Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 848: 848. Executioner vs Queen

Poison bottle.

The wolf mother's muscles exploded and dangled, lethal power condensed in the body, and the dark green vertical pupils of the pair of beasts flashed green.

The scars that had just been attacked by the **** three-headed dogs were all emitting white mist, and eventually the dust from frostbite and burns was peeled off.

Huh! !!

Boom boom boom boom! !!

The earth trembled, the earth and rocks burst, and the mother wolf stepped on the ground to break a deep trench.

The wolf mother ’s strange power is terrifying. Although the distance is thousands of meters, the strong wind of his fist and the sharpness of the claws still cut the earth. After a huge sound of flesh and blood collision, the wolf mother has stood on the three heads of hell. On the dog's head, he was beating the dog with a punch.

Although **** three-headed dog is a calamity beast that guards the gate of hell, it is a lot worse for a strong man like the thirteen-blood wolf mother. exploded.

"Ha ha……"

"Hell three-headed dog can't support it for a long time, can my distinguished ally resist the executioner for a while?" The devil's eyes showed his intention of killing. Hell three-headed dog will sooner or later be doomed, but he did not. This monster summoned by fantasy can solve a supreme.

He only needs the queen to temporarily stop the executioner's activities, and his demon king himself has to fight the strong man called "Dark Thunder".

Gu Feng didn't mean to object, his fingers moved forward slightly, pointing in the direction of the executioner.

The queen nodded and fully understood what Gu Feng ordered. She looked up coldly and arrogantly. Although she only looked at the executioner horizontally in this position, she felt like she was looking down.

It's as if the eagle is looking down at the chicks in the birdhouse!

The executioner also turned his eyes to this side. He originally thought that his enemy would be the demon king, but he did not expect to be an unknown woman? ?

"It really disappointed me."

"It's too underestimated by my executioner, how long can I send a woman to stop me?"

The executioner carried his huge tortured axe. The blood-colored axe was more than one meter long with the handle alone, and the length of the axe was exaggerated. The length of the weapon was three meters.

His eyes showed contempt, the pattern on the huge tortoise flashed slightly, and the executioner said again: "Since then, you should fight with the devil first, I will kill this little girl."

The executioner didn't look at the queen at all. In his eyes, this iceberg beauty is like a **** three-headed dog. It is just a prop for delaying time.

In other words ... cannon fodder! !!

However, the executioner was probably wrong this time. It wasn't the cannon fodder in front of him, but a queen who felt extremely dangerous for the other demon kings! !!

The queen was silent.

She didn't care about the other's contempt. In the eyes of the queen, Gu Feng's order was everything, and it was not important how the enemy in front of her looked at herself.

power! !!

The queen looked at the executioner's huge figure and thoughtfully. Although this supreme seems to be a reckless man who only uses brute force, but once the queen understands the way of the martial arts, you can see at a glance the executioner's Strength is already one.

Whether it's his explosive burrowing muscles or the huge axe engraved with numerous patterns on the back, it has completely integrated with him.

In this case, the queen is also a little more serious.

Holy pattern! !!

On the lavender skin of enchanting skin, circles of ancient lines gradually emerge. They show an elegant beauty, yet they are so simple and ancient, giving the illusion of luxury to the limit.

Silent, sharp and incredible.

The queen queen's shape is completely different from the previous one. She used to be brutal in all directions and will be destroyed in all directions, just like the wolf mother who has just been violently powerful, but now she is restrained to one point, her foot movements are not at all. the sound of.

Not just footsteps, but even air.

There didn't seem to be any trace of friction in the air, and her sharpness seemed to have cut open, leaving the resistance infinitely close to zero.

too fast!

The queen's speed is really too fast.

At this moment, the executioner's eyes and pupils suddenly shrank, and he never expected that the woman whom he despised would suddenly burst out such a powerful force, so fast that he couldn't even see his eyes. .

In the scarlet eyes of the vampire, the pupils were almost contracted into a pinpoint state, and the executioner only saw the action of the queen faintly.

The fist ... has ... to his chest! !!

Huh! !!

The executioner's chest made a huge muffled sound, and a burst of blood that could not be suppressed could not be suppressed. The queen's punch almost penetrated the executioner's chest, and the most terrible thing was that this power was actually condensed and did not disperse. open.

All the internal organs exploded, and the intestines were disconnected. Only the most important heart of the blood race was still beating. The executioner's body flew out like a cannonball and smashed half of the wall above the city wall.

The queen was successful in one hit and did not continue to pursue.

She just waited so quietly, it seemed that she was giving the other party sufficient preparation time, and she seemed to be faithfully carrying out Gu Feng's order, but she didn't have to kill.

Boom boom! !!

Among the ruined walls of a large castle, the executioner broke the stones and smashed into the sky, with an extremely excited smile on his face: "Ha ha ha ha, this punch is really powerful !!"

"Nearly tens of thousands of years have passed, and the wolf mother and the demon king have appeared on the physical strength, and few people can resist me a few times."

"I take back what I just said, and I will be serious next!"

The executioner put aside his contempt for the queen. Although blood was still dripping from his mouth, he launched the powerful power of the Thirteen Holy Instruments under serious injuries.

The huge axe he was carrying, all the blood-stained things on it all came back to life. They were squirming like dense bones of the cheekbones, all of which penetrated into the executioner's body.

Gollum, gollum, gollum!

The executioner's body made strange noises, followed by those dense ancient marks, all of which came out of the skin.

Sacred marks!

This is also an ancient mark that is almost similar to the martial art sacred pattern on the queen's body, except that the queen understood it and realized it. The executioner's weapon "crime axe" was painted by an ancient god. At this time, It just temporarily used this power.

"The axe."

"Sacred print of the blood race."

"Come on, girl, let's take a look at who is more powerful in the end !!!"

The executioner threw the huge axe in his hand, and lost the inscription of the Holy Blood. It was actually a waste of iron. The so-called representative of the ultimate strength of the 13 Holy Artifacts is not just a weapon, Refers to this ancient inscription!



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