Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 220: I play with them a little bit (fourth more)

Gu Feng!

He looks very ordinary, and even looks a little nice and approachable ...

However, only the talents of the alien team really know that their captain has fully integrated the insane and twisted killing intention in their bones. If anyone dares to underestimate Gu Feng, he will pay the price of blood.

A beautiful woman with a beautiful figure followed Gu Feng, her skin was fair, her legs were long, her temperament was calm and her face was beautiful, all of which made Shen Mengting the lover of all men's dreams.

What is puzzling, however ... In the battlefield where death is possible at any time, the beautiful beauty of Didi is still holding a fat little pink girl? ?

Niu Niu's face was full of cuteness and simplicity, and she was cleverly held by Shen Mengting's small hand. The stubborn appearance made people want to tease her. Far away, it seemed that the three people standing together were like "a family of three?"

A family of three has an outstanding status.

Looking back, it is the real members of the heterogeneous squad-Xiu Xi, Ling Xue, and a wind-piercing monster.

Such a weird combination will surprise anyone who sees it. A few people at Qingfeng even made disdainful laughter.

"I said, the sharpshooter over there, and this commander Wu Jiangtian."

"The people you have to wait for will not be the few in front of you. They dragged their families to save you. Is this the reason that the whole family died here?" Wu Weizhen laughed, not putting Gu Feng at all. Eyes.

His eyes were like a torch.

Gu Feng ignored the opponent's provocation, and he scanned the battlefield with a pair of eagle eyes to see the tragic sight here.

A corpse shattered by bullets attracted Gu Feng's attention. It was left by the Instructor, who was controlled by Wu Wei to kill members of the hunting squad and finally killed by the black gun instructor.

The knife is dead.

Instructor Liu Qing was severed with one arm cut off and dying on the ground.

Commander Wu Jiangtian is even more miserable. It may only be a matter of time before his death. The internal organs are broken and the bones are broken.

Gu Feng's eyes flashed a hint of killing. Although these people were not friends to Gu Feng, they also had some friendship.

In particular, the small knife instructor, Gu Feng was still studying the ancient sword technique of the small knife every night in the "Tiantianshidi Special Training Field", but he did not expect that he would die when he met again.

"I will pass on this fighting art."

"Everyone who comes to the fortress of war today will die in this place." Gu Feng muttered towards the corpse of the knife, and seemed to be saying farewell to the opponent in this way.

But this murmured voice made the enemy hear clearly.

Qingfeng heard everything from the weak breeze, and laughed wildly: "Hahaha, it seems you don't understand who you are facing, but we are all [aristocrats] from the fortress, let you see what That's the really desperate power ... "

"Afei, crush him!"

Qing Feng issued an order, and a weird man with a smashing flesh rushed at an amazing speed, running like a train that couldn't stop.

Gu Feng was expressionless. A humanoid surrounded by black shells rushed out. The task that the demon soldier received was to protect everyone. He performed his duties and tasks in the loyal instance.

Huh! !!

噗噗 噗噗 !!

The freak who was transformed by science and technology, A Fei, was smitten with muscles. One punch directly broke the piercing armor, and the heavy punch hit the piercing body and ran on the ground. The dull sound was splashed with blood and was hammered into powder.


The brute force of the four-star aristocrat killed the magic soldier in a single blow.

Good strength ...

Although the magic soldier's wind is speed-type, that layer of armor is also very hard. Being able to kill in one shot means that the enemy does have the power of [Nobility].

Gu Feng gave this evaluation in his heart. He didn't care about the death of the magic soldier. He spent 100 evolutionary points of the virus source to create a three-star wind-piercing monster, and then found a different kind of casual fusion. Can become a magic soldier again.

"how about it?"

"Are you afraid? Are you desperate? This is the real power !!" Qing Feng laughed wildly, and in his eyes Afei shot and killed a team member in one shot. This will surely make the other freshmen fear and despair. This is his most desperate. Like to see the picture.

This is not the case.

All members of Gu Feng's entire squad were expressionless. No one cares about the death of the magic soldier through the wind.

Is this group of people so cold-blooded!

The death of his teammate did not show any response at all, or is it that they forcibly performed so calmly?

"Aristocracy ..."

"A monster made of pure strength and a nobleman with more than four stars really gave me a desire to fight with blood and collision." Gu Feng read the word "nobleman" and gently unlocked his white shirt , Revealing the muscles like steel and iron.

Although the muscles on Gu Feng's body are not swollen and ridged, they are like a meteorite iron stone that has been honed after numerous beats and forgings. It is like the roots of an old tree that has been subjected to wind and rain for thousands of years. Rooted in every corner of Gu Feng's body.

Several [aristocrats] looked at each other, wondering what the ghost was doing.

Is this kid ready to go head-to-head with freak A Fei and want to defeat the monster made by this technology gene in strength?

"I don't know the sky is thick."

"A Fei is a technological product of monster genetic fusion. His ability [Physical Absorption] can absorb any physical blow. It is impossible to defeat it in strength!" Qing Feng is very confident in the physical strength of the freak A Fei. A Fei can be regarded as the ultimate enhancement of physical strength.

Gu Feng sighed softly and said to several of his companions, "I played with them for a while."

Hooking his fingers, Gu Feng motioned to let the freak A Fei attack.

"A Fei, crush me with power to tear him up!" The provocative action made the nobles angry. This mortal man who doesn't know the heights and heights will let you see the desperate power.

Huh! !!

A Fei became a raging locomotive again, sprinting towards Gu Feng.

The huge twisted giant fist smashed towards Gu Feng, Gu Feng raised his hand with a smile, and fiercely strong fists collided together to produce a strong wind. At the same time, the ground under his feet shattered numerous spider web-like cracks.

Very strong!

Gu Feng felt that this strange man Afei was very powerful.

It is indeed a genetically modified monster. The ultimate flesh of the four-star [Nobleman] can be compared with the ancient Feng who once opened the "Shadow".

On the other side, the freak A Fei backed slightly, and this fist gave him a little bit of downside.

Looking closely, a small gap cracked in his fist, but in a burst of white smoke, he recovered as before and healed back to his original appearance.


How strange is A Fei in strength and lost to Gu Feng, how is this possible?

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