Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 1: Humanity

The giant axe universe is one of the two large and small universes owned by mankind. Because the original ancestors were pressed by the town early, the evolution of the initial universe was incomplete, and the number of human beings living in the 'initial universe' was not much, more mainly Peerless geniuses and strong people gather in the initial universe.

The giant axe universe has already evolved completely, and there are many ordinary creatures in life.

"what happened!"

"Heaven, the sky is cracked!"

In one of the spaces of the giant axe universe, the families of many families and the large number of elites who were absorbed by the giant axe were shocked and panicked.

I saw the original quiet sky, but at this moment it was a huge crack, and the earth began to collapse, and the space trembled, and sometimes space cracks occurred. Some unlucky humans were affected by some space cracks, or the body was half lost, or simply The whole 湮呃"

The rumble ~ the earth cracked a huge crack.

"Fast, fast, each gather, don't run alone!" A king stood immortal in the air, full of anxious, then brushed successive teleports, and directly collected a batch of humans into his world ring.

In this space.

A total of 12 cosmic sages, 399 transcendental kings immortal, are rapidly accepting many important elites of the human race, and ‘Hong’ is one of them.

"Teacher, the space began to collapse, and quickly took the elite of our family away, and then went to the main space to gather, fast." Hong’s mind echoed the former brother, and the highest position in this space is also the founder of the giant axe. The pro-disciple of the disciples... the voice of the Iron Wall.

"Yes." Hong Lian Yingdao.

It is also a rapid teleportation, which will bring a large number of human elites into the world ring, but it is anxious, worried, fearful and chaotic.

"The teacher gave me a letter of help, but actually turned into a non-main believer." Hong Xinzhong shocked and felt that the sky had collapsed. "This is what the teacher gave me. There is a teacher's life mark, but now it has become a master." And this small universe is the teacher's small universe, and now all the space in the universe is beginning to collapse, sad... The teacher is really fallen?"

Hong anxious.

He is very clear about the importance of his teacher ‘the great axe founder’ to the human race, which is the only strongest person in the universe! It is the true pillar of the human race! But now, this pillar of Optimus has broken and collapsed!

Cangjie escaped.

Hong has only collected the most important human elites in the world ring. Many family members with lower importance have only received half of them. The order has been ordered: "Hurry to the main space, and then you can't go faster, faster. fast."


"All! Fast!"

Order it.

Although the cosmic sages and the immortal kings are not willing to look at the many human beings in the collapse, those human beings are crying:

"Save us!"

"Save our Nuovars!"

"Take us together!"

"Take my child, take her!"

However, in the shouts of desperation, the immortal kings and the cosmic sages did not dare to hesitate, because their respective world rings have the important elite of the whole giant axe battlefield. If they hesitate, they carry the elite. And they are afraid that they will never go away.

brush! brush! brush!

In the space of the corner collapse, Hong, a group of them existed and fled to reach the main space. And just a few seconds later, the crash spreads directly to the transmission channel.

One enters the main room.

Hong, they saw the figure of the three dragons as the Lord of the Golden King, the Lord of the Tibetans, and the ancestors of the ancestors.

"Fast, fast."

The Lord of the Golden King and the Lord of the Treasure are the masters of the universe of the great axe battlefield. The ancestors are also the 'top cosmic hegemons'. Even if the small universe collapses, the chaotic airflow in the universe sea infiltrates, they can still live. . Many cosmic and immortal gods do not survive in the cosmic sea environment.

"Come in."

"All gathering!" The Lord of the Golden Gold ordered a simultaneous teleportation, and at the same time kept a famous king and the universe.

Hong, who had just arrived in the main space, was soon directly absorbed by the owner of the virtual gold into the world ring. He only felt that the heavens and the earth had changed, and the scenery had changed, and everything was calm.

On the plains of the sky.

Standing on a famous human being, not the immortal king of the king, it is the cosmic sage, and thousands of people gathered here, but they are all scared and unbelievable in one eye, apparently not yet relieved from the shock.

"Teacher." The Iron Wall Supreme stood by and looked at Hong, and said, "Is there a change in the letter of help from the teacher?"

Hong nodded slightly: "Nothing."

"Your is also coming..." The Iron Wall is ugly, "Is the teacher really... the teacher is so strong, but the strongest in the universe!"

“The spaces in the small universe, including the main space, are beginning to collapse.”

Hong also looks pale, "teacher he..."

And the collapse of the giant axe in the small universe main space.

