Swallowed Star

Vol 24 Chapter 38: Knife name

However, this Baoshan Mountain is built by three generations of ancestors. There are also many restrictions. Each inheritor can take out one of the meta-embryos because of the possession of the 'inheritance mark'... If it is not passed down to the imprint, it is simply not taken away from these treasures.

"Hey!" Luo Feng walked on this Baoshan Mountain and watched as he walked.

A road of glory, power can be strong, once its own power can break out, I am afraid that the strongest of the universe will be killed in an instant, but because of the special restrictions on Baoshan, each piece of embryo is controlled to suppress.

"Thinking weapons!"

"Melee weapons!"

"A lot of strange weapons!"

"This, this belongs to the machine." Luo Feng looked at one by one, such as a giant fortress like a ball, the true original volume can rival the universe! This giant home... has 18 levels of attack units, and the secret lines of each level attack unit are blank, and all users need to fill according to their own research.

There is also a strange hull, which is actually a huge ‘refining factory world, which contains many conditions for refining the treasure.

There is also a golden egg, which is a terrible "桀姆蛋" in ancient civilizations. After the birth of the eggs, the eggs are very weak, but they have unlimited growth. If they are cultivated... they can follow the worm-like sea tactics. Taking the elite stream, it should be said that it is better than the 'Zerg mother's ability to cultivate the ability to cultivate. It does not know how many times. Its value can completely rival a meta-embryo...

There is also a huge humanoid machine, which can be used as a armor! Can also be used as a mech, can also be used! Different uses ... also determine how to transform the design of this humanoid machine, etc., its numerous internal parts have not been attached with secret lines, and even many places can be disassembled and modified, full of possibilities.

In ancient civilizations, the main divisions were melee, far attack, machinery, refining, and miscellaneous. The first four belong to the mainstream, and the clutter is the convergence of all kinds of peculiar means.

And each class can be divided into many kinds.

The details of melee and far-off weapons are complex and not much to say. In the mechanical category alone, there are many tactical genres such as 'mechanical sea tactics', 'ontology tactics', 'fortress tactics', etc. The meta-embryo of different tactical genres is also different. On this Baoshan Mountain alone, there are 72 kinds of metaphytes in the mechanical flow.

"It's no wonder that the mechanical flow of ancient civilizations is so powerful." Luo Feng looked at a mechanical flow meta-embryo, and his eyes were very high. "This power is too great, even in many aspects, such as secrets, secrets, etc., can rely on machinery... ...can completely kill the enemy."

"Unfortunately I can only choose one."

Luo Feng stood on the mountainside of Baoshan and looked at a tall stone knife.

This stone knife... is like a huge rock carving, and it is extremely tall, although it is inserted in the mountainside... But the position of the stone knife is generally higher than the top of the entire Baoshan mountain. The whole stone knife exudes the brilliance of the sky... The shape of the stone knife makes Luo Feng like it at a glance.

"In the meta-embryo, there are 3 pieces of knives, and there are machete with wide knives and thin ones like flaps. I like this one." Luo Feng is more and more like it, "I grew up I like the blood shadow knives, but the handle ratio is bigger, and I can hold them with both hands."

"It's it."

Luo Feng immediately stepped forward, holding his breath, and then slowly reached out and touched the huge stone knife.

Just touched.

The entire giant stone? Immediately, a thin film appeared on the surface, and there were countless lines on the film... Compared with the pattern in the iceberg seen by the previous understanding knife, it was obviously more complicated.

"Boom ~ ~" The entire Baoshan trembled, and the corners of Baoshan began to shine, and the lines of light illuminate, and the film on the giant stone knife shines.

Luo Feng’s eyebrows also emerged as a bearing mark.

Resonance is formed.

Followed by all the film, the light is dissipated, Luo Feng's life imprint has been [Baidu Post Bar first] branded on this giant stone knife.

"Yuan embryo, it takes a huge price to make it." An old voice rang in Luo Feng's ear. "The current is the East River... Remember, it will be your life's partner, your life and death, and be kind to it." ”

"This voice..."

Luo Feng gave a slight glimpse. "Is it the three generations of the founder of Baoshan?"

"Small! Small! Small!" Luo Feng's heart moved, and suddenly the sturdy stone knife quickly began to shrink, and for a moment, it was reduced to about half the length of Luo Feng.

Luo Feng’s heart was excited and looked forward to seeing the knife in his hand. The original rock shape was shrinking... Those original huge rock patterns were smaller like a delicate scabbard pattern. Yes, the so-called rock shape... actually The scabbard and the handle are the same color as the rock.

"Hey!" Luo Feng gently pulled the knife.

The blade is out of the sheath!


The invisible edge of the blade immediately caused a space knife mark in the surrounding space.

"This, this is the inheritance space." Luo Feng was shocked, the inheritance space is a precious treasure, the interior is extremely stable, even if the basic inheritance before the creation of the knife "Nirvana Freshman", when the drill, a knife is just a The space is rippled. It is impossible to cut.

And now the blade of this knives makes the space visible to the naked eye...

