Swallowed Star

Vol 25 Chapter 42: Sudden burst

茫茫 The original universe, divided into two camps.

The gathering point of the human camp is the original secret, and the gathering point of the coalition camp is a **** star.

90% of the blood stars, the vast sea area, and at this moment, there is an ancient big ship floating in the **** sea of ​​stars, on this big ship, is gathering the most powerful group of the original universe, they are Together, sipping the most precious wines, the rarest foods...

"I am waiting for the cooperation, what is the little human being?"

"Freedom League? It's so loose, it's just united under the oppression of the two camps. Waiting for the war to take over... You look at it, that the Freedom League is definitely splitting inside, and it's not even an opponent." There is a great existence, scattered and sit down, and talk about it.

They are the demon sacred demon ancestor, the mechanical family father, the Zerg queen, the prisoner ancestor, the sage lord, the founder of the black sage, the erectus of the universe, the demon god, the northern ally, the ancestor of the starry sky.

They already account for the majority of the strongest of the entire universe.

"I will wait for the synergy, and many of the most powerful and powerful treasures will be combined to give the strongest strength. Even if the Freedom League and the human camp are united, we are not without a chance."


"You can panic, the old guy who is sitting on the mountain, didn't join, and didn't join on both sides! I don't know what the mountain rider is thinking about? If he joins, to sit on the mountain, then the secret layer does not show the poor means, then Combining the many masters of the universe that we have left, we can fully use many means, and the chances of winning will be greatly increased."

"You don't know this." The ancestor of the starry sky was there, and his tail stretched out of the big ship and entered the sea directly. "The relationship between the mountain and the Luofeng is much deeper than you know." ”


“Sit on the mountain and Luo Feng?”

"what relationship?"

One by one, I was surprised to see the ancestor of the stars.

"Teacher and apprentice!" Stars ancestors glanced around and said these two words.

Suddenly, the strongest of these universes couldn’t help but be shocked.

At the beginning, the mountain singer did let the star ancestor not leak news, unless Luo Feng had the power of self-protection. Now Luo Feng has the power of self-protection... He said that he is not offended by the mountain. After all, from the bottom of his heart, the deeper the exchange between the ancestor of the starry sky and the mountain, the more he is afraid to sit on the mountain.

But this time, he was very dissatisfied and angry!

He believes that it is a benefit to be a teacher of the mountain! After all, the most important relationship in the universe is the mentoring! For the mountain rider...

How can the star ancestor not be embarrassed?

"It turned out to be the case."

"The mountain occupant originally made the disciple of Emperor Sui, and now he has made this Galaxy lord who is more powerful than Sui Emperor."

"The hateful mountainer, he must have been passed down from his disciple! It is no wonder that I invited him, he simply did not participate!"

"This guy, always get the first benefit early."


They are a group of people at the highest level of the original universe. Over the years, they often have battles with each other and have some understanding of other strongest people. But they are sitting on the mountain

They all have envy, but they are jealous of complex emotions. Sometimes I have to ask for the mountaineer.

No one knows how strong the mountain is, but only knows that the mountain passengers have never had a hard time with them. They always have some auxiliary means and teased them.

Just as the greatest existence of this group of primitive universes, they talked loudly on the big ship, talked about the battle of the camp in a while, talked about the universe sea in a while, talked about other strongest people in a while, and talked about the best when they were talking, suddenly - the mechanical father God's streamlined tall body stood up violently.

The father of the mechanical family, although often in the elliptical black sphere, can also have the same body, but he takes the mechanical flow method, usually stays there, safer, and can fight to play stronger strength. .

However, in the original universe, he played the most advanced six-level combat power, and his deity appeared normal.

"You!" The Zerg Queen also showed a shock.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

The founders of the Black Emperor and the Devil of the Devils looked at them one by one. They were all puzzled. What caused the Zerg Queen and the mechanical father to be so rude.

"I just got the news." The voice of the father of the mechanical family is powerful and powerful. "The League of Liberty has established a unified idea and joined the human camp."


"Join the human camp?"

"not good."

One by one, the color of the face changed greatly.

Before, many of the most powerful and strongest people joined, and the coalition camp was no match for the alliance of freedom and humanity. However, there are many strongest ones and many Xeons, and the sisters of the Star Alliance.

... can completely fight together. However, it is too difficult to fight like this. After all, the strength will be similar.

"Immediately, no, act now, let's go now!" The ancestors of the starry sky slammed low. "I don't care, our coalition camp will immediately set off and directly kill the human core factory."

The original secret. ”

"Old beast god..."

The strongest one looks at the ancestor of the starry sky.

"Yes, the old beast is right."


"Yes, it is time to act."

How high is their wisdom, even if the ancestors of the stars do not say they will think.

