Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 288: 288. Severely polluted areas, cities destroyed by doomsday

"Brother, your girlfriend is jealous."

"But don't worry, I'm not the type of stubborn. I prefer dew. I won't drag the water after a night of love." The poisonous scorpion's eyes are bright, so not every man can suffer. Got it.

Gu Feng is obviously not an ordinary person.

Although this woman is charming and sexy, it is better not to touch the stinging poison rose.

"Shen Mengting, Xiu Xi, Tian Mengmeng, Niuniu ..."

"Just stay in the bar, I'll take a black gun and go shopping."

Take a look?

Gu Feng apparently wanted to take the black gun instructor to the trouble of the "awakener".

If you continue to go deeper, the degree of radiation will definitely be higher, Shen Mengting and Xiu Xi will certainly not be able to bear it, and Tian Mengmeng and Niuniu are also Gu Feng's more important people. I do not want them to have any accidents under high concentration radiation.

Black Gun Instructors have a "death sight" to help themselves.

As for Su Miao and the transformed prophet, they were all Gu Feng's cannon fodder.

Tian Mengmeng pursed his lips: "Human, why don't you take us to play, and it will suffocate us if we stay here."

Gu Feng said faintly: "Honestly, your two women can just communicate with the poisonous scorpion boss, maybe she can develop her into my third woman ..."

This joke suddenly made Shen Mengting and Tian Mengmeng mad, what was the third woman to say, but also so casual? ?

The poisonous scorpion boss shrugged, but reminded before Gu Feng left: "Do you know where those awakened people are?"

Gu Feng turned his head coldly and said, "This information doesn't need you to remind. If I guess correctly, they should be in the place where the nuclear pollution is the most serious."

This is the most obvious thing.

The more severe the nuclear contaminated area, the stronger the connotative energy.

If Gu Feng is right, those so-called awakeners will go to the area with the most severe nuclear radiation and draw energy from it.



Sin land.

Areas heavily polluted by nuclear radiation.

Gu Feng, Black Gun, Su Miao, Prophet.

The four men slowly moved forward in a piece of yellow sand wasteland. The more they went to the deeper contaminated areas inside, the fewer aliens they could see.

"The level of radiation is getting higher and higher."

"I also feel a little uncomfortable," said the black gun instructor, looking at him with a pair of pure black pupils, clearly seeing an alienator crawling in the sand, grabbing a mutant creature and chewing.

With the gradual deepening, even the noble-level powers felt uncomfortable, and the sting on the surface of the body was clearly visible.

As for Su Miao, who betrayed Gu Feng once, she is even more uncomfortable.

Not just the skin surface.

Radiation pollution continued to penetrate, causing her flesh, bones, and internal organs to be painful, and there was a little burning sensation, as if the internal organs of the body had to be dissolved into pus.

"I'll die if I keep going." Su Miao said with gritted teeth.

Gu Feng gave her a faint glance: "I just want to know how you will die. If you support it, you still have hope of living. Maybe you can become that awakening person. I can study it more carefully.

Little mouse.

In the eyes of Gu Feng, Su Miao with stealth ability is just a little white mouse that has been studied.

"You demon !!" Su Miao said viciously.

Gu Feng showed a cruel smile: "Don't you already know that I am a demon, you should know the end from the moment you betray me."

People are becoming scarce.

Not even monster aliens.

The pollution left by the nuclear explosion radiation is unimaginable, and this is no longer the era when the “Little Boy” was launched by the rice country decades ago.

The nuclear bomb bombing of Hiroshima was not large at first, and after numerous improvements and enhancements, the two nuclear bombs that caused the destruction can only be regarded as "small firecrackers" at best.

The sky became dark.

The smell of coke followed, and the smell of burning two months ago still remains.

Several people in Gu Feng have come near the outermost periphery of the nuclear explosion. From a distance, the place where their eyes touched was a ruin.



Remains broken.

Once the bustling city was destroyed in the past, the impact of the nuclear explosion razed the city to the ground, the glass **** and the burning wood dust scattered around, and the cracked stones and rubble were everywhere.

High-rise buildings collapsed everywhere.

Ground dirt covered with spider web cracks.

Everything is telling about the tragic past. Here is the real end of the world. No one can escape, and no alien can survive.

"Zombies over there ..." The black gun instructor pointed towards the distance, and saw a lot of zombies lying motionless on the ground.

Their skin was dry and withered, there was no flesh on the face, the skin was completely sunken, and their eyes were burned with coke.

The death was terrible.

These zombies died from nuclear radiation. They could not withstand the energy of this cauterizing corrosion. The cells of the whole body had completely necrotic, and they finally became like this dry corpse.

Su Miao's face became pale.

This may be her fate. If she stays here for a while, Su Miao will alienate and become a monster even if she does not die due to high concentration radiation.

"No signs of life."

"Everything is destroyed here, the radiation levels are too high and no other species are allowed to survive."

"This is an extinction."

Gu Feng said to himself, from the beginning of stepping into the large-scale ruins of the city, there was no trace of biological signs.

There is only death and destruction, and those ubiquitous high-energy radiation.


It is this radiation, but it is the evolutionary energy required by the alienators.

"There's something over there." The black gun instructor was keenly aware of what was thousands of meters away.

Near the broken stones, there are many one-man eggs, which are the first "alive" things that Gu Feng saw in the ruins.

Those eggs are disgusting.

Their surface seemed to be covered by a thick layer of sores. At this time, pus was still being kept, emitting a foul odor that made people vomit.

These thick sores are absorbing the surrounding radiant energy all the time, they are slowly moving like a heart, and they are covered with clearly visible cardiovascular disease, but the veins are not plasma, but thick sores ... ...

what are these?

Are they distorted organisms formed in highly contaminated areas with high radiation?

Just as Gu Feng was puzzled, those disgusting eggs began to react.

They ... split! !!



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