Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 24: All die

The ancient hall of the whole body is black, and only the nine crystal **** inlaid above the hall are faintly shining, shining through the hall.

When the 299 strongmen of Haohao dàngdàng flew into the hall, the Donghe River was sitting on the throne in the hall, with a smile overlooking the bottom: "Before you have reached the front shelter, you can start to contact the real Inheritance."


"Contact inheritance?"

Everyone knows that only one can get a complete inheritance, as long as it can get part of the inheritance, and send the message back before death, that is worth it.

"If you get some inheritance, you may have a way to get rid of the reincarnation. Once you find out the method... I will blew myself up, smash and fall, I will be able to continue to live in isolation. If I am attacked by this East River, I am afraid that it is true. Absolutely fallen." Especially the large number of strong people who broke through the first bottleneck thought so.

There were 299 people in the field, two of them broke through the third bottleneck, and five of them broke through the second bottleneck. Which of the following was passed down to get the first bottleneck of these breakthroughs? Being able to get some information, and seeing the situation is not good, it is the king.

Looking at the floating forces of the various ethnic groups below, it seems that they can't wait. The Dongdong River on the throne continues: "Don't worry, it is reasonable to say that you can contact the inheritance, only people... I still need to ask the last question."


The hearts of all parties are tight.

At the same time, it is really a lot of trouble to smash this Donghe. What do you ask at this time?

"All the other candidates are gone. I want to ask you the seven strongest people in the universe." The East River looked at the seven strongest people below.

The seven strongest, six are the first cycle of times, and one is the second cycle of times.

This time they were very disadvantaged, and even the performance in the Rhinoceros Bureau was awkward.

"If you are not right, you will not have the opportunity to contact the inheritance."

The seven most powerful people in the universe are shocked. How can this be...

"I don't want to give you a chance, but because I have broken the East River, I have special requirements for the universe that you have nurtured." Broken Donghe lamented, "Once the universe is born, the universe is born, it will be shaped, and the future road will be It is limited. If your small universe structure does not meet my requirements, then you are not qualified to accept the inheritance."


"The architecture of a small universe?"

"This this……"

The strongest of the seven universes is wrong.

"Other cosmic masters, cosmic lords, etc., weak, have not spawned a small universe." Broken East River "so they are nothing to get me to break the East River, I will get advice, know that the universe will be born How to structure. But you seven... have been finalized.

"Now I ask you, what is your cosmic structure?" asked Dongdong directly.


The seven strongest universes are hesitant.

They all want to know what the "cosmic structure of the East River wants..." and then deliberately fabricated the fake message, but it is not stupid to say that it is difficult to make fakes. The nicknames are a sigh of relief, but fortunately, the unlucky one is the strongest in the universe.

"No wonder, it is no wonder that the two holy places do not send the strongest of the universe at all. It seems that this break of the East River can make the universe's strongest inherited, but it is also extremely demanding, and has special requirements for the small universe structure. The two cosmos of the two great holy places have no small universe and talk about the universe structure." Luo Feng stunned.

"It turned out to be the case."

"The inheritance has requirements for the small universe."

The Lord of the Universe, the Universe and the immortal gods who are present are also long-sighted. They are not dangerous in this matter... but they are very interested in watching... want to know what the small universe architecture is all about.

"Say it." Broken East asked frowning. "I still hesitate, you, the first one."

The Broken East River directly points to the Lord of the Cloth.

When he was hesitant, he immediately said: "At the beginning, I broke through from the Lord of the Universe to be the strongest in the universe. In the inner edge of the small universe, I opened up gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, and thunder. Light, eight planes, darkly connected to the universe, to stabilize the entire small universe."

"Ordinary cockroaches..." Broken Donghe snorted and shook his head, "Next." His eyes fell directly on the second true.

The former 魔布魔主 was a big change in the face, then shook his head and sighed, it seems that it is not.

The second God is nervous and worried.

"I..." The second true man was hesitant, and directly fabricated a lie. "I opened up 10081 small plane spaces, each of which is connected to the universe and turned into energy space. And this 10081 space is also The structure forms a secret pattern of space, forming a sword shape."

"Just like this?" The East River looked at the second God.

The second true master is simply making up lies. When he listens to the Donghe questioning, he feels that there is a play. He even said: "Of course not. I have also opened another 10081 small planes, which are constructed into time secret lines and also formed into a sword shape. Time and space. Grinding each other..."

"It’s really a mess, if you are like this, your small universe has long been in a state of chaos."

Broken Donghe dumbfounded, "Next."

"Ha ha..."