This is terrible!

"Even if you don't show the secret, this sword is placed there, the Lord of the universe, whoever dares to touch will be hurt." If Luo Feng is surprised by the secret pattern given to the knife, the power is driven, and the power can be more terrible. ”

"So a sword..."

"The first secret, it is my strongest knife... Nirvana freshman!" Luo Feng feels that using "Fog Void" "Golden Universe" is a knack for this knives, and it can be easily carried out by himself. There is no need to attach the "Golden Cosmic Mystery" to the above, and "Niepan Freshmen" has this qualification.

Luo Feng Shenli drive.

Suddenly, the sharp knife body of this knives began to show secret lines, and the secret lines appeared, which made the whole knives have a mysterious and special charm.

"This is the first heavy secret." Luo Feng whispered.

"I really started fighting and killing in this life. The first knife used... is the blood shadow!"

"This knife embryo, I will really accompany my life until I reach the peak, or until I fall." Luo Feng bowed his head and stroked the knife. "That's its name... also called blood shadow." The shadow of the blood shadow knife leaves a simple Chinese character... blood shadow!

From growing up to now, I have used a lot of swords, but they are constantly changing with the strength. Now I finally find the knife that I will use all the time!

Blood Shadow Knife!

"The blood shadow knife is strong, I am listed in the difficulty, unless you want to kill the opponent, otherwise it is not good." Luo Feng secretly, this knife embryo... is the only one that he obtained after he was the current East River. Weapons are also extremely rebellious weapons. Without any secrets and divine powers, they will cause cracks in the surrounding space, and they are already comparable to the main power of the fifth-order top universe.

Looking at the cosmic sea, even if it is a strongest treasure, if it is not driven, it may not be so strong.

This is a treasure that truly overrides ‘Xeongbao,’ even a mere secret! Power can still be big and incredible.

"The predecessors of the East River in the past, you look down on those strongest treasures, but also put in the inheritance space." Luo Feng helpless, "except for the most precious many embryos, even a piece of Xeon to treasure." The stone of memory left behind by the river is clearly recorded.

In the past, the East River was only given to a single embryo.

As for other treasures? Many other means of treasure? It is necessary to break the Donghe himself to fight! After all, if the ancestors left behind treasures, then the offspring need not fight and do not need to win, then they can not grow up.

Luo Feng, a silver armor, left the treasure space and came to the main space of the entire ‘transmission space’.

Standing in the air.

"Come on!" Luo Feng included his hand, and immediately flew in the distance, flying to Luo Feng in front of him. This is an octagonal brand. This is the core of the control of the tomb.

"Dangdonghe in the past, there is no mechanical left in the inheritance space."

"It is a boat of tombs, it is a machine."

"And my 弑 Wu Yuyi can also be regarded as a machine."

Luo Feng easily refining the control core of the tomb.

If you carefully judge the treasures of your own body, the most precious nature is the 'inheritance space' and the 'blood shadow knife' followed by the Star Tower and the Wu Wuyi wing, followed by the tomb of the tomb.

Among them, Wu Yuyi and the tomb of the tomb are all mechanical.

The boat of the tomb is naturally needless to say, even if its own strength is not strong, it can also control some dangerous organs in the tomb of the tomb... no doubt mechanical.

Wu Wuyi, belongs to the 'ontology tactical class' machinery!

This type of machine is generally used to assist the user, making the user more competitive. If Wu Wuyi Wing is only six pairs of wings, and there is no 'source', then it can only be regarded as the treasure weapon! There is a difference between the ‘source’, 呃...similar to the engine and energy storage unit.

The power of the mighty is transformed into a terrible energy through the 'source', and then sent out through the self-color wings of the six pairs of wings!

Yanbing domain.

The boat of the tomb suspended in midair, suddenly


It disappeared out of thin air.

A silver armored boots man with a stone knife appeared out of thin air.

"Listen to the chaos city teacher, it seems that the East Emperor Holy Land, the Purple Moon Holy Land, there are strong lurking in this area. It seems to catch the inheritors." Luo Feng eyes swept around, the tomb of the tomb, the inheritance space is naturally closed up It is.

"I can't be afraid of them now."

"Hope... don't force me to use a blood knife."

Luo Feng immediately turned his hand, and there was a blood-colored tower in front of him. It was the change of the Star Tower. Luo Feng immediately flew in and flew directly to the far away from the Star Tower.

Enlighten the "Nirvana Freshman" trick, that is, using the mad demon to destroy the gods, there are five top-level combat power!

If it is even more terrible than the strongest treasure... blood shadow knife!


"Now, I may not be able to fight the strongest in the universe. But the strongest in the universe can't kill me." Luo Feng is very confident, "I will be the master of the universe, the weakness of the power of the power...

Inheriting Luo Feng from the Donghe River...

Once the Lord of the Universe, it is destined to be the most terrible cosmic master of the universe. Before the Lord of the universe was only a sixth-order division, but because of the existence of Luo Feng, I am afraid there must be a division of seven or even eight orders!

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