Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 830: 830.League of Legends


"It took me too long for my ultimate blood moon field strength."

"The old guys are ready to hunt us here in advance. No wonder the swamp forest is so dense with so many monsters."

The blood moon queen's face suddenly changed, and she also felt the powerful breath of those ancient supremacy. The attention of the three supreme strong men was at the same time, and there was a vague plan to surround the blood moon queen.

Gu Feng patted the dirt on his body, and said a little ironically: "Aren't you ready already, what do you say to other blood races?"

Before the advent, the Blood Moon Queen had alliance with several other clans.

They agreed to look after each other before destroying all the other clans, and then killing each other, but this was not the case.

Creak! !!

The tight, diffused consciousness of the Queen of the Blood Moon felt the breath of the enemy.

Scarlet eyes flashed with murderous intentions, and the Blood Queen said fiercely: "They are the people of the Demon Feast Alliance, and the abominable Assamite clan, the dirty hired killer !!"

Demon Banquet Alliance.

The Thirteen Clan is not a piece of iron.

They also divide their respective forces. The two most important parts are the "Mysterious Alliance" and the "Magic Banquet Alliance".

The creed of the Secret Alliance is to adhere to the policy of the hidden world, hide in the human race, dress as their kind, and have very strict rules and dogmas. They are not allowed to use power arbitrarily against human beings, and they are not allowed to slaughter humans ...

The Magic Banquet Alliance is just the opposite.

They believe that human beings are slaves, that is, food, and animals that they slaughter.

Another force, that is, the independents who do not participate in the struggle between the two factions, has an ambiguous attitude and has a neutral attitude in the struggle between the two factions.

The ally the Queen of the Blood Moon contacted was not the one in the Demon Banquet Alliance, but the blood relative of the Mysterious Alliance.

And now what she met ... was her enemy! !!

The Lesenba, the Zmish, and the neutral Assamite! !!

Gu Feng frowned slightly.

The names of these foreign clan are very cumbersome, and their relationship is quite chaotic. One or two sentences are not clear at all, but one thing that can be determined is that these people must be their enemies.


"The blood races of the Feast of the Feast of the Feast of the Banquet are very powerful. Coupled with the Asamate tribe, we cannot rely on them."

"We need to run to our companions!"

The **** queen showed a shameful expression on her proud face. When she first arrived in the holy place of the blood race, the first thing she did was to run away, which was definitely a shame.

As the head of a tribe, she also knew at this time that if she did not escape, she might be killed on the spot here! !!


What a shame!

But there is no way. The people of the Demon Flame Alliance are quite powerful. Their alliance only has 2 blood clan, but it is enough to compete with 6 hidden clan, enough to see the powerful fighting power.

Plus the Assamite!

The race hidden in the darkness, as long as the money is given to killer mercenaries who will help you, they are even more powerful fighting representatives.

The Blood Moon Queen slightly identified the direction. She no longer gave any explanation. Regardless of the face of her homeowner, she stepped on the muddy marsh with her feet on the ground, and ran away, leaving only a trace of blood.

"Ha ha……"

Gu Feng gave a sneer and gave the queen a wink. She immediately picked up Gu Feng and ran in the same direction. For a while, the wind was galvanizing, and the surrounding dirty swamp mire was constantly changing like a foam phantom.

But at this moment, there were many smirking sounds around.

They whispered, murmured, and laughed.

"The great Queen of Cappadocia, a legend that was almost extinct a thousand years ago."

"What are you doing so hurriedly, how do you see us so panic?"

"It's so embarrassing. Where is the elegance of the Blood Moon Queen, and where is your nobility and pride?"

The ghastly grinning laughter and the cruel and arrogant laughter echoed in the swamp forest, and soon a wall of energy shields appeared in front of the Blood Moon Queen, and scarlet eyes flickered behind the shield. .

Bloodlines! !!

The silhouettes with gleaming red eyes were all pure blood nobles from other clans.

There are hundreds of them, each of them has reached the level of a king, and someone who takes the lead has the power of an emperor. The blood and energy in their bodies are combined together to form a characterization. Energy wall with weird ancient patterns.

"Step aside!"

"Otherwise, die !!!"

The Countess of Thorns took the lead, and as the only servant brought by the Blood Moon Queen, she rushed to the front for the Blood Moon Queen.

A piece of blood appeared in the hands of the Countess of Thorns, and the blood-colored long whip turned into a perfect trajectory fiercely pumping towards the distant energy wall.

Snapped! !!

The blood-colored long lash beat on the energy shield, causing the shield to tremble, but it did not actually hurt the blood-colored wall.

Blood casts the wall!

The hundreds of purebred blood races showed disdainful smiles, smirking at the resistance of the Countess of Thorns.


"The magical power bestowed by His Highness the Devil King of the Zmych family was cast by hundreds of our pure blood, let alone your little Earl, even if the Queen of the Blood Moon came in person, I am afraid that it cannot be broken for a while."

The lead purebred tribe has no jealous sarcasm.

Zmich! !!

This family, once the most powerful of the Thirteen Clan, is also the heart of the Demon Banquet Alliance.

Their owners were called "Devil Kings" by the bloodlines of the Thirteen Clan.

Just because it is the most powerful, oldest, most intelligent, elder who has unimaginable knowledge and power, I am afraid that he lived longer than the history of human beings. It is also because of his existence that the Demon Alliance 2 Each clan can compete with the entire mysterious alliance.

The blood moon queen was more worried.

Could it be that the most powerful demon king of the thirteen clan is also here?


Thinking of this, the Queen of the Blood Moon hit the energy wall with a severe blow, and a blood energy turned into a spear and bombarded the city wall with "holy" power.

Huh! !!

Rumble! !!

The scarlet city wall exploded and shattered, but it did not completely collapse. After the wall, the body of many blood races could not bear the load and burst, smashing into a pool of plasma.

But ... Plasma on the ground and rotting meat soon reunited.

As the oldest vein of the Demon Banquet Alliance, Zmisch possesses the most peculiar ability to reshape their physical bodies.

Sure enough, like the pure blood in this ancient family said.

Even the Queen of the Blood Moon cannot easily break through this wall. As the oldest and most powerful Demon Clan Alliance clan, they have played a role in the craving for knowledge. Hundreds of purebred blood races really rely on the power of magic. This **** city wall blocked the Blood Moon Queen! !!



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