Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 271: 271. Qibla

Shadow barriers.

It was a black barrier exuding a faint glimmer of light, a strong killing intention attached to the magical qi, and the fusion of shadow consciousness formed a strong barrier between physical and spiritual.

The prophet's attack did not work. The shadow barrier blocked and blocked that light, which scared the prophet ...

He felt the breath of Gu Feng.

He felt how high the level of power contained in the shadow barrier.

"I'm here, I'm here ..." The prophet spoke a language that wasn't human, and knelt down on both knees after reading a discourse to Gu Feng, and worshiped with five bodies.

Knelt down?

The Prophet knelt down, and other creatures like apes bowed down in worship.

They trembled and murmured in their mouths, saying words similar to the prophet, as if they were in awe or as if they were in fear.

咣 Dang! !!

The huge King Kong beside Tian Mengmeng also knelt down, he directly gave up the battle and shrank into a ball, looking like a dark hill.


"The big man isn't fighting?" Tian Mengmeng was at the heart of a hearty battle. Suddenly losing her opponent made her extremely uncomfortable. Looking at the huge King Kong who was completely unprepared to resist, she lost her desire to fight. Back to Gu Feng.

"What are they doing?"

Several alien players were stunned, some did not understand what this group was doing.

"Probably ... treat Gu Feng as a sublime existence." Shen Mengting observed their movement habits and determined that this was not a trap but a sincere worship.

That's weird.

Gu Feng frowned slightly: "Let's go and see what's going on."

The people went forward step by step, and the tribal apes around them continued to worship, lest the calamity would fall on their heads.

Seeing the crowd coming, the prophet raised his head slightly, and a crack in his forehead conveyed a wave of mental power.

"Great ... power ... exist ..."


"God ..."

Although the language is incomprehensible, it can express its thoughts through consciousness. However, this prophet is not as powerful as the corpse king [Dark], and the meaning it expresses is very vague.

Shen Mengting groaned for a moment and said to the crowd: "It probably means to sing praises to you first, and then ask you for forgiveness and treat you as a god?"

God? ? ?

No matter what kind of creature, facing the unknown being far more powerful than their own, they always like to summarize it with faith and sacredness.

Human beings use the power of ghosts and gods to describe the disasters of nature.

But now this prophet also regards Gu Feng as a god, because the alien team is an existence he cannot understand.


"It felt the quality of my strength, it felt that I was a [king] class being."

"What does this mean?" Gu Feng took a few steps ahead, came to the wooden post with numerous runes and pointed at those marks thoughtfully.

Before Gu Feng came here, the prophet had begun to worship the gods. What does this mean?

Explanation ...

Within this forest range, there should be another end of the same level as Gu Feng.


In this forest, there is another king! !!

Gu Feng looked at those rune pictures and narrowed his eyes slowly.

I'm really lucky.

Having just gone through that tide of corpses and killed the dark of the corpse king level, now as soon as I enter the mysterious gray area, I immediately encounter another super existence.


"The mysterious gray area really makes me very excited." Gu Feng's eyes gradually became fanatical.

He licked his lips, then turned his head to look at the Prophet and the giant King Kneeling trembling on the ground: "This tribe, I can only say sorry to you, I need to use your leader's life."

Gu Feng is not a good person.

He is even more evil than the bad guys. He is the devil in people's hearts. He doesn't care about the life and death of others, or even the survival of the entire ape tribe.

So ... the monster! !!

Gu Feng released his ability and spent 200 evolutionary points to create two monsters, one of which is a giant beetle that is comparable to a car.

In the horrified gaze of the prophet, another demon worm crawled quickly and penetrated directly into its skin.

Demon Transform-Launch! !!

"The target is a four-star alien, and it needs to consume 1000 evolution points of the host."

"Transformation begins!" The system deducted the Gufeng 1000 evolution point, the demonic transformation skills were forcibly displayed, the prophet's face changed, and he felt a disaster coming.

Pain comes with it.

This is the most cruel demonic transformation, not using the expensive inherited demons, Gu Feng. This is to transform the prophet into a cannon fodder, a temporary tool.

The prophet hissed in pain.

Obviously, it doesn't feel good to be forcibly transformed.

It desperately resisted, and all the spiritual power was released from the crack in his eyebrow, doing the last meaningless revolt.

However, this is indeed futile.

The dark barriers reappeared, enveloping the prophet's surroundings, and all its spiritual attacks could not cross the barrier.

Roar Roar Roar!

The giant King Kong realized the danger of the prophet. He no longer knelt down on the ground, but rushed forward like a tank truck, trying to rescue the prophet.


Shadow Devil ...

Several black palms protruded from Gu Feng's back. They pressed against the giant King Kong at once, and threw the behemoth to the ground.

The giant beetle crawled over.

"The target is a four-star alien, and it needs to consume 1000 evolution points of the host."

"The makeover begins!"

This giant King Kong was also forcibly transformed by Gu Feng. It roared painfully on the ground, and its thick arms hit the ground, causing a large shock, but all these resistances were futile.

The two leaders of the tribe are undergoing inhuman torture.

Those monsters that are quite similar in appearance to humans have launched their final offensives, using fragile bodies to resist alien squads.

But after all, they are too fragile. No girl with any view of good and evil rushed out. She turned into a whirlwind to baptize many monsters, chopped their heads into the blue sky, and then fell heavily on the ground to die there.

Too cruel.

"The devil ..." Su Miao, the traitor who was trapped in a poisonous body by Gu Feng, said fiercely that Gu Feng's practices were a little too much. The aliens in this village have evolved civilization. Not afraid to struggle.

But Gu Feng gave them to the extermination!

This is simply the devil's behavior. Whoever sees these human-like monsters kneeling under their feet will be born with mercy, right?

But how can Gu Feng get to work? ?



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