Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 277: Ancient tree wreck


Let it run away!

With a loud noise, Gu Feng rose from the looting of the ancient tree and broke a hole of more than ten meters with a punch and jumped out.

He closed his eyes and ears against the ground.

The majestic power of the shadows covered Gaia's black armor.

The rhythm of the pulse on the ground is clearly heard in Gu Feng's ears, like the sound of the human heart beating slowly. In the depths of the ground, the seed full of life energy has gone, and I want to trace it to the ground. Three feet to the ground is obviously impossible.

what a shame.

It was difficult to find a [king] prey, but let it run away, which made Gu Feng feel a little annoyed.

"Forget it."

"This kind of thing can't be forced, and I don't have the ability to walk in the soil. It is difficult to swallow it."

"Fortunately, although the core is gone, the remains of the dead body are also very satisfactory." Gu Feng sighed. Although the core of the plundering of the ancient tree has escaped, the remaining giant trees can not be underestimated. When a giant tree more than 100 meters smashed to the ground, how much energy can the curved and spread trunks add up? ?

Devour! !!

The corpses started to work frantically, plundering the energy of the giant tree and turning it into the ancient Feng body. This is the body of the [king] class creature. The genetic material contained in it also has its own characteristics and functions.

The battle is over.

Members of the alien team came to Gu Feng.

They looked a little embarrassed, and the law of life could be forcibly deprived of by the plundering ancient trees. Without a dozen days, it would inevitably be impossible to repair.


"The body that plundered the ancient trees is too large, and I can't finish it alone."

"Leave some life juice at the heart of the tree intentionally, you can drink it." Gu Feng took out a small bucket made of wooden branches, which was filled with the green liquid of life, and everyone looked at the small bucket with a glance. He swallowed some of it and his original pale complexion became rosy in just a few seconds.

This vitality fluid is the strongest healing remedy.

It is full of life force plundered from the forest. As long as you taste a little bit, you can let the cells in the body emit vitality. The vitality that was plundered has been restored immediately.

There is one exception.

Other people can recover with a small sip, but she picked up the whole barrel of "Guru Gulu" and poured it down. A trace of white healing light was emitted through the body. They and the emerald green energy complement each other and gradually merged to form a new one. ability.

Ling Xue? ?

Ling Xue drank the remaining small bucket of liquid in one breath, but this was the vitality fluid in the heart of the [Wang] class tree, coupled with the energy in her body, so she immediately produced a more violent chemical action. She Seems to break from the three-star! !!

noble! !!

After tasting Wang's wreckage, Ling Xue is about to evolve into a nobleman!

Gu Feng squinted his eyes. Ling Xue could have evolved in another way without his transformation. This was her chance to gain the ability she needed most.

life! !!

A blood vessel under the skin is slightly raised, and the emerald green light and blood are fused together, and her vitality is becoming more and more pure and pure. The special power of the healing light has also been greatly strengthened. , Into the "light of life."

"There are thousands of roads to evolution."

"For an evolutionary like Ling Xue, it is the best upgrade path to find the resources and materials that are suitable for him and strengthen his special and special capabilities." Gu Feng looked at Ling Xue and realized that not everyone can. Consume all things like him to become king.

Being a noble was already very lucky.

Today is Ling Xue's lucky day.

The corpse wreckage of the predatory ancient tree [king] was too large, which gave her the opportunity to share a cup of tea, and she actually obtained an essential evolution through this coincidence.

"You look at her."

"I'll go and devour the remaining resources of this plundered ancient tree!" Gu Feng ordered several people to look at Ling Xue.

He himself returned to the looting of the ancient tree, and once again exerted his own devouring ability, not only those busy demons, but even he himself grabbed a large torso and swallowed it, so that the people of the alien team could not help but have An illusion of "captain changing to quality."

The plunder of the ancient tree is too big.

Even if the law of life at the heart of the tree can be partly divided, its full energy can only be described by the vastness of the sea.

One hour.

Two hours.

Five hours.


It is a tremendous effort to complete the plundering of ancient trees.


"The host's physical fitness has improved significantly."

"The host's ability to recover from healing has reached the physical limit."

When swallowing up most of the body, the system suddenly sent a prompt, indicating that Gu Feng's ability has been forged and tempered, and that the energy storage of the cells in his gene has been maximized, and the genome about healing and recovery has also been abnormal. Promotion and strengthening.

Gu Feng stretched out his ghost's claw and cut a bloodstain on his arm.

No blood was flowing.

In just a few seconds, the wounds were sticking together, and the super healing ability played a role, and soon the physical body was restored to its original state.

It's abnormal!

The healing ability brought about by this corpse king-level plundering ancient tree is really abnormal! !!

Gu Feng continued to eat this exaggerated wreckage, especially the brown solid roots of the roots. They are the most powerful weapons to plunder the ancient trees. They are not only powerful but they can also devour and absorb all life energy.

Soon, the intricately intertwined roots of the old tree were also swallowed by Gu Feng.


"Host gains [king] -level ability --- plunder!"

"Capacity penetrates each other, and the plunder talent has been integrated with the shadow magic hand, congratulations to the host for new features."

The system's prompts came again, instead of gaining all the abilities as a complete devouring corpse king, but a part of the function of plundering life, that is the plunder talent!

This talent has been integrated with the Shadow Devil's hand.

When Gu Feng moved his mind, several magic hands protruded from the spine of his back. They are now more like physical entities, like real arms.

The magic hand touched the wreckage of the ancient tree under the control of Gu Feng.

A special feeling came.

Gu Feng can feel the dying life energy in the ancient tree through the shadow magic hand, and he can deprive it at any time as long as he is willing.

plunder! !!

As soon as the talent ability was launched, the endless life energy from the Shadow Devil rolled in, all of which passed into the deepest part of Gu Feng's body.

Ahhhh! !!

This vitality of energy makes Gu Feng comfortable moaning soon.



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