Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 25: Fierce

The black prison tower and the female palace, the two great palaces of the Xeon to the treasure have erupted a terrible swallowing power.

The masters of the universe in the two camps are also completely violent.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Both sides are completely caught in the fight phase.

The triad of the triad is the head of 112 Ming universe, plus the avatar, more than 120 bodies!

The human camp is the master of the 92 universes (plus the Lord of the Darkness), plus the avatars, and more than 100!

So many cosmos of the universe are gathered together, countless attacks are gathered together, and the energy level is constantly changing and skyrocketing! The attack power of both sides has reached nearly eight levels... and the strongest in the universe is only the sixth-order top. As long as it is bombarded, it will be far from being bombarded.


"Kill this group of demons, zergs, and robots!"

"I haven't killed it with the Zerg, so many of the cosmos of the universe are attacking together. This is really too, too happy." A cosmic master is completely excited.

When hundreds of gods and bodies are used together, the range of millions of kilometers in front of them completely forms the 'energy field'. Like the most powerful people in the universe, they burn the power and make the divine power transpiration, which can bring the golden world around the small range. ''Snowshahai' is driven out.

Not to mention the power of the unity of the hundreds of cosmos.

"Hang ~ ~" "Boom ~ ~" enemy's crazy attack, when it entered this energy field, it was consumed by madness.

Whether it is a divine attack! Soul attack! Illusion attack!

Everything that has not touched the cosmos of these universes has been directly ruined by their collective attacks.

"Too powerful, so many of our cosmos masters are too powerful.

This, even the strongest of the universe is nothing. ”

"A top-level treasure, we have been hit together, it is estimated that we must be broken."

"Of course, it must be broken. Before the triad coalition camp did not know which idiot, a knife crossed the void, the top-level weapon was directly shattered."


The cosmic masters of both camps are very happy to kill.

After all, are they only when the Lord of the universe can explode such powerful power? Even the strongest in the universe have to stand by

This kind of attack that exerts the power of the heavens is indeed full of pleasure.

Both sides, the means of attack displayed, or just displayed, will resist the enemy's attack in the surrounding 'energy field'. Some are rushing out of the energy field, killing the enemy camp... and then ruining it in the energy field of the enemy camp.

100 people in the human camp

Less than the three tribes.

Mainly to prevent more attacks!

Can at least hold up the defense to resist, or no problem.

"I will join forces to attack." The father of the mechanical family immediately voiced, "The Lord Luo and Penggong are scared to hide in the boat of the tomb."

Since they don't come out, we are staring at the group of cosmic masters attacking! Shock angle, dream tea, queen

We attack together and assist the Lord of our universe. ”

"it is good."

"I will join forces, then our attack on Weineng will break through the eighth order, and even higher."

"The opportunity to kill some of the Lord of the universe, this battle, we will win."

The four strongest people in the universe made a decision in an instant.

I saw the mechanical scars of thousands of people in the dark universe. Although they were surrounded by the tombs of the tombs, they couldn’t help but the boat of the tombs. The whole army of the squadrons simply ignored them, but they all roared. Opened his mouth, directly spit out a curved streamer, tens of thousands of curved streamers, all combined with each other.

Finally gathered into a sharp arc.


The arc sweeps toward the black prison tower.

"Go!" The serrated shell of the beast 'The Demon Lord' roared, and only a sharp cone became a dark storm, directly rushing to the Black Prison Tower.

"Human!" The dream demon screams - the sound, the huge snake's mouth shot a blue afterimage.

"Hey!" There was a dazzling golden light under the attack of the Lord of the Universe.

For a time, the four strongest cosmos were all shot.

The strongest in every universe is equivalent to 10 cosmos, and the four strongest are at the same time.

... so that the tribal coalition camp from 120 gods, instantly soared to 160 gods like power. After mixing the attack of the four strongest, the energy has once again changed, and it completely surpassed the eighth order.

"Booming ~~~~"

Endless attacks are coming.

The ‘energy field’ of the genius of the genocidal universe is instantly compressed to the former tenth of a range, violent attacks, and even the attack of the genius of the genius of the genus, can not rush out of the energy field! Can only rush to resist defense.

"too strong."

"Can't stop.

"When this goes on, there will definitely be problems. Once we are resisting the energy field, there are flaws and loopholes that will make the violent attack sweep in. There must be a fall of the universe."

"Can't go on like this." The human camp was panicked.


In the face of overwhelming attacks, 100 gods need to resist the power of 160 gods. The more the number of strong people, the more power, so the strength gap between the two sides is estimated to be two or three times. . This makes the human camp side completely supportive.

"Under this kind of persecution, even if there is no loophole, the consumption of the gods alone, as long as the loss of 50% of the gods, the strength will be only one tenth! With the consumption of the gods, our combat power will continue to drop... and the three tribes have The four most powerful people, on the war of consumption, consume a long time, the four strongest fears can easily maintain the sixth-order top-level combat."

On the side of the human camp, since it is not stupid to be the master of the universe, it understands the situation is sinister.

