Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 265: 265. Human victory, everything is over (49th)

Shadows are extending.

Gu Feng unearthed many [Shadow Devil] attack methods.

It also stretches and twists on the ground like a shadow, pulling monsters on the ground into the black shadow and strangling and crushing.

It may fly like a rattan whip in the air, slamming those enemies fiercely, breaking them into flesh and blood.

Shadow Shadows ...

A vacuum zone was formed within a range of tens of meters with Gu Feng as the center. He gradually leaned towards the gap in the city wall to kill the alien zombies and lose their helmets.

It's too casual.

The slaughter of these ordinary zombies is as simple as stepping on an ant to Gu Feng who has evolved again! !!

Gu Feng waved at will, using the virus source to summon some alien monsters.

[Giant beetle]

They are the size of a car, with sharp, narrow mouthpieces exuding a gloomy cold light, crashing wildly to open up all blood paths, and eventually Yu Tian Mengmeng and Niu Niu's army converge, forming a dead zone where zombies are difficult to advance.

"What are those?"

"So terrible, is this a new kind of alien, such a huge bug !!" Many hunters, who are exhausted physically and mentally, exclaimed, an army of several giant beetle insects is more powerful than their hunting team.

Tian Mengmeng shouted, "These monsters are our allies, they are all biological weapons developed in the institute !!"

Little lied.

Tian Mengmeng could only shirk responsibility on biological weapons, and everyone suddenly realized that they were unhappy.

Why not use this powerful weapon earlier? ?

Barely launched a safe zone.

The evolvers of the base saw a shocking scene beyond the city walls.

A person?

Or a monster.

Gu Feng is like a **** demon king. The shadow devil on his spine tears everything, and the powerful killing intention that he emits makes the surrounding monsters dare not approach, and is extremely afraid of this creature far beyond them.

Even scared zombies? ?

It is a heterogeneous.

It is a demon.

It is even more frightening than a monster alien.

Not only were those monsters trembling, but even all evolutionary hunters were terrified. It was the trembling heart from the depths of the soul.


"Is it still human?"

Some people could not help asking questions, Gu Feng's invincible posture has long been out of the scope of human beings.

Gu Feng walked calmly back to the city wall, looked back at the rolling tide, said faintly: "The corpse king has disappeared, this corpse tide has no conductor but only a piece of sand, and there is no such thing as alien In cooperation, the use of human weapons can completely resist. "

Corpse-level monster "Dark" is dead.

Those monsters with special abilities can no longer be trained offensive like the army, but become chaotic into a pile of loose sand.

Don't be afraid!

Although the number of corpses is still huge, it is no longer a fear.

The defeated soldiers regained control of the city wall, a heavy machine gun fired a torrent of bullets again, and the heavy steel city wall was blocked by Tian Mengmeng.

Hold on!

With various forces, human beings temporarily held the base.

Wu Jiangtian dragged his bruised body to the top of the city wall.

"I can win!"

"We humans can win!"

"Without the monster combination attack, the steel wall of the fortress can completely resist the remaining corpse wave!"

The eyes of all soldiers revealed the dawn of hope.

In the endless despair, this light of dawn is so precious, they have to hold on to their lives.



For a long time.

A tide of scattered sand corpses dispersed, disintegrating toward all sides, no longer willing to approach the **** killing ground of the steel battlefield.

Deafening cheers came from the fortress of war.


People won!

Leave the bodies of unknown soldiers.

Lost do not know how many evolutionary hunters.

Even the survivors inside the fortress were massacred to nearly 100,000 people.

This time, the fortress was almost about to be razed to the ground, and it was a miracle that human beings could win the final victory.

People hugged with tears in their eyes, and the exhausted soldiers were lying on the ground with a finger unable to move, and murky tears were left from the corner of their eyes ...

Defeat the corpse tide ... they did it! !!

And the name of the hero who led them to defeat the tide of corpses resounded through the base.

"Wu Jiangtian, Wu Jiangtian, Wu Jiangtian!"

"Valkyrie, Valkyrie, Valkyrie !!"

People knelt on the ground and wept with excitement, their tears calling for the names of the heroes.

Wu Jiangtian, who was severely injured throughout the body, was held high by people, it seems that his hard work and sacrifice saved the entire fortress.

Tian Mengmeng was also a little overwhelmed. She was exhausted and exhausted. She was endorsed by the evolutionaries and soldiers. Many people even regarded Tian Mengmeng with a steel body as a "valkyrie" I bow down to her.


Only these two legends know for themselves that the person who really saved the fortress of war is Gu Feng! !!

He fulfilled his promise and defeated the leader of the tide.

Gu Feng is actually the one who really stopped this disaster, but people do n’t know the truth of the matter, only seeing Wu Jiangtian and Tian Mengmeng who led them to charge and sacrifice.

The breeze full of blood was blowing.

Somewhere in the city wall, Gu Feng and Shen Mengting stood side by side and looked out at the edge of the city wall, but there was nothing else except a scarlet blood.

Look back at the carnival fortress again.

Those ordinary mortals, as well as evolutionary hunters, seem to have become ignorant ants, and they are all foolish people who know nothing about real power.


"In this last age, there has been a natural enemy nemesis, that is, a zombie alien born to eat people."

"Just like it was said when dying."

"This eschatological disaster is really as if it was directed against human beings. Is this the anger of nature or the punishment of the gods?" Gu Feng couldn't help talking to himself, and the enemy of the corpse king level stayed last. The next words impressed him extremely deeply.

Shen Mengting sighed slowly.

"big flood."

"Last-day, corpse tide, monster, alien ..."

"I also increasingly feel that this eschatology is unusual, but we humans ca n’t get a real answer after all." Shen Mengting talked about the documentary record again. This rolling tide is not just another big flood, cleaning up everything. biological?

Gu Feng's eyes flickered slightly: "It is no longer meaningful to stay in the fortress of war. It is time to leave the environment where humans live. There are too many unknowns in this world, waiting for us to dig ..."

go away? ?

Gu Feng has already decided to leave this fortress? ?



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