Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 223: She's just a little girl (seventh)


Gu Feng's body was stiff for more than ten seconds, and he had resumed his original actions.

"Gu Feng, are you okay!" Shen Mengting looked pale and looked at Gu Feng in anxiety. When she looked at her lover's eyes, she was completely relieved.

He was not controlled.

Gu Feng looked at Shen Mengting's eyes with tenderness, and that tenderness could not be imitated.

the other side.

Wu Wei, who is good at mind control, suddenly bleeds in seven holes.

His face was distorted, his palms ripped open his clothes and scratched the skin all over his body.

"Don't come, don't come, don't come ..."

"Don't come near me, you demon."


"Hahahaha !!!"

"woo woo woo woo!!"

Wu Wei tore his hair and pulled the hair from the scalp with the hair follicles attached.

He cried for a while, then laughed, and then wailed and shouted on the ground. The whole man had gone completely crazy. It seemed that he saw something extremely terrifying, which made his mental strength completely unable to bear the collapse and slag.

How could this be? ?

Obviously Wu Wei attacked Gu Feng, but he did not expect that the final mental breakdown was him, and he completely became a lunatic.

It is hard to imagine what Wu Wei saw and what made him so horrible?

What kind of despair did he experience in Gu Feng's mind? ?

Gu Feng gave Wu Wei a faint glance, this guy was completely unhelpful, but he also finally understood why the system must let itself defeat the corpse king in the conscious space to evolve.

Without that tens of thousands of tortured deaths.

If there is no strongest fighting desire in the final battle of the Corpse King, reshape your consciousness.

I'm afraid ... Gu Feng will end with Wu Wei now.

It is one thing to have power, and it is another to have the willpower to control it.

There is no lunch in the world, and Gu Feng increasingly understands that each of his most difficult trainings in the past is the only way to achieve the invincible posture now.

There are no short cuts to becoming a strong man, and the thorny, winding, hardships and hardships are not enough to walk a meter away!





All the people present looked at Wu Wei's appearance and were completely shocked.

Invincible power, absolute defense, terrifying mental power.

Can a human evolutionary reach such a perfect state?


Gu Feng used himself to explain what is invincible and what is perfect.

Qing Feng's eyes flickered, and his vicious eyes filled with unwillingness, but in his heart he knew that he could not defeat Gu Feng.

Therefore, he can only use Yin Zhao.

hostage! !!

Judging from the recent battle, several companions behind Gu Feng are not particularly strong. For example, the woman named Shen Mengting, she is just a spiritual hunter.

If she had become a hostage in her own hands ...

While everyone was stunned, Qingfeng had already been hiding in the vicinity of Shen Mengting, and looked towards Shen Mengting with a vicious and spiteful glance.

You are mine! !!

Huh! !!

In a gust of wind, Qingfeng rushed to Shen Mengting, and the wind blade of his hand was spinning. Whoever dared to stop in front of himself let him be divided into two!


Just then, a faint shout came.

Qingfeng saw the little girl next to Shen Mengting moving, and the cute little girl was blocked by Shen Mengting. She seemed to want to use her petite body to resist the enemy.

Just her?

Just such a 4,5 year old girl, a baby girl?

Qing Feng directly chose to ignore Niuniu, and only the injured Shen Mengting was in her eyes.

However, it is this most inconspicuous girl, but it is an incredible point to change the war situation.

Huh! !!

Puff puff! !!

Niuniu's speed was incredible, Qingfeng between the electric fire thunderstones only felt that the fat little girl disappeared into an afterimage in an instant, and then two sounds of flesh and tear cut into the ears to control the hurricane blade The feeling suddenly disappeared ...

what happened?

Looking closely, the two arms are spinning and dancing in the air, which is exactly the arms of Qingfeng.

They were all cut off by Niuniu Qigen, and the sharp ghost claws easily tore Qingfeng's body, which is to underestimate the enemy's fate.

In this end time ... even a fat and cute little girl may kill you at any time.


"My arm, my hand!"

"How can this be, this is impossible, she is just a little girl ..." Qingfeng's heartbreaking sorrow and sorrow, he fell to the ground with blood spurting, dreaming that the biggest reason for failure would be attributed to a little girl.

If he doesn't care, it will not be so miserable to fight with Niuniu with the strength of the four-star [Nobleman], but the fact is so cruel.

The cute and dumb girl went to Qingfeng and said simply: "You are the bad guy who wants to hurt the big sister, I will punish you with Xiaohei!"

Pink fingers point towards Qingfeng a little, and then a few monsters are blurred by Niuniu. They open their teeth and claws to tear Qingfeng's flesh with their mouthpieces, and crawl quickly under the skin. The scene looks horrible. people.

In particular, these terrible bugs are all from the hands of Niuniu, but the angel's appearance hides devil-like means, which really makes people feel cold and fearful.

Pain, screaming, wailing.

Qingfeng got his own punishment, and the death method of Demon Heart Eater was very suitable for him.

He finally tasted what he called despair and what was deep in his heart.

Four [Noble] members, three of them have been wiped out in an instant.

Gu Feng stepped forward step by step, leaving only Xu Canghai, a rare ability.

He seemed to know that he was gone, and pulled down his gravity field, sitting on the ground with a pale face.

"Give me a happy method of death." Xu Haihai closed her eyes and waited for death, but Gu Feng did not kill him immediately, but took out a blood shadow needle and pierced his neck.

"what is this?"

"It changed my whole body's blood!" Xu Haihai is a four-star nobleman. He can already detect the abnormality on his body. At this moment, a very obscure toxin quickly spread to the whole body.


Gu Feng has given him voodoo.

"Since you already feel it, I won't do a demonstration."

"I can let you die at any time."

"So, I control you with poison now. You must obey my orders in the future. Disobedience is death." Gu Feng said cruelly, voodoo is the best way to control others. The time of the death of the poison is completely controlled by Gu Feng. A slight disobedience will undoubtedly die.

Xu Canghai sighed: "I see, at least this can save my life, but you should know what behemoth you are fighting ..."

Before speaking, Gu Feng directly interrupted him: "I don't need to know what a giant fortress is and what horrible things are hidden. I only know that he is my enemy now, then he must be destroyed."

The enemy, destroy it.

It's so simple ...



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