Inside the tomb of the tomb.

Luo Feng and Peng Gong’s Lord just saw the main battle of the two parties’ camps. Only when they were emotional, they saw that the four strongest people also joined together...

"Luo Feng! Penggong! You can't go on, there may be a leak here." The Lord of Darkness screamed.

"This has just been engaged, not to the one." Peng Gong said, "How long does it take to fight now, the Lord of our universe, the gods should have nothing to consume."

"Don't talk nonsense." The Lord of Darkness is also anxious. "You try here. The attack power is too strong. Once you can't defend it, you have to be the Lord of the universe. If the time is long... With the loss of the gods, our resistance will become weaker and weaker. Luo Feng, when is the counterattack?"

"Peng Gong, together!" Luo Feng frowned, directly shouted.

"Okay." Peng Gong's eyes cleared, but it was flashing crazy.

The speed of the bang ~~~ tomb of the tomb was soaring, and the tri-family coalition camp that rushed directly to the distance rushed over. The boat of the tomb was so vast that those mechanical shackles could not stop it. See the cemetery of the tomb. Come, the sturdy mechanical father of the gods immediately stopped the attack of the squadron.

"The earthquake angle, dream tea, queen, you continue to attack the people of the human camp universe. This Luo Feng and Peng Gong, give it to me." The mechanical family father voice.

"it is good."

"Mechanical, blocking them both."

"Be careful of Luo Feng, he got the inheritance of the East River, maybe there are strange treasures.

The father of the mechanical family said: "Reassured, I have never relaxed."

I saw that the thousands of mechanical cymbals were also around the tomb of the tomb. When the speed of the tomb was soared to a hundred times the speed of light, hundreds of times the speed of light.

The same is true of those scars. When the entire tomb boat is about to touch the black oval sphere.


The boat of the tomb has disappeared from the air, and the heads of Luo Feng and Penggong have appeared in midair.



As soon as they appeared, both of them exerted attacks at the same time.

"Broken!!!" Luo Feng waved the blood shadow knife, and the blood shadow knife became crazy. From the length of tens of thousands of kilometers before, it quickly soared to hundreds of millions of kilometers... "The more the tip is, the bigger it is, the more the handle It is still as small as this. This huge blood shadow knife, regardless of those mechanical shackles, is to kill the enchanting ancestors and dream ancestors who are together!

"The Zerg Queen, come on a stick!" The Yankee stick in the hands of Peng Gongzhi also skyrocketed, and poked directly toward the direction of the female palace in the distance!

One knife, one poke!

The two did not care about the mechanical shackles, but attacked the demon ancestor, the dream demon ancestor, and the female palace.

What is the existence of the demon ancestor, the dream demon ancestor, and the Zerg empress? It is clear that the key to the success of this battle is the Lord of the universe on both sides! Therefore, they simply ignored the attack of Luo Feng and Peng Gongzhi, and continued to madly sway their respective powers and rushed to the main prison of the human base of the Black Prison Tower.

The blood shadow knife is on the demon ancestor, the dream demon ancestors?

If the sixth-order top attack can hurt the strongest in the universe, it is a joke, just throwing away the two cosmic strongest people.

"Don't care about the two humans." Zhen Yaozu voice, "Mechanical, they have a tomb of the tomb, you can not entangle them...

In this case, simply leave them alone. Sixth-order top attack? Oh, I can't hurt us at all. We just attack the group of the universe. ”

"Yes, the people of the universe in the human camp have begun to be a bit turbulent. As long as there is a slight leak, there must be a fall of the universe. Then they will die more and more... This battle will win." Zerg The Queen also voiced.

"Good." The mechanical father also ignored Luo Feng and Peng Gong.

This suddenly made Luo Feng and Peng Gong's Lord anxious and angry, but they were helpless. After all, the original universe suppressed the attack power of the strongest, but did not suppress the defense ability.

"Luo Feng, Peng Gong, now the main body of many universes is more than 95%, can continue, the loss of the body will be bigger and bigger. And now the defense has been very difficult!" The Lord of Darkness anxiously conveyed.

"I and Luo Feng are also anxious! But the four strongest are too cautious, even if they have such a big advantage, they still have not left the masters of the universe. Now they are rumbling.

... It is difficult to capture all the two masters of the universe in one fell swoop, even if you capture one place, it is difficult. "The main voice of Penggong.

Luo Feng is also anxious.

The cosmic master of the tri-family coalition camp is divided into three places, there are 80 in the female palace, 16 in the ship of the demon, and 16 in the oval sphere of the mechanical father! Although Luo Feng can't discern the exact quantity, those strong people are standing on the edge of the hole and at the edge of the hatch, so they can see the quantity faintly.

Luo Feng wanted to give one pot to the master of the universe, guarded by the two demon ancestors and guarded by the mechanical fathers.

But now...

"I can't take it anymore. If you go on, you won't win, you may lose." Luo Feng bit his teeth, and said, "Counterattack!!!"

The second is more!


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