Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 22: will! breakthrough!

"...the original universe is pure and human, meets the requirements....,

"The East Emperor Holy Land is not open, and it meets the requirements."

The Dongdong River stands at the forefront of the corridor. He has been staying in this corridor for a long time and has not dissipated. Because the number of the first bottleneck has entered the stage of the outbreak of xing growth, it will break 100, and the number is still soaring.

For one breakthrough in the first bottleneck, Luo Feng did not pay attention to it at all, and he studied the Rhinoceros Bureau in his own way!

time flies.

In the 3900th year when Luo Feng accepted the inheritance, those who broke through the first bottleneck rushed out the fastest, and then began to gradually slow down. Even from the 5200th year, there was no one who broke through the first bottleneck.

"This is your limit?"

Broken Donghe shakes head indifferent road "breaks the first bottleneck 298?"

Luo Feng, who was shrouded in the Golden Red Palace, opened his eyes and nodded secretly. The Rhythm Bureau did not take longer to get through. The potential of many immortal gods was limited, and some even the universe was afraid of forever. Unable to break through, it is difficult to break through the first bottleneck.

At this moment, this reached the first bottleneck of 298, of which the seven strongest in the universe are all reached! All the masters of the universe are attained! A few immortal gods, some of the universe's sages meet the requirements!

Of course, the second bottleneck is only one of Luo Feng.

"Well?" The East River looked away.

"The East Emperor Holy Land is bloody." Seeing the East River look away, smile nodded "has broken through the second bottleneck, it seems that this time I got the biggest hope of the East River, it is you and the human galaxy, you have to Work hard, don't slack off."

"Yes, broken Donghe adults."

The **** blood is covered.

At the same time, a crystal column began to appear on the ground next to the corridor next to him. The crystal column glowed, forming a red sè palace and a gold sè palace coincident... golden red rays shrouded! And the golden red palace of Luofeng in the distance is a reflection.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng brows slightly wrinkled.

"The blood is respected." Luo Feng silently recited.


"The **** sages will see you in the Holy Land of the East." The Lord of the Universe in the Holy Land of the East is a joy, and as long as they are the ones who inherit, they represent the entire Holy Land.

The blood is respected and smiles slightly toward the surroundings.

This inheritance is a great opportunity for his fate to change!

Before this, he was only ordinary in the East Emperor's Holy Land of the mighty cloud. He was the "master of the quasi-universe. One member was limited by the universe of the East Emperor. In the case of the existence of so many cosmos of the universe, they were a group of people. The Lord of the universe simply cannot break through, and cannot get a breakthrough in the supply of the universe.

From the sage to the Lord of the universe, the power consumption is amazing. No source supply is simply impossible.

He is a **** sage...

From such an awkward quasi-cosmic identity, it has become the most dazzling of the entire East Emperor's Holy Land, and its status is higher than any other cosmic master and the strongest in the universe! Even the first ancestor of the East Emperor's Holy Land personally met him, and even said to him: "The Rhinoceros Bureau solution also proves your potential... Even if you have not been passed down this time, you will get the best cultivation of my holy land in the future.

You don't need to be stressed... try your best! "If you are doing well this time!" Unlimited potential! "Even if I don't hesitate to pay the price, I will make you the strongest in the universe, and even let you out of reincarnation." "The promise of the ancestor of the East Emperor has long made the blood in the center of the **** sage look burning.

He is moving.

I don’t know how long the rubber is, and it burns again.

He feels that he is back to the age of hard work when he was young and full of fighting spirit!

"Becoming the strongest in the universe?"

"Isn't the original universe only able to breed the strongest in the universe? Is there a way for the ancestors? Yes! The East River left this vein, naturally it is hoped that the latecomers will continue to cultivate and improve, if it is the strongest in the universe. It’s too ridiculous, and it’s ridiculous. There are such means in ancient civilizations. The ancestors may have done a great price.

The **** people understand...

This is his biggest opportunity!

The opportunity to turn over!

Even if it fails, as long as it proves that the potential proves that the potential is super high, then the ancestor of the East Emperor will reverse the time and space to resurrect him and then train him.


"What is that Luo Feng?" "I have been quiet and endless years, are not qualified to enter the universe, mediocrity and so on is this opportunity! The opportunity to really turn over, I will definitely seize!" Indifferent, but the heart is really in a state of madness, this time the opportunity to come to him as if the drowning people are dead and seized!

Will ji love completely burned!

Burning life!

All the potential of all wisdom has broken out at this moment!

Black stone pillar space.

The sinuous black-grained stone column penetrates directly into the depths of the endless clouds, and the entire black-grained stone column exudes an endless amount of willpower to crush, as if hundreds of millions of blood-stained black armor rushed to roar.

Here, it is the responsibilities of Luo Feng’s will.

