Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 844: 844.Hell Trinity


Werewolves still exist among the blood? ?

In western mythology, vampires and werewolves are almost incompatible, but never imagine that there are werewolves among vampires? ?

Gangelo family.

The alternatives in the Mysterious Alliance, or the alternatives in the entire vampire.

"Don't kill him."

"Using it, we can find other Supremes of the Mysterious Alliance. It would be better if we could find their base." The devil smiled slyly. These werewolf blood races are born warriors, especially in the jungle. It's a ghost.

These dogs came to the forest to probe the news, but ... the intensity of this war was beyond everyone's expectations. It was thought that the forces of all parties would be entangled with each other for a while, at least to test a few Battle?

However, the result was shocking. As soon as the people of the Demon Banquet came up, they attacked and killed 2 Supremes, and their people were quickly killed. In the end, the Devil became the final winner, and the collection contained 6 ancient blood sects. The winner of the essence!

Who would have thought that such an important jihad would end so quickly? ?

The devil came to the werewolf and held the other's head with one hand: "I didn't expect it to be so fast here. You little cubs are useless."


"At this stage, the intelligence is useless, and the remaining old guys probably don't expect the jihad to proceed so quickly."

"You said now that I broke into your base camp directly, how wonderful are those old guys' expressions?"

The devil laughed, but the fierce warrior flashed a little panic.

This panic was not that he was afraid of death, but that he could not bring useful information back even if he died.

The devil has already contained the essence of 6 blood relatives!

The fathers of the Mysterious Alliance are not ready to start this final battle. They are still at the stage of exploring the news and have not realized the seriousness of the problem.

If the demon rushes forward now, it will surely make the entire mysterious alliance hit hard.

The mighty Emperor-level power meditated in his heart: "Even if you die ... you must bring the news back !!!"

Suddenly, he shouted from the sky, and his entire chest expanded. Although he has been subdued by now, he has to use his life to inform the fathers of the last news.


The long howling sound of the wolf can spread to faraway places, and the sound spreads out like waves, and a great howling of the emperor level shakes the forest and the land trembles.

The sinister smile on Devil's face did not change.

Instead of stopping the other party, he said cruelly: "Tell your host family with the last roar of life, are you really loyal, but have you ever thought about it ... but this will put them into chaos?"

The devil knows the other blood races very well.

Each of the 13 blood kinsmen is not a fuel-saving lamp, but an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

Suddenly heard the news of his death.

What will happen to them?


That is impossible. They must have their own misfortunes, and some want to take advantage of the mess and even devour one or two other Supremes.

Some are already thinking about the possibility of betrayal, wondering if they can stand on the side of the devil temporarily?

The uncertainty of the news will not make those old guys a piece of iron, but will make them more fragmented. The devil can not know the **** fallen people in the dark.

Listening to the devil's words, the warrior's face was more panic-stricken.

How he wanted to fly now, and then told his fathers that the Demon King had devoured several Supremes, and that they would have no hope if they did not join forces.

However, the devil will not give it a second chance.

Click! !!

The palm of the devil's hand was suddenly forced, and the super-strength of the Holy Spirit destroyed the half of the wolf's head with the breath of **** lava. The entire skull was instantly crushed. This emperor-level powerhouse is dead and cannot die anymore.

"Next, let's meet the old guys."

"These wolf cubs are best at tracking, but the smell on them can't be masked, so ... it's time to use it." The demon king swipes again into the air, holding the key.

Vaguely, a gate of **** slowly opened.

The palm of the demon king stretched towards the gate of hell, and a black demon flame turned into a long whip into the gate of hell, and the black demon flame was divided into three strands, holding something like a collar.

Roar! !! !!

Roar Roar! !! !!

As soon as the demon king pulled, a huge monster ten meters long was slowly pulled out. This monster was burning with flames. It had three huge and fierce heads, each of which exuded a different breath, showing a completely different character. Disaster power.

That's ... **** three-headed dog! !!

You can't be wrong, that is the **** three-headed dog!

It burned black flames on one head, and frost and frost on the other, and the largest skull in the middle exuded the dark green poison of the plague. Three heads represented three kinds of disasters.

Burned in purgatory.

Freezing in the cold.

The plague and poison were tormented.

The most shocking thing is that the power of this **** three-headed dog has already stepped over the threshold of the holy level, and it is also a holy calamity monster! !!

The devil can actually summon a holy existence? ?

It was horrible.

Although the power of this **** three-headed dog has just entered the primary stage of the Holy Order, this is amazing enough. Even the first Holy Order can easily kill several emperors.

"Swallowed a few Supremes, and the power really became much stronger."

"The **** three-headed dog guards the gates of hell. I used to use my full strength to summon it, but now it's very easy." The devil laughed, as he grew stronger, he obviously felt strong. The degree has doubled.

Once, this kind of sacred calamity beast, the demon king may need to make every effort to summon it, but now it can be pulled out from the gate of hell.

The **** three-headed dog is wearing a collar, and it is still struggling. As a holy calamity beast, why is it willing to be led by the devil like this?

"Still wanting to resist?" The Devil's eyes flashed, and the horns of the two demons on his head were looming.

The more intense ancient demon breath mixed with the power of the blood race broke out, the **** three-headed dog immediately settled a lot, it seems to feel the demon king's more advanced **** breath, slowly lowered his head to show the state of surrender.


"Smell the smell of this little cub, and lead us to their base camp." The demon king pointed at the wolf's corpse and gave an order to the **** three-headed dog.



The author city is almost flooded.

Almost all the cars on the street were soaked in water, and the water on the street was flooded to the waist. It was a catastrophic event.

Regarding the update, I hope readers will appreciate it!



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