Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 294: 294.Blood Hunter

A stream of plasma flowed from the black gun instructor's mouth.

The high-intensity radiation caused him great damage, and the radiation became more intense every distance forward.

Huo Ren saw this situation and said: "Evolutionaries who have not experienced any mutation, it is a miracle to come here, even those of us who are promoted will feel very uncomfortable."

Gu Feng frowned.

He already knew how the Awakened was born, and this method was not very suitable for him.

It might be a good choice to leave here now, but I don't know why, this heavily polluted area always gives him a weird feeling.

Threat ...

A faint threat feels pervasive, the feeling is not strong, but it is extremely real.

"Black Gun Instructor, you go back first, too. It's not good to be exposed to this kind of radiation for a long time."

"That guy who can get angry, you continue to accompany me." Gu Feng said coldly, but the black gun instructor wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and refused, he seemed to want to continue watching.

And the guy with the energy of the filthy flame, he has become a new unlucky egg, and the fireman's face is bitter and bitter: "Don't embarrass me anymore, it's my limit to come here, although I have become the awakener, But I have limits on my ability to withstand radiation. "

The fireman's words of mercy had just been finished, and a dazzling cold light passed by.

puff! !!

The fireman looked at his shoulders in disbelief, one arm had detached from his shoulders, and an uncontrollable mass of plasma sprayed out.

Gu Feng, a man who didn't agree, even cut his arm directly? ?

This is too unreasonable!

Huo Ren just expressed his pain, but was hit by Gu Feng's impatient broken arm?


"My arm, my arm !!" Huoren yelled in pain as he covered his incision in his arm.

"Do you also know that you are the awakener? You can't bear this pain?" Gu Feng continued with a cruel smile, "Stop the wound with your flames. Now you are my slave. I will do whatever you want. No resistance is allowed, okay? "

The Fireman couldn't help it. He burned his broken arm incision with filthy flames in extreme pain, and burned that fast flesh into coke, only to understand how powerful the capricious Gu Feng was.

The fireman's eyes flashed a gloomy imperceptibility.

He could only struggle to stand up, pinpointed a certain direction, and led Gu Feng to the more dangerous area ...

The earth transpired a hot breath.

Gu Feng, who has the special ability of Gaia Black Armor, also has a touch with the earth, and can feel the scorching energy that pierces the soil.

It feels like the earth will feel pain, and it will become painful because of the filthy nuclear radiation energy.

"The rhythm of the earth ..."

"If the land under your feet is thinking, it must feel angry and painful for what humans do, right?" Gu Feng said to himself.

Human science and technology weapons have developed to such a degree that the sky can be torn, the ground can be crushed, and the nuclear radiation left behind can also make the earth miserable. This race has always been very proficient in the words "destruction" and "war".

Throw these thoughts.

Gu Feng's eyes narrowed, he saw a blood-red ** egg standing up to three meters in the distant broken wall debris.

That demonic egg was very different from the one I saw before. It was covered with a layer of blood, and instead of looking disgusting, it looked like a carefully carved statue with an evil beauty. .

This one is different from others!

It is absorbing the surrounding radiation at all times, and the red blood plasma is swirling around the magic egg, and something is brewing in it.

Gu Feng looked at his shirt and looked at the fireman beside him. It turned out that he had brought everyone here, why?

That's right.

That's what Fireman meant, and he knew what was hidden in the blood-red ** egg.

This is a restricted area.

This is a restricted area belonging to the awakened.

Too deep into the heavily polluted area, the levels of the monsters hidden here are so scary! !!

Before the sentence was finished, the blood-red demon egg had responded, and it felt the invasion of a living person, which caused the creatures in the blood-red ** egg to break out of the cocoon.

Click! !!

The shell of the exquisitely sculpted monster egg shattered, and a three-meter-tall monster with many tentacles appeared on it. It showed a bright red blood color all over the body, which looked like a monster solidified by blood.


Blood hunter

Breed: Alien Beast of Pollution

Prototype: unknown

Level: third order (★★★★ ☆)

Direction of variation: highly polluting variation

Note: The deep transformation of pollution radiation has essentially become another organism, breaking the balance of nature.

Species that break the natural balance?

A four-star alien in the third form.

This blood hunter has refreshed the upper limit of Gufeng's alien species, and has become the strongest aristocratic alien he has seen!

Goo, goo, goo.

The Blood Hunter looked at the crowd warily, its tentacle-like body seemed very soft, and it continued to explode with blood bubbles, which looked weird.

"The guy who is full of fire."

"Since you have brought us here, it is up to you to fight this monster."

Gu Feng said in a cold voice, the fireman at this moment extinguished the flames of his whole body, it seemed that he wanted to hide and not be found by the monster in front of him. This guy probably wanted to escape while the Gu Feng and the monster were fighting. Simple.

The Huoren is now more than ten meters away from Gu Feng. After being stopped by Gu Feng, he slowed down and said with a trembling voice: "We have no injustice and no revenge. I don't want to die. You forced me. Go die in that monster's mouth !!! "

The fireman suddenly stretched out the only remaining arm, a force that had been accumulated for a long time, spreading a long blood mark on the palm of his hand, and the filthy flame energy was compressed to the limit to form a sphere.

This is his last trick as an awakening.

Squeeze the filthy flames all over your body and burst it out to create weapons that are more powerful than high explosive bombs!

Gu Feng's eyes flashed cold and cruel: "I have felt the energy you have accumulated. Although we have no injustice and revenge, weakness is the greatest sin."

At this moment, the dark shadow beneath the fireman suddenly squirmed.

Shadow Devil!

It turned out that Gu Feng had already launched the ability of the Shadow Devil's hand, and he unknowingly twisted the ground into a shadow. In fact, he had already firmly held the fireman in his palm.

Huh! !!

The Fireman had not realized what was happening, and his body was suddenly grasped by an invisible hand, and then he was severely thrown in the direction of the blood hunter not far away.



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