Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 248: 248. Million Corpses (32nd)

Buzz ...

The sound of the armored car's engine roared.

The platoons of soldiers were serious, they were armed with a large number of ammunition weapons, and sat on the military vehicle to stand by.

"Hurry up!!"

"Hurry up and ship all these supplies !!"

"Go all out to base number two, it's time for you to fight!" The commander yelled, and an armed army vehicle drove out of the war fortress.

Also leaving were hunting teams.

These evolutionary hunters are not so honest, they are even pale when they hear the words Million Corpses, and one hundred reluctantly leave the fortress of war.

"Have you heard that we are going to defend the backcountry of Base 2 with the goal of protecting the survivors from retreating ..."

"Abominable, how should you protect those untouchables?"

"Shh, don't say that. Didn't you see the demons near the gate, be careful to cut off your head."

Looking towards the eyes of those evolutionary hunters, Gu Feng was appearing near the gate.

In the eyes of the hunting teams, the alien squads are all demon-like incarnations.

Those of the hunting team, even if they don't want to play, still have to worry about the skull on their neck. Perhaps Gu Feng will cut his head round in the next moment.

In the end ... they all left the real fortress under the pressure of Gu Feng and went to the forefront of Base 2.


On the highway, heavy tanks are running side by side.

The dark muzzle of the heavy machine gun on the armored vehicle exudes a life-glossing luster, and the ammunition filled by the dozens of military trucks in the back row exudes the smell of smoke and oil.

The soldiers are arrogant!

The mighty and powerful team seems to be heading for the battle, and this battle alone is very exciting. This is a good start.

Just don't know, when these soldiers see the tide of corpses, can they still keep calm?



After two hours.

The army arrived early in cheers from base two.

Commander Wu Jiangtian kept giving orders, and a heavy machine gun was placed on the city wall, and obstacles and traps were placed on the distant positions.

The huge potholes were covered with sharp wooden thorns, waiting for the zombies to jump in and die.

The trenches dug in the past have finally worked.

A large number of soldiers were armed with guns in the trenches, waiting for enemies who might arrive at any time.

What is even more exciting is that, outside the gate walls, more than 20 tanks were lined up in sequence, making one can't help but look forward to the shock when they opened fire.

"A big battle!"

"In the past, we evolutionists always underestimated the soldiers. I didn't expect them to be so amazing when they were fully deployed." Many evolutionary hunters on the city wall were so shocked. When General Shi fully operated the army machines, the effect was so amazing .

Such a force would be useless even if there were more zombies?

Looking down.

The distance is still calm and the tide of zombies does not seem to have arrived here, but it is only a matter of time.

A group of heterogeneous squads of Gu Feng also stood at the top of the city wall.

He suddenly felt a sense of acquaintance. This silent wait was like being in a training ground for eating and drinking, and the tide of corpses might come at any time.

Wu Jiangtian did not know when he came near the alien team.

He went to Gu Feng and said with gratitude, "I didn't expect you to come to help base two defend against the tide of corpses. I have a lot of peace of mind in you, and those refugee survivors have begun to retreat."

Gu Feng gave him a glance: "Do you think I came because of the refugee survivors?"


Gu Feng is not like this person at all, he is not so kind-hearted, because this guy is a demon in his bones.

"Corpse tide!"

"How exciting is a million-level corpse tide?"

"And my goal is the king of this millions of corpses. I haven't felt this kind of expectation for a long time. When I think of the heart-warming decisive battle, my blood can't bear to boil."

"As for the life and death of those survivors, it has nothing to do with me!" Gu Feng said with open hands and a little crazy. He is completely different from 99.99% of people. Others can't avoid the tide of corpses, but Gu Feng is excited and looking forward. With.

After becoming a [King] peerless powerhouse, Gu Feng no longer has an opponent.

And now he has a new prey!

Wu Jiangtian smiled and said indifferently: "Anyway, it's all right. At least you are now our comrade in arms. It is my luck to be able to fight alongside you."


Gu Feng is a friend, not an enemy.

This is a very lucky thing for Wu Jiangtian.



Time passed minute by minute.

There was a calm sea outside the gate of the base. This seemed to be the silence before the storm. In this hot day, everyone's heart was cold, and cold sweat could not help but emerge from the palm of the hand and the spine.

"Coming soon." Shen Mengting next to Gu Feng said suddenly.

Her eyes were amazing, and now she was looking more into the distance.

As if there was a black smoke rising slowly into the sky.

It seemed to be the color of the rotten atmosphere. The black smoke was still growing thick. The rotten atmosphere was entangled into the sky, and even the white clouds were polluted.

"How could this be?"

"That's the color of the rotten body of the zombie. The stinky smell is soaring into the sky. What a horrible amount?" Shen Mengting was stunned. Although she didn't see the tide, she seemed to have seen the tragic phenomenon of the last days .

The breeze stroked.

A sickening smell came.

That's Gu Feng's most familiar zombie smell. The breeze made the soldiers outside the gate of Base 2 particularly nervous, and the tide of corpses was finally coming.

It was getting dark, and dark clouds covered his head.

Looking at it, standing at the top of the base city wall, Gu Feng's sharp eagle eyes saw the first zombie deep in the horizon.

It's such an ordinary monster, its twisted face is full of excitement desire, and the brownish yellow saliva is flowing down the corner of the mouth, which completely conforms to the image of a zombie.

Then the second, the third, the fourth ...

The entire horizon was slowly covered by the tide of zombies. They were like the darkness at the end of the dusk, slowly covering the earth.

This is an extremely shocking picture!

An innumerable number of zombies appeared. They were vast and exaggerated than the army of locusts that ate everything.

The rotting body took heavy steps, pacing forward in a wailing sound.

The shadows keep spreading.

Gradually the eyes of the ancient eagle were all covered by monsters. The smell of stinky and disgusting was better and stronger, and the whole space was filled with corpse smell!

"A hundred ... million corpses!" Fear spread like a disease, and the people on the wall couldn't help shaking.

There are thousands of people, head to head.

The number of zombies is more than one million, that's too much to hold!



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