Swallowed Star

Vol 23 Chapter 49: Secret method

Black hole in the abyss, power can be endless?

The green sè pinnacles circling around the circle and gradually moving outwards. It is similar to the sailing boat countering the flow of force, just to be billions of times. After all, this swallowing power is too strong for the strongest in the universe, and it is hard to be hard-pressed.

"The teacher is repairing the madness and destroying the gods." Luo Feng stood on the top of the mountain and overlooked the endless land. "And part of the consciousness to control the mountains..." Lonely.

Luo Feng was sitting alone, and there were many thoughts floating in his heart.

The founder of the Beijing giant axe, the battle was very **** at the time, but now calm down, but feel the gap between himself and the strongest in the universe.

"The strongest of the universe, in the original universe, is greatly suppressed."

"In the universe, it is still a little suppressed."

"If Hong is not suppressed, the Lord of the universe and them may be even more different." Luo Feng is very clear about how excessive suppression is.

In the primitive universe, if it is not killed by the Lord of the universe, then the strongest of the universe can also do ‘speaking with the law,’ and it can also power the heavens, and the law of the universe will give the universe the strongest face.

Once you kill with the Lord of the Universe, it will change!

The law of the universe is no longer retreating! On the contrary, it is very tough suppression. As a result, the ‘speaking method can’t be done, but the master of the universe can control the time and space, so that in the field, the strongest of the universe has no advantage. Of course, when the first kill, the Lord of the Austrian, is the original meaning of the universe, so it was not suppressed.

The intensity of divine power is equivalent to the divine power of the universe of perfect life genes. This is only a small aspect, and there is also the strongest power limit upper limit! It is a limit set by the law of the universe's origin. The power of the strongest of the universe cannot exceed this limit. Once it is exceeded, it will be squashed, just as the demon **** was bound by a chain of laws.

The words and expressions disappeared! Divine power is restricted! There is also a limit to the strength of the strongest outbreak!


After killing the Lord of the universe, he will be severely punished and the body will be hit hard! Under many repressions, in the original universe, the masters of the universe are hardly afraid of the strongest in the universe! The Lord of the universe, which is a little bit more powerful, will not have to be afraid of the strongest in the universe.

In the universe, it is not the same.

The universe, scattered with a large number of small universes and the original universe..." The original universe is too big, so the original will of the original universe is still the strongest! Even if the law in the universe is working, it is affected by it. The rest of the sea is outside, so the power of the original universe is much weaker and the limits are much weaker.

There are only two restrictions.

When the ... the strongest of the universe and the Lord of the universe kill, the law of operation no longer retreats! Make the strongest person in the universe unable to do what you say!

Second, the intensity of divine power is also suppressed at the level of the universe of perfect life genes.

Only these two.

As for the treasure, taking advantage of the secret law, can exert more strength. This is played by the strongest in the universe, there is no upper limit! And after killing the Lord of the universe, there is no punishment. Relatively speaking, the universe is much smaller than the ‘primitive universe’. So overall... the strongest of the universe are very afraid, the origin of the original universe.

Sitting on the top of the mountain, Luo Feng thought about the relationship between the strongest of the universe, the will of the original universe, and himself.

"Luo Feng." A voice came.

"Teacher." Luo Feng looked back and turned out to be a mountain guest. He immediately got up. "Teacher, aren't you repairing the madness?"

"Repaired." Sitting on the mountain guest waved a hand, a black sè hyperthyroidism flew directly to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng was surprised to see the mountain guest: "This is only two days."

"Just a repair, how much do you think I have to spend?" The mountain guest looked at Luo Feng. "I just saw you sitting there, thinking about it?"

"I am thinking about the original will of the universe! The strongest of the universe! The Lord of the universe, and ... myself." Luo Fengdao.

After sitting on the mountain, I heard the silence and was silent.

Silence for a long time.

"The origin of the original universe." The mountain sighs, the voice contains extremely complex emotions. "When it is not the strongest in the universe, it is only the child of the original universe. It will protect you. But once it becomes the strongest in the universe... ...the small universe breaks out of the original universe and survives in the universe. The strongest of the universe is the hostile target of the original universe."

"Repression, suppression, has always been suppressed."

"Reincarnation cycle... Every reincarnation era is a process of nurturing, birthing, destroying all things in the original universe." The mountain sighs, "Your human ancestors are really powerful, actually "what?" Luo Feng could not help but ask.

The mountain guest shook his head: "Don't ask, can you not enter the virtual universe at any time? If you are strong enough, bow the original ancestors and you can talk to him officially. Maybe he will tell you that he was Why do you do it. I am just a guess, I can't do it."

Luo Feng’s heart itch, the original ancestors dared to provoke the original universe, dare to do so, certainly has a purpose.

