu, what is the most important thing to cherish?

"Big sister, big brother."

"Niuniu is very obedient and obedient, but ... sensible and obedient cannot protect mothers."

"Being sensible and obedient doesn't kill the bad guys who bully mothers."

A few words from Niu Niu, everyone else stayed, what the little girl was thinking! !!

Oh my god!

She's a 4, 5 year old girl!

After experiencing countless cruel despair, Niuniu endured the bullying of others. Even if her arm was broken and she was covered with wounds, she begged others to scratch her head on the ground just to help her mother to ask for a little bit of food.

But what happened then?

Mom died and was killed by the bad guys.

What can Niu Niu change even if she is more sensible and obedient?

Although she is small, she understands one thing. If she wants to protect her important people, she must have ... power! !!

"Niu Niu was afraid of bugs."

"But Xiao Hei is Niu Niu's partner. It helps Niu Niu defeat the bad guys, and helps Niu Niu kill the baddies who hurt her mother!"

"Niuniu is stupid and stupid. I'm really afraid that my elder brother and sister will abandon Niuniu someday."

"You are the best people in the world to me, and the ones Niu Niu wants to protect."

"Brother, let Niuniu choose the second way, Niuniu doesn't want to be a burden for you ..."


This little girl has understood the meaning of burden.

For the mother, Niuniu is a burden. If it is not for her birthday, her mother will not be killed by the baddies.

Niuniu never wants to be a burden anymore, just like Shen Mengting doesn't want to be a vase around Gu Feng.

She is very determined!

She has already made enough awareness.



Huh ~~

Gu Feng sighed a long time, since Niu Niu has made her own decision.

Then give her strength!

"Niuniu, come with me."

Gu Feng took Niuniu's hand and led him into one of the rooms in the villa.

Under the young and delicate body, there is a resolute heart that cannot be questioned. Perhaps this is the only motivation for Niuniu to survive.

Gu Feng first picked up a bottle of virus source and mumbled and drank it. This is the loot sent by the hunting force today. Several teams hunted down more than 200 xenogenes.

Virus source evolution point: 1068

The materials have been prepared, and the monster transformation skills are launched! !!

【Inheritance Demon】

Gu Feng put the **** translucent monster on Niu Niu's chest, and it instantly melted into a pool of hot and hot plasma, slowly drilling into Niu Niu's skin pores.

"Hosts can choose to inherit a capability."

"After the succession, 1,000 evolution points will be deducted." The cold voice of the system came, and Gu Feng hesitated a little.

Gu Feng saw Niuniu gnashing her teeth and still keeping her consciousness. He lowered his head and asked, "Niuniu, Xiao Hei is about to be one with you. What kind of ability do you hope to gain?"

Niuniu thought for a moment, and said hardly, "Niuniu wanted the little black sharp weapon, tore the enemy's body!"

Under the simple and lovely appearance of Niuniu, she has such a paranoid disposition towards her enemies.

She is going to tear up the bad guys who bullied her mother.

She was going to shred the enemies who attacked the big brother and big sister.

"System, I choose to inherit the ghost claw ability!"

"Please let Niuniu have the corresponding strong body."

After Gu Feng said, the evolutionary points accumulated in his body were completely deducted, and turned into the purest horror energy, all poured into the demon that turned into a pool of blood.

This monster ...

It has eaten an unknown number of alien bodies before it has a chance for special evolution.

It devoured the entire wreckage of the rare four-star star-shaped “Dark Hunter” before finally reborn.

And now a whole 1000 evolution points are all integrated into this plasma. It can be said that in order to complete the power gift of the [Inheritance Demon], the resource consumed is a huge number!

Goo Goo Goo Goo !!

The hot plasma almost melted Niuniu's young body.

She gritted her teeth and insisted, like those gimmicks who bullied Niuniu but still thoughtful ...

However, it didn't take long for Niuniu to bear it.

This is a transformation from deep inside the cell.

This is a world-wide and complete transformation. Niu Niu's body and bones are completely dissolved, and almost all of it has become a pool of meat.

Gu Feng has been watching carefully.

The cruel picture filled his heart with sorrow. Niu Niu will not have any problems because of this, will the transformation not fail?

A pool of **** mud ...

A pile of meat sauce ...

Is this Niuniu's transformation and evolution? Is there even a trace of flesh and blood?

However, Gu Feng's worry is superfluous.

There is a saying called no break and no stand.

Only by breaking the past, can we re-establish order in chaos.

Gu Feng has gone through several transformations. Which one was not reborn and Nirvana reborn? ?

Soon, Niuniu's body began to reorganize.

Countless resources have accumulated together, transforming her body is extremely strong.

From the bones to the internal organs, and all the way to the muscles and skin, all of them have been transformed by the [Inherited Demon Worm].


"Heirloom flesh strengthens abnormally, gains ghost claw ability!"

"The inheritor maintains a special connection with the monster, alienating it into a special ability --- monster outbreak!"

The sound of system prompt echoed in Gu Feng's ear.

Niu Niu successfully inherited Gu Feng's claw ability, and her flesh gradually solidified and became extremely tough.

Not only that, Niu Niu's body has also undergone a special transformation, gaining the ability of [Monster Outbreak].

what is that?

This ability is not even Gu Feng, Niu Niu is actually different chemical society?

Time passed minute by minute.

Niu Niu's body was successfully rebuilt, she did not become a terrible monster, but restored her previous little girl.

The reddish skin in white is more shiny.

Niuniu became like a cute ceramic doll at this time, her round face was so heartbreaking ...

Huh! !!

Suddenly, the small hand of Fat Dudu changed into five extremely sharp ghost claw blades, more than twenty centimeters long, and the coldness of the cold light caused the temperature in the room to drop by a few points.

Gently squeeze the palm, and changed back to the fat little hand.

This ability is exactly the same as Gu Feng.

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