Immediately, there was a strong person who couldn’t help but laugh. The second true lord snarled and looked around. He was indeed a mess, creating a purely imaginary structure. After all, when the universe was born, the internal structure of the universe was very Be cautious, no one dares to come. Although there are many ideas, they can be very cautious.

"When I stepped into the strongest of the universe, the kingdom of God became a small universe. Its internal structure is divided into eight marginal worlds, two core worlds, and the world architecture is extremely stable."

"Although it is stable, it is very difficult to make breakthroughs." Broken Donghe shook his head, "Next."

The strongest of these universes are racking their brains. They don't care about the real structure of their own small universe, but they are purely fabricating lies to try to reach the requirements of the East River.


"Haha, interesting, do you confirm that your universe is like this?"


Broke Donghe listened to the reply of the strongest people in the universe,--evaluation, after the last seventh God finished, Shudong Donghe shook his head and said: "Sure enough, in the absence of stronger instructions, pure chaos, want Méng's method of high-level cosmic architecture is really unlikely. You can't inherit from me, you can't inherit the East River. Your potential is too low. If you can solve the 6,000 games before... I will break the East River. A pulse is also willing to pay a great price, but you can solve the problem in general, and the potential is awkward... I am not qualified to accept the inheritance of the East River."

The seven strongest people look at each other and helpless.


This time they came to accept the inheritance is a great tragedy... The Rhinoceros Bureau has suffered a loss, and now it has been discriminated against.

The other 292 strong people of all ethnic groups were calm, even if they were the strongest in the first round of the era, perhaps the most powerful people in the universe who did not qualify to enter the group, but everyone can calmly face it. After all, This is not for one party... but the strongest of all the universe is not eligible to enter.

"I didn't expect that the small universe architecture is somewhat subtle." Luo Feng secretly said, "Yes, in the original universe... the best in the universe is the top, their small universe structure, who is better, who else? To be precise? Only when the birth of ancient civilizations is more powerful and super-existing, will it be clear that in the latter stage, that kind of cosmic structure is better."

This is the inheritance!

It is the experience accumulated by countless ancestors in the past, and the road that Mo has brought out, a road that can lead to the peak, for such a Tao... The ancestors of the past generations did not know how much to pay, so the inheritance and value of each peak cannot be Estimated. The ancestors of the two great holy places are all heart-warming, and it is normal.

"You are not eligible to enter the seven places." The East River sits on the throne and overlooks the top. "Except for the seven of you... all the candidates of the gods are not eligible to enter, and the eyes of the gods are the same." Everything is going to die."

"God eyes?"

Luo Fengyu.

"What?" The Lord of Deer Worms was also surprised.

"God eyes are not eligible to enter?"

"Impossible." The Lord of the Witch is a big change.

The whole god-eyed family is the second true Lord, the seventh true master, the lord of the sorcerer... and the lord of the shadow, the master of the hang-hang, who broke through the first bottleneck, all stumbled.


The seventh God immediately took out the Xeon to the treasure ice cliff, he himself immediately entered the ice cliff, and then the ice cliff quickly became bigger, the fortress on the cold and crystal clear mountain is very elegant and refined. At this moment, the seventh God is anxiously passing: "Speed ​​is coming!"

Suddenly, the second Lord, the Lord of the Witch, they were not surprised, and they immediately entered the Ice Cliff Fort.

It’s slow, but in a flash, the eyes of the gods include the two strongest universes. A total of 28 candidates have entered the ice cliff, and only a chilly ice cliff falls on the ground. Then an angry voice sounded: "Don't break the Donghe adults, why is it that my gods are not qualified to enter, or even die? Why do they treat them differently?"

"If you break the Donghe adults, you really don't want me to accept the inheritance of the gods. Why didn't you tell me the eyes of the gods at the beginning? Just like the Yi people, say the Yi people. I am not qualified to accept the inheritance. If you say it early... I don’t have to come in.

The eyes of the gods are indeed crazy, but they can also be angry. They also know that it is not too late to hide in the ice cliffs. After all, the ability of the strongest of the universe to renew the 'Supreme Treasure Palace' is even That breaks the East River, can break the East River, after all, it has already been awkward... The East Dong River, which has already fallen, is afraid that they can’t help them.

"Yes, why are the Dongdong adults broken?"

"Give us hope and let me wait for despair."

"At the end, we said that we are not qualified, saying that we all have to die."

One voice came out.

Obviously, the eyes of the gods are extremely angry.

The East River sits on the throne and overlooks the bottom: "This... is a request from a friend of mine, I owe him, and naturally promised him." @.

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