Very purposeful.

But even the chaotic city teacher did not tell himself why the ancestors went against the original universe.

"Don't think so much, it's too far away for you." Sitting on the mountain and laughing at Luo Feng, "You think about yourself and you can be the master of the universe..."... plus the Star Tower in hand, and the universe The gap between the strong is completely negligible. ”

Luo Feng shook his head: "Even as the owner of the universe, in the secret law, the gap between the strongest and the strongest in the universe is still very large." Although I have seen the virtual devil and the ancestors, but it is in the original universe, power is not counted. Big, but this time the third God, the sixth God, the founder of the giant axe really made a huge gap.

"You are a sign." The mountain guest shook his head.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng looked at Lao Jian.

"The Lord of the universe is the secret that can't create that power. The secret lines on the Star Tower are extremely high."

The mountain singer laughed. "This is the precious place of the supreme treasure. For example, on the first floor of the Star Tower, when you only provoke the first floor, the star tower can be very small. ... The second layer of mystery, the mysterious level is already comparable to the strongest secret of the Lord of the universe. You can't create it, but it only drives, but the difficulty is reduced."

"The third layer of mystery is the most powerful means of the universe."

"The fourth layer of mystery, one of the strongest in the universe, can create such a secret. Such as the giant axe, the original ancestor, the first God, etc."

Luo Feng nodded and listened.


Just stimulating secret lines is more demanding than creating the same power. The power is equally powerful, and even because of the strongest treasure, it can exert more power.

"There is a method of judging strength in the universe."

"Being first into the universe, the life genes are a hundred times, and the secret law is not created. This is the 'first order' in the Lord of the universe."

"The Lord of the Ordinary Universe, a thousand times of life genes, also created the ultimate secret law, for the second order."

"On top, there are third-order, fourth-order, like the Lord of the Stars in our original universe, your teacher Chaos, the Lord of the Five Commandments, who are dragged together by you, are all fifth-order."

"The Lord of the universe with the strongest treasure is the sixth order! It is also the highest order of the Lord of the universe." The mountain singer laughed, "Why do you have the most powerful treasure, you can be one higher than the chaotic city owner and the five splash masters." Wait? Because the Xeon to Treasures can represent a higher level."

Luo Feng listened carefully. He was the first to hear the sixth-order judgment.

"The Lord of the Sixth-order Universe can be compared to the strongest in the universe without the supreme treasure." The mountainman laughed. "Of course, like the founder of the giant axe, even if it is not as strong as the treasure, it can still be stronger than the sixth-order universe. One end."

"But I suspect that the axe he used to display the 'fifteenth' axe method, also said that it was just created, I guess he got the **** axe, watched the mystery secret, and then realized, I am afraid The secret pattern that reminds the gods of the axe to play this counter-atom." The mountain sighs, "so you can play that power."

It took nearly three months to go out of the abyss.

The mountain singer also pointed to Luo Feng, especially with careful understanding of the madness and destruction of the gods, Luo Feng found that the five lords, the five beasts are extinct, in fact, it is the third layer of the madness The modified move.

“Some people who have just had simple wisdom will learn to use stones and sticks as weapons.”

"The difference between wisdom, see if you know how to use weapons."

"The Lord of the Universe, the strongest of the universe... Their weapons are the best! Learn to use the treasure, and even create the secret method according to the secret lines on the treasure, so there will be some famous treasures for the universe." You, obviously claiming to be the lord of the Galaxy, but the outside world calls you the silver wing lord."

Luo Feng also understood.

He began to enlighten the secret lines on the Star Tower, to understand the mysterious lines on the madness, to understand the secret lines of Wu Yuyi, and then to create the secret of adaptation.

And the incarnation of his own divine power is in the hidden space to enlighten the most powerful secret pattern left by the ancient existence of the original ancestor and the giant axe founder, as well as the surviving of the mountain. The six secret patterns, which confirm each other... make Luo Feng progress to a high speed.

The mad devil destroys the other defensive secret lines on the armor, and all of them quickly realize the problem. The triple attacking secret pattern on the right hand of the gold sè is also quickly realized. The third weight also vaguely understands most of the time, and it is estimated that it will take some time to understand.

"This crazy demon gods gold sè right hand third secret pattern, not as good as the third tower of the Star Tower. But it also reached the power of the cosmic master fusion of the strongest secret law, once you can drive, estimate the mo secret map flow 诣It’s almost the same as the main level of the universe. Well, now there is an abyss. I am leaving, but don’t happen again.”

"Yes, teacher." Luo Feng feels ji.

Then a green sè pinnacle and a blood sè palace (the star tower changed through the blood cloud beads) flew in two directions in the endless frozen lake bonfire. @.

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