Swallow the Earth System

Chapter 851: 851.Undead King

Boom! !!

The devil's head rolled in the air and fell to the ground making a dull sound.

The wolf mother solved the **** three-headed dog and accumulated a blow of all strength, and she really cut off the head of the demon king. It is indeed the most wild supreme, and even the demon king lurking on one side did not notice it.

Click ... click! !!

The proud smile on the wolf mother's face had not yet disappeared, and suddenly the crisp sound echoed in the ear. The demon king's body without a head suddenly exerted five fingers, and a horrible force directly pinched the thunder's neck.

Gollum, gollum, gollum! !!

Dark Thunder spread unbelievably. At this time, his neck had been pierced by the devil's headless body, and blood was flowing up the neck in a frantic countercurrent. The devil had drawn most of his blood in a blink of an eye.

How could this be?

Skull is cut off, but is still devouring the life of Dark Thunder? ?

The wolf mother's eyes widened, and her head was cut off. Even the blood race was very fatal. Why is the demon king completely okay and still able to exert his full strength? ?

Huh! !!

The wolf mother's claws re-emerged, condensing the strength of the whole body, and beheaded again against the devil's arm.

The sharp blade is extremely sharp. Although the power of this blow can't keep up with the long-save full-blow, it is still incredibly fast. I want to blow off the arm holding Dark Thunder's neck.

However, something even more incredible happened.

Suddenly, the speed of the demon king was extremely fast, and the angle at which the wolf mother's sharp minions attacked was completely mastered by him. This seemingly headless corpse only slightly opened the other palm and passed through the gap of the wolf mother's attack perfectly.

Huh! !!

The headless corpse of the devil ... he actually ... grabbed the wolf mother's neck in the same way? ?

puff! !!

The blood burst, and the demon king drew both blood at the same time. He had gathered six bloods to honor him. At this time, he was fully engaged in the ability to devour the blood. The two people, Dark Thunder and Wolf Mother, could not resist at all. Was pulled out.

Both the wolf mother and the dark thunder were shocked.

What the **** happened, the demon king had been severely injured by the rolling thunder and lightning, and then the wolf mother cut off his head again. Why can it now suddenly burst into such a terrifying power and directly begin to devour the two ancient supreme ? ? ?

The power of the demon without a head continued to increase, but the head on the ground began to melt under some inexplicable strength. Looking at the body of the devil at this time ... the neck without a head even slowly began to grow a new devil. Skull.

Red skin.

Sinuous twisted horns.

The demon's head regenerates quickly, with a smirk on his face, saying, "You feel surprised, aren't you? It's ridiculous ... you are too underestimated about my power, and too underestimated the power of ancient demons in hell. Immortal body, let alone cut off the head, just dig the heart, crush the internal organs and cut the whole body into pieces, and I can live. "

"I almost have no weaknesses."

The devil is worthy of the devil. As he devoured the blood of other blood sects, the power he gained from the ancient demon became more and more powerful. Everything just happened seemed thrilling, but it was already a doomed victory for the devil.

Dark Thunder is flawed, and the wolf mother is constantly struggling, but the hand of the devil is like an iron clamp, no matter how hard it is, it is futile.

Life is passing.

The essence of the blood race is constantly being detached, and soon the body of Dark Thunder has become more aging, and the original burst of spirit has also disappeared.


"You traitor who signed an agreement with the ancient demon, you don't deserve to be called the blood line !!!"

"Hahahahaha, kill it, kill it, kill us, you will eventually die if you kill us, you don't know who is waiting for you." Anlei cursed fiercely, but laughed while talking. Arise, mocking himself for being stupid, and mocking the Devil's uncontrollable power.

What do you mean? ?

The devil frowned again, who in the old castle made these ancient supremes so weird.

Why secretly thunder them, deeply believe in the people in the castle, and even serve him and give him everything.

The wolf mother also laughed wildly: "Come on, come on, let us devour us. This is the end of sinners. After all, we betrayers are atonement, but as for you ... the demon king, you will face the ultimate fear. "

The sounds of the wolf mother and the dark thunder gradually faded. They didn't care about their own life and death, and the two ancient supremes knew from the beginning that they could not fight the demon king.

Death is the best punishment for a betrayal.

The faces of the wolf mother and Anlei became much more peaceful. They lived for thousands of years, always betraying their father's remorse, and were deeply involved in the vortex of desire for power.

Today, they can finally rest in peace.

Without any resistance, the wolf mother and Anlei even took the initiative to deliver the essence and blood of their own body to the devil's body.

Wow la la la ...

The body of the wolf mother and the dark thunder began to decay and turned into a clump of debris, which disappeared as soon as the wind blew. These two dark emperors who once roared in the western world died like this.


The demon king was even more confused, he didn't understand why the wolf mother and the dark thunder took the initiative to die! !!

Turning his head, the devil looked at the other side.

At this point, the battle between the queen and the executioner is almost over. Both are fighting with absolute physical power, the bloodline sacred pattern of the executioner is covered, and the queen is also covered with martial arts.

Both of them now emit thick heat, and the friction generated during the battle caused the air in the area of ​​several hundred meters to boil, both of which continued to rise like transpirational water vapor.

However, in the end, the Queen Queen was superior.

Her sacred pattern was realized by herself, and she truly achieved unity between heaven and man, unity of mind and body, and was unmatched.

But the executioner is different. He just relies on the power of the criminal axe, although it is still more than 10 times stronger, but this ability is not his.

The executioner was covered with various wounds. He stood there, pulling his arms, and it seemed that the shoulder of the queen was broken by a punch in a collision just now.

The executioner at this time was already at the end of the crossbow, and continued to fight with the queen queen, but the result could only be death.

"It's amazing."

"Even if the power of the bloodline's sacred pattern is exerted to the maximum, I am still not an opponent." The executioner did not hesitate to praise the queen. After he said it, he turned to look at the demon king, which had already swallowed two companions.

"We lost, and we really lost."

"Devil, come on, devour me."

The executioner grinned, sitting weakly on the edge of the castle stairs, seemed to have given up any resistance, and let the devil eat his life like this?



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