The genocide has been staying here for a long time, and there are no other strong people around. After all, there are 16 black stone pillars in the black stone pillar space. Almost all the strong people are around the No. 2 black stone pillar, so I can often hear Bellow. The explanation of the star owner. So Luo Feng is cold and clear.

A stone is separated from the huge rock, suspended in the air and slowly flies toward the black stone pillar, flying very slowly.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Endless roar.

The impact of the will, it is like a tide like a bo than a bo, madly crushing the will of Luo Feng.

When studying the Rhinoceros Bureau and the Secret Law in general, the genocide will fly to a boulder that is a little further away, and even retreat to the edge of the boulder, so that the impact of the will is small and does not affect cultivation. And when you sharpen your will, try to approach your limits. Under the limit, the will is hard to distract.


The stone began to creep and deform, becoming a man with a red luo, and the skin has a complex space.

If the genocide is killed in special circumstances, it will show "original shape". At this moment, there will be space secret lines on the skin. The original shape is the most relaxed and unburdened form of the genocide. At this moment, under extreme pressure, Even reaching a critical point, the murderer can't help but restore the original shape.



Luo Feng will be roaring.

In the roar!

He feels that he has to break through the limits and he is a little bit worse. He has never been closer to breaking through!

"Give me a breakthrough, ah ah ah ah!!!!!!!" Luo Feng will roar.

boom! ! !

Like a thunder!

It is also like an endless chaotic world that instantly evolves into a universe of hundreds of millions of stars, countless creatures!

Luo Feng’s will is cheering in the caper, a kind of sea screaming in the sky, and the dragons who are trapped in the shoal finally struggled out of the shoal and flew over nine days, arrogantly. An incomparable will is circulated from the devil's gang of the red luo.

"Ha ha ha" murderer body quickly condensed a black face, smiled.

"go ahead!"


The demon squad quickly advances and rushes to the black stone pillar, constantly approaching the new limit of challenge. As the approach time, the flow rate is constantly rising and getting faster and faster!

“12,000 times?” When Luo Feng felt that the time flow rate reached 12,000 times, he felt very hard and it was almost the limit.

"I heard that the most powerful beigu star owner, the time flow rate is more than 10,000 times ..............."

"It’s really people outside, there are days outside the sky." Luo Feng smiled.

Then I returned to the flight until I reached the time when the flow rate was about 6000 times. The will is oppressed here... It seems that Luo Feng is blowing in the wind, and it will only feel comfortable and will not affect the cultivation at all.

"I will change!"

"The speed of the powerful will to control the thinking, will greatly enhance the research of the Rhinoceros Bureau will be faster." Luo Feng secretly happy.

Will be handsome! Consciousness is a lot of generals! Divine power is a soldier!

Will of the will


Whether it is cultivation or fighting, there are great benefits.

At least for nowadays, once the East River is passed down, the will will break through, and the confidence will be greater, and the inheritance will be greater. Secondly, his own intentions finally broke through to the strongest of the universe, and the white-winged wing of the universe was also sure to recognize the Lord.

"Haha, the will to break through, is the Qianlong ascend to heaven." Luo Feng heart is very happy.

Since it has already broken through Luo Feng, all the energy will be spent on the Rhinoceros Bureau and the secret law, and the will will be suspended!


Obviously, when studying the Rhinoceros Bureau, I can instantly analyze the sentiments from more directions in an instant, and many inspirations come to my mind! The efficiency is significantly improved and the more backward, the more the strongest secrets of the ninth abyss and the Rhinoceros Bureau are more and more connected.

Printed on each other, the speed of research continues to soar.

Virtual universe.


The white robe man was surprised to turn to look at Luo Feng, not far from the side. "How long does it take to study the Rhinoceros Bureau? huā fee 3000 years, he cracked the 2000th Bureau, which was less than 11,000 years ago, he actually began to crack the 3000th. The game is over."

The original ancestors were very surprised.

Because every thousand innings is a new threshold, the difficulty is extremely high.

The first 2,000 innings took 3,000 years.

The original ancestor estimated that Luo Feng could be considered to be the 3,000th in 30,000 years, which is not bad.

"The 3,000th inning."

Luo Feng stood in front of the stereoscopic virtual shadow of the endgame and watched silently. In the giant axe small universe, the secluded sea is fully researched and cracked. At one time, the whole person has entered the state of perceptual peaks. At one time, hundreds of millions of thoughts are constantly emerging, and many inspirations collide one by one, and many problems are solved one by one.

Even when studying the secrets of the ninth abyss, the strongest method of study, can also be used to learn from the printing ...............

In fact, Luo Feng himself believes that if you want to create a secret law, and now you are the creator of the mysterious pattern, it is not difficult to create the most powerful secret method. It’s just that now I don’t have time to create a secret.


Luo Feng’s eyes lit up and his face smiled. @.

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