Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 292: 292.Su Miao Evolution

Su Miao.

When Gu Feng shouted the name, Su Miao shuddered.

Could it be that Gu Feng, the demon, is he going to use himself as a test product? ?

Su Miao was panic-stricken. She glanced at Gu Feng and glanced at the broken and cracked egg with pus, and made a frightening voice: "Don't ... I don't want to be transformed by this disgusting thing, I would rather I don't want to die !! "

But Gu Feng didn't care about her begging for mercy. She strangled her neck with one hand. Su Miao's face turned into a sauce purple, and she slowly lost consciousness under her strong fingers.

Throwing it at random, Su Miao was thrown into the disgusting egg shell.

Taking out the bottle containing the turbid virus source fluid, Gu Feng poured all the brain's liquid into the egg shell, so it began to heal and grow again, slowly wrapping Su Miao's body inside.

Disgusting pus continued to flow.

The yellow-brown blood vessels grew out and pierced Su Miao's body.

The dirty liquid was mixed with nuclear radiant energy, and Su Miao's body was slowly transformed, which gradually made her out of the scope of human beings.

The fireman who had just recovered was stunned.

He also looked at Gu Feng in horror: "This woman ... isn't she yours?"

Su Miao's ability is stealth. This special ability is definitely a rare talent. He originally thought that Su Miao was a capable cadre of Gu Feng, but he did not expect to be easily abandoned as cannon fodder.

Gu Feng smiled cruelly: "I want to see what she will become."

An awful cold rose from the back of the fireman, the demon in front of him became more and more unpredictable, and his men were so vicious, let alone his defeated captive? ?

After two hours.

Click, click, click.

The egg shell wrapped around Su Miao started to squirm.

All her life blood was transformed and baptized again. The energy contaminated by nuclear radiation was completely integrated with Su Miao, and the mutated gene molecules in her blood were strengthened ...


Stimulate the special abilities in the body and awaken the powerful talents that really belong to you.


Su Miao ripped the eggshell, and she knelt on the ground in pain.

At this time, Su Miao's body became very strange. The closed pores no longer emitted any odor. The large body of skin was in an unstable state. The light penetrated the drive shell without blocking, showing a kind of 100% transparency. status.

She is disappearing.

Su Miao's body slowly disappeared in front of people.

Successfully promoted!

Su Miao has been upgraded to her talents, her bloodline has been fully activated, and her stealth ability has been exerted to the extreme.

run! !!

At the moment Su Miao's body disappeared, she realized that this was the only chance to escape. The toxins hidden in her body had been filtered and transformed and had melted. As long as she escaped from Gu Feng now, she could have a vast sky! !!


Colorless and tasteless.

Su Miao exerted her abilities, and her entire body became fluttering, and she fled in a certain direction.


"The stealth ability is even better, she can't feel her presence?" Gu Feng was surprised, and Su Miao just disappeared under her eyes. It seems that her talents are still very powerful.

Gu Feng turned his head and asked the black gun, "Can you see her?"

The black gun instructor gently nodded: "My eyes can see a trace, but I can't see it completely."

The "sight of death" of the black gun instructor can only see a trace? ?

This special ability talent is a bit beyond Gu Feng's expectations. Although Su Miao's fighting power is not good, this stealth ability is enough to defeat the sky.


It is too delusional to want to escape from Gu Feng's palm.

Gu Feng closed his eyes, and the special abilities from the two corpse kings were launched. The law of the earth kept sending a steady heartbeat, and Su Miao's fluttering feet stepped on the ground as if a water drop fell into a calm lake.

Under the scorching sun, shadows will also be born, but Su Miao's body cannot produce dark shadows. When her feet step into the darkness, Gu Feng's consciousness can be sensed slightly.

Gaia Black Armor.

Shadow consciousness.

The special abilities brought by the two [king] -level creatures make Gu Feng's sense of consciousness beyond the ordinary person's way.

there! !!

Gu Feng's figure suddenly accelerated, he left a series of afterimages on an unobstructed sandy soil, a hand stretched out and strangled someone's neck.

"Little mouse, do you want to escape?" Gu Feng said faintly, he clearly felt the trembling of the tender skin on the palm of his palm, and Su Miao, who was caught, seemed to have seen his fate.

Su Miao's body quickly emerged from the air, her eyes filled with tears of terror.


"I dare not, I dare not."

"I just want to live. I have only fear for you. I'm going to be scared to collapse."

These are the thoughts in Su Miao's heart. She is too scared to stay by Gu Feng every day. People who have seen Gu Feng's means will be deeply afraid of this horrible demon, not to mention that she is a betrayer.

Su Miao has been on the verge of collapse for a long time, and now she has been caught by Gu Feng again. It is absolutely cruel to welcome her.

Tears flowed.

Su Miao's face was distorted. She didn't dare to have any resistance, a pitiful worm.

Gu Feng thought that she still had to resist, but did not expect that it was just a dull begging for mercy, which really made people feel boring.

"You are useless."

"bye Bye."

Gu Feng's voice was extremely indifferent. His palm was about to chop Su Miao's neck as soon as possible. For the current Gu Feng, the woman who betrayed herself many times simply killed it.

Su Miao's pupils tightened to the limit.

The fear of death allowed her evolving blood to explode to its full potential, and her body, which could have been completely transparent, suddenly disappeared.

Gu Feng's palm was firmer than the iron clamps, and the original imagination of the fractured bones and the broken throat did not come. Su Miao's body became ... air! !!

This is Su Miao's true ability to awaken.

disappear completely!

Body disappears completely like air!

Gu Feng was startled, and the consciousness of exploration spread out, but there was no figure of Su Miao.

"Black gun !!"

"Can you still find her, where did Su Miao go?" Gu Feng asked softly.

The black gun instructor's pair of pure black pupils carefully observed, then shook his head after a moment and said, "My eyes saw the fragmented marks of her body, but in the end they completely disappeared, and Su Miao's ability became very strange."


It really surprised Gu Feng so much that the little mouse actually escaped in the end? ? ?



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