"The Freedom Alliance has just unified its ideas. I am afraid that some of the messages that humans have given them have not yet been received... They have not yet fully assembled. I immediately waited to kill the original humanity, and the two camps fought for a very short time. Come, maybe we are all over.


"Hurry up all the time."

Everyone thinks so.

They all understand that if human beings and the Free Alliance are united, then this war will be painful, and it will probably become a protracted war and a war of attrition! It is hard to say the ending! After all, the convergence of humans and the Freedom Alliance represents the two mysterious two "mountain riders" and "primary island masters" in the original universe, plus a Luofeng that has been inherited from the East River. .

This battle is full of variables.

They are also reluctant to fight the war of war and the battle of change.

Must be quick and fast!

"It must be fast and fast, end this battle as soon as possible." They are also anxious that they are very clear that the speed of the free league will actually be very fast, a transmission of the kingdom of God, plus a teleport, fear of it. So it is too difficult to end the battle before the Freedom League.

It’s just that they have to do this. This is the only way to solve the battle quickly.

"The old beast god, your starry behemoth alliance is based on the previous plan or..."

The demon ancestor looked at the ancestor of the starry sky.

"I don't care about other plans. Now we have to concentrate on the power, overwhelming humans in one fell swoop, and finally catching a group of human beings." The ancestor of the starry sky was low.




Once in action, each one is naturally very fast.

Like the old beast god, the trespassing ancestors, etc.

Although the appearance is the same as the deity, it can actually be manifested in the avatar. Their deities have begun to command the legion in their respective communities.

Just three minutes later.

Blood tooth outer space

In the sky of the comet, there are a huge collection of giants. At the same time, there are eleven giant palaces, and the eleventh universe is the strongest, and each of them leads about 40 universes. the Lord. Every palace is a combination of the strongest and about 40 cosmic masters!

The eleventh strongest in the universe, it is the enchanting ancestor, the dream ancestor, the mechanical father, the Zerg queen, the prisoner ancestor, the crystal lord, the northern ally, the star ancestor, the founder of the black sect, the erect, Virtual God!

The last time the tri-ethnic coalition fought against humanity.

Why can't Luo Feng be taken away by the group of the universe protected by the father of the mechanical family? It is because the father of the mechanical family has been in the elliptical black sphere, and has always protected the group of the universe. Even if the masters of the universe were attacked by the will of the ‘the ancient god’s eye, they would not resist much, and the father of the mechanical family could resist.

just now.

The coalition camp is so dry, divided into 11 teams, each team has a strongest universe leader! The ancient gods can only attack at most one team, and even if attacked...

There is the strongest person who is guarded by the side and is safe and sound.

"This battle!"

"What I have to do is to kill the original mystery of mankind. Then, we will use the means together, and the human camp in one fell swoop will completely collapse. Then we will rely on the female palace of the Zerg Queen to smother the people of the human camp."

"All the masters of the universe."

"In order to talk about the group!"

"for the future!"

"Departure, the original humanity!"

Along with the sounds of the fathers of the mechanical family, the 11 powerful behemoths of the entire coalition camp, almost at the same time, while spreading the transmission of the Kingdom of God, leaving.

The coalition camp did not take the initiative to attack, just because it was waiting for the reaction of the 'freedom alliance'. After all, if the Freedom League has not made a choice, they will immediately attack humanity. Then one

The Freedom League must be furious, because the coalition’s camp will do so, and the benefits of the Freedom League will be lost. The Freedom Alliance will soon join the human camp.

Before the fear of forcing the Freedom Alliance to join the human camp, dare not act.

Now that I have received a secret message, I have confirmed that there is a unified idea within the Freedom League. To join the human camp, naturally no longer.

The same moment, the human domain, the original secret.

The main hall.

A group of human beings of the universe gathered here, laughing and talking with each other.

"The Freedom Alliance has unanimously thought, and soon they will come together collectively. Once they have arrived, the Lord of the Universe will be assigned again...the coalition camp will have no chance of victory."

"Ha ha..."

They are all waiting for a large group of cosmos owners of the Freedom Alliance.

"The coalition camp will not get the news, and then seize the only time difference, immediately attack it?" The lord of the prince suddenly said, suddenly the hall was quiet.

“Reassured.” Penggong’s owner smiled. “That’s the highest level meeting of the Freedom League. It’s all about the cosmos of the universe. It’s their own interests. We just notified us when we made the decision. Are they still stupid? Notifying the coalition camps? Are they not afraid of getting a message?"

The voice almost fell.

“Not good!” Chaos City’s face changed greatly and shouted, “Immediately, all the cosmos of the universe, immediately assembled, ready to fight!!!”

The sound is loud and resounding in the ears of every universe in the heart of the original mystery.

Today is Monday, tomato is asking for a ticket! There are people who recommend tickets every day, I hope everyone can support!

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