Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 10: Killing Penggong

The 12 cosmic lords who were just full of self-confident and self-confident demon, were immediately hit hard, when the sly black pyramid was suspended at high altitude, releasing a burst of black ripples, which were scattered towards them. The black ripples easily penetrate their armor and body and begin to affect their souls.

"What happened, it seems, no, no strength."

"The will, the will cannot be concentrated."

The lord of the ban, such as the Lord of the Promise, knows that the Lord of the Universe is not good. This trick, 'Darkness and Sinking', is a group of offensive tricks, and it is also attacking them at the same time... so they are not completely indulged. But this kind of weakness, the will can not concentrate, even if they bite their teeth and burn the magical battle, they feel that the strength can only play half!

"No fighting!"

"The will is also affected."

"The state of being uncomfortable." Just when they felt extremely uncomfortable.

Endlessly golden light and snow white sand wandering, began to appear in the surrounding ten-year-old region, if the ‘dark indulge’ is the influence of the will and soul level, so that their strength is greatly affected. The combination of the 'Golden Kingdom' and the 'Snow Sea Sea' is a huge bond on the material level! It seems as if countless ropes are tied to each of their cosmic owners in a circle.

"It's the field!"

"In the field of Naluo, how is his silver wing still there?"

"Have his silver wings not left in the ninth abyss, how are they now--" The realms of the cosmic masters are easily crushed, and within the ten-year range, everything is endless. The icy snow white sand floating under the golden light, this bondage, their strength is once again sharply reduced.


The darkness of the darkness and the **** of the field, the two strokes will make the average of 12 universe masters only play 30% of the combat power! Among them, the will of the ban, such as the ambassador, will be affected by the ‘the strongest of the universe’, and it will be affected by six or seven percent. And some of the strength is weak, such as the Lord of the Sirius, the strength is afraid of only one or two percent.

"The Lord of Penggong, the Lord of Darkness, your two teams will join hands to deal with the 12 Lords of the Universe." Luo Feng through the field, instant voice, "Dream ancestors handed me this team!"

"it is good."

"it is good."

The Lord of Penggong and the Lord of Darkness immediately responded.

Luo Feng stood on the front of the ship of the huge tomb of the tomb, and rushed directly to the 12 cosmos of the Yaozu. At the same time, the dream demon screaming and roaring, its body swaying to the ‘black prison tower’, trying to force the dark Lord to stop the trick of “darkness sinking”, but at this time...

"Luo Feng!" The giant snake head of the dream demon ancestors looked at the boat of the tomb that flew at a high speed. Knowing that it was not good, the 12 masters of the universe had been strongly influenced, and if they were again Luo Feng, the head of Penggong, etc. Siege, what else?

"Get out!"

The huge body of Haotian, because it is too big, can easily attack the Black Prison Tower, the Lord of Penggong, and the boat of the Tomb. I saw it with a tail and slammed it directly into the tomb of the tomb.

"Come on!" Luo Feng’s eyes standing on the ship lit up, and the boat that had originally rushed to the tomb of the 12th Lord of the Universe suddenly changed direction.


The boat of the tombs suddenly began to skyrocket, hundreds of millions of kilometers, trillions of kilometers, and instantly reached the level of the body of the dream demon. In the early years of the ice field, when the five gods of the gods were used to display the eternal true God attack, Luo Feng quickly rose by the boat of the tomb, and it broke the eternal true God.

This boat of tombs, but the ancient civilization of mechanical flow treasures, on the power of arrogant, etc., comparable to the strongest treasure is also strong.

"Peng Peng Peng ~~~" A huge ship, a huge silver snake.

Both are about a light year in size.

So two giants collided directly in this silent starry sky.

"吼~~~" The dream demon squatting, but she soon realized that it was very stupid to compete with the tomb of the tomb. The speed of the tomb of the tomb was almost unabated, and the entire silver snake was directly hit. flight.

"Luo Feng!!!" The dream demon ancestors suddenly made angry calls.

Because just as the boat of the tomb was soaring, Luo Feng suddenly left and disappeared, rushing to the distant universe of 12 demons! I saw the huge silver wings that unfolded... It was like a dazzling blade, and it screamed and killed the 12 universe masters.


Luo Feng plans to deal with the dream demon ancestor together with the tomb of the tomb. But as soon as the dream demon ancestor did not shrink the volume, it still looks at the huge volume and seems to be prepared to resist hard. Luo Feng simply goes directly to the 12 universes. The Lord killed, but a divine incarnation to control the boat of the tomb.

The boat of the tomb is a machine, and the handling is very easy.

The Broken East River has long since died, and only one virtual consciousness can be manipulated. As long as Luo Feng provides some divine power, it is natural to control it.