The three masters of the virtual gold, the lord of the treasury, and the ancestors of the ancestors stood in midair, and cracks appeared in the membrane wall of the entire small universe in the distant place. The 'chaotic airflow' originating from the universe began to penetrate, but this is The most pure chaotic airflow, unlike the chaotic atmosphere of the original universe.

"Fast, let's go to other spaces to look for it, see if we can save some people." The Lord of the Golden Gold ordered.



The three of them immediately dispersed and teleported toward each other.

This time because of the urgency, when they issued the order, they first saved the "elite". These elites are the elites selected in the original universe. They got this training! It is a great potential... so save them first, then save them. The families of the great families are the families of the cosmos of the great axe, or the family of the universe.

"Boom ~ ~" The entire land of 100 billion kilometers in diameter began to split and collapse. A huge piece of space was detached. The space debris was also full of some land. Some land was still struggling, when they saw it. When the Lord of the vain gold appeared, he was very excited.

The Lord of Virtual Gold has moved forward and rushed into space debris to save a batch of people.

Virtual universe, independent plane.

On both sides of the long table in front of the Great Axe Temple, a famous cosmic master sat down again and looked grim, and every master of the universe felt the invisible and terrible pressure.

"Virtual gold, how is the situation in the giant axe universe?"

The Lord of the Golden Sighs sighs: "Only it is possible to protect the immortal, the universe, and an important group of genius elites. As for the other large numbers of human beings, there are a large number of billions of humans in all major families... just to have time The protection part. I and the sacred, and the ancestors of the ancestors continue to save, and should be saved, but that is a small batch that survived."

"It's good to save the elite." Chaos City Lord Zheng focused on the head. "The giant axe universe began to collapse. So some dead humans are only a small loss to my entire human race. But morning... if we don't deal with it, the future The loss, I am afraid that it will be tens of thousands and billion times!"

Luo Feng, they all trembled.


What to do in the future, ah!

"There is no doubt that the fall of the giant axe is catastrophic for our human race." Chaos City Lord is low, "The original map is fake, who is the layout! And the axe is why he is in the dark place." It’s going to fall... These are mysteries, I know, everyone wants to figure out and even want to avenge the giant axe. It’s for the human race... all this has to be left behind for a while!”

"Check the murderer, revenge is the future, you can understand?" Chaos City Lord looked at the presence of the universe.


"What is important now is the fate of mankind!"

"Although I want to make it clear, but we are not strong enough to find out that it is the strongest in a certain universe, we have not done it." One of the cosmic masters nodded.

They are the highest level of the human race. Before the giant axe founders were on top of them to shelter them from the wind and rain, many things were easy. But now the founder of the giant axe has fallen... No one on them can only rely on their old cosmic master to deal with it, so it must be considered from the perspective of the entire human race.

"Well." The chaos of the city saw it, and it was a sigh of relief. It was important to unite at a critical moment.

"The giant axe is wounded." Chaos City owner solemnly said, "The small universe collapses. Many people in my human race know that other ethnic groups, such as Zerg, mechanical, and Yao, have spies in my family. I believe it will last too long. Then you will know the news! What's more... In the cosmic sea, the strong people are swaying in the universe, and I am afraid that they will soon discover that the 'big axe small universe' has begun to collapse and collapse."


Each one is focused.

They all understand.

The human race is so large that some spies are purely controlled by the soul, and they do not say that they can't do absolute isolation. Just saying that the universe repents... The giant axe begins to decay and collapse, and I believe that it will not be long before it will be seen by some of the cosmic masters in the universe.

As soon as you see it, the entire universe will understand that the founder of the giant axe has fallen!

"The strongest in the universe has a great influence on the ethnic group."

"They can control the vast area, can appear in many places in a short time, and can also resurrect the cosmic hegemon." The chaotic city owner solemnly said, "There is no strongest person in the universe... the ethnic group is hard to do with its own protection, we humans How can other ethnic groups not see the important territory occupied by the ethnic group?"

Zerg, demon, mechanical, human...

The four ethnic groups are the best in the entire universe! The creatures born here are more potential! Just like the desert area where the mountainer lives, there is no such thing as a potential creature. The reason is that the original universe is vast, but some territories can produce more powerful people, and some territories are not.

So, there is a fight.

The four peaks of the peaks occupy the best of the four.

"And not to mention the competition in the territory, the endless years have never stopped." Chaos City owner solemnly said, "Only Luo Feng got the inheritance of the broken East River, before the giant axe is okay. But now the giant axe fell ... who Do you want to break the East River and pass it on? So we must be prepared for the war!"

"You remember, when the giant axe fell, we humans have been forced to enter another era, a more difficult era!" Chaos City owner solemnly said. A new chapter begins!

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