Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 241: 241. Either surrender or die (25th)

War fortress.

The former ruler died.

The present power is dead.

The fortress of war has become a land without a landlord. How could the powerful parties of all parties miss this good opportunity to rise, and one after the other uprising for the position of commander.

Several evolvers held leaflets in their hands with calligraphy and paintings of "God Fire" and distributed them to pedestrians.

"Officially inform everyone!"

"In the fortress of war, the most famous Shenhuo hunting team is about to take over the base. We have the strongest strength and can definitely protect everyone from the alien monsters."

The evolving enthusiast ignited the wind, with a confident smile on his face, and the pedestrians came and went with surprise.

Is the base commander changing?

This is a big deal. If you are in a relationship now, you may have a great benefit in the future.

"Support the magic fire!"

"I'll tell you the news now!"

Many civilians shouted loudly next to each other, one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, a long time may really become a reality.

However, at this moment, several capable people rushed towards this side, one of them holding a large-caliber revolver and slamming his head at a member of Divine Fire! !!

Huh! !!

Blood splattered and the brain cracked.

The leaflet in the hands of the evolver fluttered like leaves, and the plasma brain covered the entire paper.


"On your strength, do you want to be the boss of the fortress of war?"

"The real commander of the fortress really should be the boss of our team. Don't spread rumors here." The evolutionist holding the revolver said with disdain. In addition to fear and shock, people around were filled with doubt .

Who is the owner of this base?

Divine fire, tyrannosaurus, or something else?

The battle is escalating.

The members of the Shenhuo team died, and they could not give up. A hunter who was good at assassination was sent out and sneaked into the enemy's territory.

In a few hours, more than a dozen people of the Dragon team died!

The war broke out.

On the streets full of civilians, two groups of evolutionary hunters were fighting with each other, machine guns spouted long anger, bullets splashed around without eyes, and many civilians' bodies were torn.

An explosion kept echoing, and many hunters exerted their abilities, killing everywhere in the streets.

People's hearts are ...

Those innocent poor can only hide in the building and watch the powerful evolutionaries fight each other.

Similar scenes appeared in various places in the fortress of war.

The strong men of various forces have dispatched one after another, fighting for their own territory and status, which has caused the entire war fortress to be in chaos.


The fortress was completely divided up.

Wu Jiangtian and others who have been reluctant to take any shots have come up with a map, and the branches above each area.

"Here, it belongs to Divine Fire."

"These streets were taken over by the Dragons."

"And here, here, here, all are taken up by the giants of all parties. They don't accept each other. The fortress of war has been torn apart." Wu Jiangtian said with a headache, taking out the map.

The old-fashioned General Shi smiled with a smile: "This is in our favor, let them fight internally. We secretly transport the evolvers and soldiers in Base 2 and wait until the special moment to make a thunder."

"Start with these unscrupulous teams."

"Go ask Gu Feng to help them clear our enemies. We will use virus source liquid to repay this kind of gratitude in the future!"



the next day.

At the door of a luxury villa, Gu Feng appeared in front of everyone with two top-level big beauties.

Tian Mengmeng is hot and cute.

Shen Mengting is gentle and quiet, giving a sense of virtue.

Both of them stood side by side to Gu Feng, and after a whole day of "taming" they were very satisfied with their men. Holding Gu Feng's arms, the two drooling beautiful legs were also shaking slightly. Now, it seems that this stormy war has not been destroyed by Gu Feng.

Ling Xue secretly gave a thumbs up for Gu Feng.

The boss is the boss, 1V2 also completely defeated the grandmothers, terrifying my boss!

"Wu Jiangtian are they here?" Gu Feng said with satisfaction and raised an eyebrow.

Ling Xue nodded: "Yes, now the fortress in the war is extremely chaotic. Wu Jiangtian's hunting troops have suffered numerous injuries and injuries. Now they can no longer rely on their own strength to settle the endgame.

Gu Feng nodded slightly.

The last time the four [noble] class strong men almost killed all the hunting forces, they really did not have much power.

"Wu Jiangtian is our old friend and can continue to cooperate in the future."

"Then help a little, whoever disagrees, get rid of them." Gu Feng said softly, his eyes flashed with a hint of murderous light.

All members of the alien squad know it.

Every time Gu Feng showed this expression, it was the moment he wanted to kill!

after an hour.

Headquarters of the Baron team.

The hunting team in the fortress of the war is very large. The Dragon team alone has more than 20 hunters, and there are nearly 100 evolvers, the number is comparable to the sum of Wu Jiangtian's current forces.

Yu Shilong, the captain of the Dragon team, is very famous in the base.

This guy is very powerful, just like the Jurassic Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a group of younger brothers who adore strength.

At this time he was dealing with various problems ...

"Well, the people of this fire team are so arrogant, I will destroy them sooner or later."

"Captain Divine Fire, isn't there a little peculiarity, those of us who are physically strong take a few more grenades than them." Yu Shilong said fiercely while watching a few injured younger brothers. I really look down on the element control system.

Manipulating fire?

Create a strong explosion?

Bringing a few grenades can also cause the same effect. The strong body is the foundation.

Just then, a younger brother hurried to Yu Shilong.

"Boss, it's bad!"

"Several hunters came to our headquarters ..." said the little brother, shaking with sweat, as if he saw something terrifying.

Yu Shilong patted his palm on the table again: "What are you talking about, which guy is so bold, don't you die?"

The voice had not yet fallen, and the door outside burst suddenly.

An ordinary-looking man appeared in front of the crowd with two big beauties, and this combination left Yu Shilong confused.

He thought it was the enemy who led the army.

But I did not expect that the people who dare to kill here turned out to be such a weird combination.

"Who are you?" Yu Shilong asked in a deep voice.

Gu Feng shook his head slightly: "This question doesn't make any sense. You don't need to know who I am. There are only two roads in front of you."

"Either surrender."

"Either die."



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