The 12 Lords of the universe, the moment of the moment, fell into desperation.

Darkness, shackles!

And the Lord of Penggong, Luo Feng, the Lord of Darkness, all killed, who knows when these three shots, will those lurking human universe masters act together? The other side has a strongest treasure, especially the ‘black prison tower’ is entirely possible to suppress them.

"Catch in quickly!"

"Hide into the ship."

The 12 Lords of the Cosmos did not dare to come, and immediately hid in that huge ship.



"The demon ancestors!" The 12 Lords of the universe also sought help.

If they are one-on-one, they are definitely not worse than human beings, but who knows that the human side has a strongest treasure, and the weakness of the Xeon to the treasure... they are completely at a disadvantage when they first hand in hand.

"吼~~~" In the distance and the tomb of the tomb, just a confrontation is in the wind, the dream demon ancestor, raising the snake's first scream, it is also very stupid to entangle with the tomb of the tomb, so only after a confrontation Although it is not willing to change its strategy immediately, it only sees its body shrink rapidly!

From a light year, it quickly became a silver snake with a length of only 100,000 kilometers.

Before it became so big, it was to force the entire strong team of the human race with one's own strength! Then let the 12 demon universe masters join forces to sweep the human team.

But the reality... but ridiculed it, the other side of the tomb of the tomb, the black prison tower, which is equivalent to two pieces of the supreme treasure to the palace, so that it can not be overcome, the previous plan naturally failed.



After becoming a silver snake snake with a length of only 100,000 kilometers, the speed of the dream demon ancestors immediately rose, and instantly broke through the limit speed of the speed of light. The naked eye could not observe it... It was only possible to explore the terrible by virtue of the power and field. Extreme speed.

"This is the strongest in the universe!"

Luo Feng, the Lord of Penggong, and the Lord of Darkness all sighed in the heart.

They had plans before the battle, so they didn't think that they could deal with the Yaozu so easily. Once the 'Dream Demon' was reduced, it could be detached from the speed of light... It was unstoppable and could not bind it. It can immediately reach any key point on the battlefield.

"Get out!"

The silver snake screamed and slammed directly into the black prison tower. The bangs ~~~ The black prison tower rolled and flew away.

Luo Feng and Peng Gong’s Lord have not even flown to the huge ship.

"It's too fast." Luo Feng and Peng Gong's Lord looked at each other.


I saw the silver snake dream ancestor directly hit the black prison tower, then hovered in midair, the 12 universe masters in the huge ship flew one by one, all fell in the neck position of the dream demon ancestors, The gods are kept at around 10,000 kilometers.

"Human!" The dreamy ancestors' cold eyes glanced around, "I stunned you."

"However, without you, the strongest of the universe, the control of the battle is in my hands! Now... I decided to deal with you one by one." The dream ancestors swept away and immediately fell into Penggong. On the Lord, "The first one is you!"


The dream demon ancestors moved instantly, and the speed was terrible.

The owner of Penggong is roaring, and the Yankee stick in his hand slams up to a million kilometers, and then sweeps away in a mighty way~~~ Time and space breaks, the crowbar directly and the tail of the dream demon ancestor When they collided together, the dream demon ancestor was shocked to fly backwards, and the head of Penggong also flew a little.

"If it is in the sea of ​​the universe, will you be my opponent?" The dream demon ancestors roared, "full shot!"

"Yes, demon ancestors."


"Dead, Penggong."


The body of a famous demon universe in the neck of the body attacked at the same time. For a time, it was attacked by a remote mind weapon, or a large knife was cut away, or the soul forced attack, or illusion. The attack also fell on the distant Penggong Lord.

"The darkness sinks!" The flying black prison tower once again released an endless black ripple, wanting to influence the 12 universe masters.

"Town!" Luo Feng sang low.

The golden kingdom and the snow-sand sea also oppressed the past.

"All break open!" The dream demon squatting, suddenly the whole body's divine power, a time around the time and space are twisted and turbulent, powerful power shocks, shocks again and again, even forced to oppress the 'golden country, snow sand sea 'Everything is suppressed, even the black ripples are suppressed.

The 12 Lords of the Universe are not affected at all.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

For a time, their attack also fell on the head of Penggong. Although the Penggong Lord tried to use the Yankee to resist many attacks, he was still beaten. After all, when the 12 universe masters were truly unaffected, they joined forces. At the time, the strength of the game is really more terrible than the best in the universe!

"Ha ha ha, you, is the first fallen!" The dream demon squatting, the speed soared to a terrible level, directly rushed to the head of Penggong.

It, dream demon!

And the 12 demon universe masters, once joined together!

Even the owner of Penggong owns the Yancun... and only has to be sealed by a seal!

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